View Full Version : E15 , got this back in response to my asking him to not to support the new E15 rules

10-14-2014, 02:36 PM
Not real sure it addresses my concern, and it was a long time coming.

In light of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposing a "clean power plan" rule, I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on my efforts to fight this economically harmful effort.

As you may know, on June 2, 2014, the EPA proposed in the form of a rule, emission guidelines for power plants. I am deeply concerned that this rulewould have a devastating impact on electric reliability and affordability in Texas. Over one-third of electricity in the Lone Star state comes from coal, and accordingly these rules could very well increase electricity prices. But this rule should come as no surprise. After all, as a presidential candidate in 2008, ***** was very clear that as part of his green agenda he wanted to go after power plants which in his own words would mean that "electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

In response to the EPA's effort, I cosponsored the Protection and Accountability Regulatory Act (H.R. 4813). This bill would repeal this EPA rule. I also signed onto a letter (http://mail.twc.com/do/redirect?url=http%253A%252F%252Fsamjohnson.house.g ov%252Fuploadedfiles%252Fepa_letter_final_with_sig natures.pdf&hmac=3569cf627bef176fcd03dfed52f310c7) along with 84 of my colleagues to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy questioning the legality of the proposed rule, opposing its implementation, and asking the EPA to fully withdraw the rule.

Furthermore, I recently voted for the American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs and More American Jobs Act (H.R. 2), which passed the House on September 18, 2014, by a bipartisan vote of 226-191. In addition to supporting domestic energy production, this bill would prohibit the EPA from issuing any rule that is projected to hurt the economy. This bill would also approve the Keystone XL pipeline, which has been held up by this administration for over six years.

Unfortunately, the cumulative effect EPA's actions poses a serious threat to affordable energy and jobs. More specifically, the EPA's actions could force power plants to shut down, harm the reliability of the electricity grid, and raise the cost of energy on American consumers. Rest assured that I will continue to fight against such actions.

Thank you for your time. Please visit my website and sign-up for my monthly e-newsletter at (http://mail.twc.com/do/redirect?url=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.samjohnson.hou se.gov&hmac=057165774a67d59de7c19cb00ca97bae)www.samjohns on.house.gov (http://www.samjohnson.house.gov) to learn more about other issues impacting the Third Congressional District of Texas. You can also find me on Facebook (http://mail.twc.com/do/redirect?url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.facebook.com% 252FRepSamJohnson&hmac=0befd160573ff80f5f31a3f44311a421) and YouTube (http://mail.twc.com/do/redirect?url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%2 52Fuser%252FRepSamJohnson&hmac=412983616b6bb8a335359ed602eee4d8).
Member of Congress

10-14-2014, 04:30 PM
Hate them both. Fuel additive companies must love them though.

10-14-2014, 05:02 PM
Keep up the good fight!

Joe T.
10-14-2014, 05:29 PM
More farmer's welfare. Farmers are the largest group of Welfare Queens in America.


Joe T.

10-14-2014, 07:30 PM
What does this have to do with spyders? Shouldn't this have gone in the Off Topic Board? It also seems kind of political to me and I don't think it should be on our forum.


Art Mann
10-14-2014, 10:16 PM
A law that dictates the use of a gasoline/alcohol blend of 85/15 will have a profound effect on Spyder ryders as well as a majority of other vehicle owners on the road. It is a political issue because law makers are trying to force this on the public without evaluating the unintended consequences. It will be even more of a political issue if this standard is imposed as a presidential mandate without lawmakers voting on it.

10-14-2014, 10:32 PM
I'm sorry you feel that way joe t,. I come on Spyder lovers to read about the Spyder that I ride and love, and to get info along the way from fellow riders. I not going to start an argument with a comment on what you said, but will say I am a farmer and grow corn and soybeans and also work a full time job along with my wife working full time to try and make ends meet. I don't get any welfare that you speak of. One thing I will say is some time when your in southern minnesota please stop by and I would be glad to show you what it takes to make this farm work. Like I said I don't want to start an argument, just would like to show you our side of things. Thanks for listening Troy.

10-15-2014, 12:37 AM
What does this have to do with spyders? Shouldn't this have gone in the Off Topic Board? It also seems kind of political to me and I don't think it should be on our forum.

E15 fuel is not good for our engines, for that matter neither is E10

Maybe the post is in the wrong section, Lamont feel free to move it.

E15 is a political issue, but so are helmet laws and Motorcycle only checkpoints and noise regulations.

This is an issue that is being fought by the AMA (American Motorcycle Association) on the behalf of all recreational vehicle owners, including Spyders.

Lamont, not that you need it but you have my permission to remove this post if you feel it should be, but if you do I respectfully request all posts on the above mentioned subjects also be removed.

My original post was only posted for the purpose of information to members of this forum, not to start some controversy, I think there has been enough of that on this forum recently.

So if you bring nothing but drama to the table don't be surprised when everyone else get up and leaves

10-15-2014, 07:35 AM
More farmer's welfare. Farmers are the largest group of Welfare Queens in America.


Joe T.
Here we go again :banghead:

Bob Denman
10-15-2014, 07:38 AM
:agree: :shocked:
Joe has obviously never worked on a farm...

10-15-2014, 08:11 AM
Tough job.

10-15-2014, 11:58 AM
From firsthand experience, I can tell you that farming is very hard work. In the 1960's I worked on my grandfather's farm hauling hay on his farm & surrounding farms. There were four of us, and we worked from before sunup until after sundown. We had to get 1,000 bales a day at 20 cents/bale in the barn. Good money, but the work took it's toll. BTW, my grandfather never took a penny from the government. None of the surrounding farmers did either. His closest brush with largess was when the state was widening the highway and was buying fill from neighboring farms. When approached by the state to buy fill, He said "I ain't got no fill to sell, but you can have all you want for free if you dig me a tank, hit an underground spring, let it fill & stock it with bass". I still chuckle when I remember the look on that guy's face. Over the years I caught many a bass from that pond, and boy were they good. Farm welfare in those days was helping your neighbor when the need arose. Today's farm welfare is giant agribusiness companies receiving subsidies from the government and grinding small farmers under their heel.

Joe T.
10-15-2014, 01:44 PM
I'm sorry you feel that way joe t,. I come on Spyder lovers to read about the Spyder that I ride and love, and to get info along the way from fellow riders. I not going to start an argument with a comment on what you said, but will say I am a farmer and grow corn and soybeans and also work a full time job along with my wife working full time to try and make ends meet. I don't get any welfare that you speak of. One thing I will say is some time when your in southern minnesota please stop by and I would be glad to show you what it takes to make this farm work. Like I said I don't want to start an argument, just would like to show you our side of things. Thanks for listening Troy.

Humm. OK, your opinion.

In Kansas, farmers and ranchers, as long as they own at least 10 acres of 'agriculture' land, do not pay any significant property taxes. (I can't speak for Minnesota.) The Kansas Welfare Queens pay, on average, less than $25 an acre.

Curious, what do you pay in property taxes, per acre, for your farm/ranch land? Don't confuse the question with your home, etc.

Joe T.

Joe T.
10-15-2014, 01:47 PM
:agree: :shocked:
Joe has obviously never worked on a farm...

And what is the relevance of that statement? Have you ever dug ditches? Have you ever done other manual labor? What is the difference between that and working on a farm? Have you ever 'thrown hay?' (BTW, farm work) I have done all of those jobs, like many on this board. It was a REAL motivation to go to college and become an engineer.


Joe T.

Bob Denman
10-15-2014, 02:06 PM
Why yes; I have. :D

I've dug ditches, and I've thrown hay. It's a tough life! nojoke

"More farmer's welfare. Farmers are the largest group of Welfare Queens in America."

A blanket statement such as the one you made; leaves little room for the folks who work hard, don't take hand-outs, and helped to feed this Nation.

10-15-2014, 03:22 PM
:popcorn: Keeping my opinions to myself here.

10-15-2014, 03:46 PM
My brother & I grew up working on a farm here in NY. In 1990 or so went in together to raise beef in Kanas. Never got anything from the gov't or any other handouts. Hard work all year long. Go out & feed and break ice in the dead of winter and see for yourself before making blanket statements like that, cause they are not worth a hill of corn shucks coming from you.

10-15-2014, 04:02 PM
Wow, what I don't understand why make any negative post. What does that accomplish except to make someone else mad. There are many threads on this forum. If you don't like what you see or are not interested in just move on to another. I started a thread on old motorcycle pictures. It didn't stir any interest (except to me lol) so I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on. Sometimes we just need to get over ourselves. My 2 cents. :cheers:


10-15-2014, 04:20 PM
I guess this topic should have been in the Off Topic section because that seems to be what most of the posts are.

Question, what happens to all the responses if I delete my original post, because that is what I am thinking of doing?
Nothing constructive is going on in this thread, and I am tried of all the negativity.

Opinions are like a**holes everybody has one and I guess so does every thread.

I will be deleting this thread unless it gets back on track or dies, and I may anyway.

I thought that the response from my Congressman might have been of interest to some of you, I thought wrong.

I am against the forced E15 usage, but just because I am, doesn't mean any of you have to be.

I grew up on a farm in a farming community and watched my Grandparents and parents work themselves into early graves, so I was lucky enough to get out because of the Vietnam war and the US Air Force. I still have family that are farmers and worry about their health, a 3am to many times after dark 6 days a week work schedule takes its toll.

I'm done now.

Cruzr Joe
10-15-2014, 04:44 PM
More farmer's welfare. Farmers are the largest group of Welfare Queens in America.


Joe T.

You might miss a few meals if there were no farmers.

But this should be on OFF TOPIC Board

Cruzr Joe

10-15-2014, 05:01 PM
Not real sure it addresses my concern, and it was a long time coming.

In light of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposing a "clean power plan" rule, I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on my efforts to fight this economically harmful effort.

As you may know, on June 2, 2014, the EPA proposed in the form of a rule, emission guidelines for power plants. I am deeply concerned that this rulewould have a devastating impact on electric reliability and affordability in Texas. Over one-third of electricity in the Lone Star state comes from coal, and accordingly these rules could very well increase electricity prices. But this rule should come as no surprise. After all, as a presidential candidate in 2008, ***** was very clear that as part of his green agenda he wanted to go after power plants which in his own words would mean that "electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

In response to the EPA's effort, I cosponsored the Protection and Accountability Regulatory Act (H.R. 4813). This bill would repeal this EPA rule. I also signed onto a letter (http://mail.twc.com/do/redirect?url=http%253A%252F%252Fsamjohnson.house.g ov%252Fuploadedfiles%252Fepa_letter_final_with_sig natures.pdf&hmac=3569cf627bef176fcd03dfed52f310c7) along with 84 of my colleagues to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy questioning the legality of the proposed rule, opposing its implementation, and asking the EPA to fully withdraw the rule.

Furthermore, I recently voted for the American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs and More American Jobs Act (H.R. 2), which passed the House on September 18, 2014, by a bipartisan vote of 226-191. In addition to supporting domestic energy production, this bill would prohibit the EPA from issuing any rule that is projected to hurt the economy. This bill would also approve the Keystone XL pipeline, which has been held up by this administration for over six years.

Unfortunately, the cumulative effect EPA's actions poses a serious threat to affordable energy and jobs. More specifically, the EPA's actions could force power plants to shut down, harm the reliability of the electricity grid, and raise the cost of energy on American consumers. Rest assured that I will continue to fight against such actions.

Thank you for your time. Please visit my website and sign-up for my monthly e-newsletter at www.samjohnson.house.gov (http://www.samjohnson.house.gov) to learn more about other issues impacting the Third Congressional District of Texas. You can also find me on Facebook (http://mail.twc.com/do/redirect?url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.facebook.com% 252FRepSamJohnson&hmac=0befd160573ff80f5f31a3f44311a421) and YouTube (http://mail.twc.com/do/redirect?url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%2 52Fuser%252FRepSamJohnson&hmac=412983616b6bb8a335359ed602eee4d8).
Member of Congress

Kudo's to your efforts. I support you and your quest 100%. The EPA is a rogue government entity with no congressional oversight and/or control.

10-15-2014, 05:04 PM
What does this have to do with spyders? Shouldn't this have gone in the Off Topic Board? It also seems kind of political to me and I don't think it should be on our forum.


It DOES affect Spyders and all other forms of gasoline powered transportation as well as your freaking electric bill. You don't want to see it or read it? Then just IGNORE it. I for one think it has a heck of a lot of bearing and in any case I do not think anyone's post should be censored regardless of content no matter that if "offends" thin skinned crybabies.

10-15-2014, 05:05 PM
A law that dictates the use of a gasoline/alcohol blend of 85/15 will have a profound effect on Spyder ryders as well as a majority of other vehicle owners on the road. It is a political issue because law makers are trying to force this on the public without evaluating the unintended consequences. It will be even more of a political issue if this standard is imposed as a presidential mandate without lawmakers voting on it.

Right on!

10-16-2014, 06:07 AM
I guess this topic should have been in the Off Topic section because that seems to be what most of the posts are.

Question, what happens to all the responses if I delete my original post, because that is what I am thinking of doing?
Nothing constructive is going on in this thread, and I am tried of all the negativity.

Opinions are like a**holes everybody has one and I guess so does every thread.

I will be deleting this thread unless it gets back on track or dies, and I may anyway.

I thought that the response from my Congressman might have been of interest to some of you, I thought wrong.

I am against the forced E15 usage, but just because I am, doesn't mean any of you have to be.

I grew up on a farm in a farming community and watched my Grandparents and parents work themselves into early graves, so I was lucky enough to get out because of the Vietnam war and the US Air Force. I still have family that are farmers and worry about their health, a 3am to many times after dark 6 days a week work schedule takes its toll.

I'm done now.

No need to apologize and no need to move the topic. You were correct to make the post. It pertains to Spyders directly as well as other motorized vehicles.

10-16-2014, 08:02 AM
#1 cause of drama is trolling.
#2 cause of drama is folks taking the bait.
#3 cause of drama getting off topic.

Please stay focused.

I am against E10, E15, and others because of the differential in cost to the user. Gas stations sell E10 because their profit margins are higher than when selling 100% gasoline.

Bob Denman
10-16-2014, 08:04 AM
I also prefer my alcohol over ice... :D

The Bakerman
10-16-2014, 08:32 AM
I liked your post, and I do believe it has an effect on all of us Spyder riders, along with the rest of the country. We should all be this involved in issues like this. Kudos to you for putting it out there. Keep it up.

10-16-2014, 05:57 PM
Doesn't look like you got much of a reply to me . You ask about E15 and get a form letter rant about coal fired electricity . The last time I checked it was refineries that made gasoline . Typical response from a congressman . ( P.S.......don't forget to sign up for his newsletter ).:gaah:

10-17-2014, 10:03 AM
:popcorn: Keeping my opinions to myself here.Not me. I am voicing my opinions LOUD AND IN CAPITAL LETTERS. If someone doesn't like it, they can just go pound sand.

Bob Denman
10-17-2014, 10:54 AM
"I also prefer my alcohol over ice... :D"

...But I'll take it in lower case letters, and quietly... :roflblack:

10-17-2014, 03:50 PM
"I also prefer my alcohol over ice... :D"

...But I'll take it in lower case letters, and quietly... :roflblack:
I prefer Jim Beam neat.

10-17-2014, 04:04 PM
Not me. I am voicing my opinions LOUD AND IN CAPITAL LETTERS. If someone doesn't like it, they can just go pound sand.

GOTCHA, I LIKE J. D. NEAT. Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh! Another disagreement. :roflblack:

10-17-2014, 07:23 PM
GOTCHA, I LIKE J. D. NEAT. Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh! Another disagreement. :roflblack:
If we mixed 'em we'ed have Jack & Jim extra neat.

Illinois Boy
10-17-2014, 07:45 PM
Humm. OK, your opinion.

In Kansas, farmers and ranchers, as long as they own at least 10 acres of 'agriculture' land, do not pay any significant property taxes. (I can't speak for Minnesota.) The Kansas Welfare Queens pay, on average, less than $25 an acre.

Curious, what do you pay in property taxes, per acre, for your farm/ranch land? Don't confuse the question with your home, etc.

Joe T.

Seriously? Here are the facts on Kansas real estate taxes straight from the state's own website. Seems to me agri-land pays some of the highest rates in your state. Only utility use pays a higher rate.

According to Kansas statute, real property is land and all buildings, fixtures, improvements, mines, minerals, quarries, mineral springs and wells, rights and privileges appertaining thereto, except as otherwise specifically provided.

How is real property classified and assessed in Kansas?

Article 11, Section 1 of the Kansas Constitution provides that: Real property shall be classified into seven subclasses and assessed uniformly by subclass at the following assessment percentages:

Real property used for residential purposes including multi-family residential real property and real property necessary to accommodate a residential community of mobile or manufactured homes including the real property upon which such homes are located..11.5%

Land devoted to agricultural use which shall be valued upon the basis of its agricultural income or agricultural productivity pursuant to section 12 of article 11 of the constitution 30%

Vacant Lots.12% (Res. or Commercial)

Real property which is owned and operated by a not-for-profit organization not subject to federal income taxation pursuant to section 501 of the federal income taxation pursuant to section 501 of the federal internal revenue code, and which is included in this subclass by law..12%

Public utility real property, except railroad real property which shall be assessed at the average rate that all other commercial and industrial property is assessed..33%

Real property used for commercial and industrial purposes and buildings and other improvements located upon land devoted to agricultural use..25%

All other urban and rural real property not otherwise specifically sub classified.30%

Procedures used to determine appraised values for land devoted to agricultural use are beyond the scope of this publication.

Public utility and railroad property is state assessed and beyond the scope of this publication. Information in this publication does not apply to state assessed property.

Illinois Boy
10-17-2014, 07:52 PM
What does this have to do with spyders? Shouldn't this have gone in the Off Topic Board? It also seems kind of political to me and I don't think it should be on our forum.


While this was posted in the wrong thread, I certainly do not see anything wrong with it. JMHO

Ethanol fuel additive, and most particularly E-15 is a very hot topic on just about any motorcycle, boating, and other recreational motor product site. It is a known fact E-15 will be harmful to each of these types of machines and people want to know any information about the subject matter -- especially how legislation is moving forward on the matter.

As mentioned, AMA and other respected organizations are working on making the legislators aware of the subject, and those who will be affected by it.

Members should, however, refrain from making any political comments/posts to the matter. That is where a thread like this can cross the line, at least the line of rules for Spyderlovers.com