View Full Version : Today Is Gold Star Mothers and Family Day, 2014

Dan McNally
09-28-2014, 08:04 AM
Today is Gold Star Mothers and Family Day . . .

We have members, here at Spyderlovers, who are part of this . . . my heart goes out to those who have lost children in the military . . . ValCruzSpyder, I'm proud to have you and your wife as friends . . . and remember her son in my prayers, especially, today.

09-28-2014, 04:28 PM
Thank you for this reminder. Gold Star families occupy a special place in my heart and prayers. May the sadness associated with their loss be tempered by the fondness of their memories.

09-28-2014, 04:43 PM
Prayers, condolences and heart felt appreciation.

We all have much, to never take for granted.


09-28-2014, 06:06 PM
Today is Gold Star Mothers and Family Day . . .

We have members, here at Spyderlovers, who are part of this . . . my heart goes out to those who have lost children in the military . . . ValCruzSpyder, I'm proud to have you and your wife as friends . . . and remember her son in my prayers, especially, today.

Thank you SO MUCH for posting this -- I just returned from a Gold Star Mothers Remembrance Ceremony hosted by Post 202 American Legion Ladies Auxiliary and Post 202 American Legion Riders Honor Guard. We honored five local Gold Star Mothers, four of which were able to attend. It was AWESOME -- to visit with these ladies and their families that have sacrificed so much is just beyond words.

The theme of our ceremony: I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag And My Heart To The Soldier Who Defends It.

Here is a picture of our cake: 95956

I must say, I am proud to have been a part of this -- as new member of the Post 202 American Legion Ladies Auxiliary and Post 202 American Legion Riders, it was an honor.

All the best ..... Ann

09-28-2014, 06:32 PM
My heart and prayers go out to all those Mothers who have lost their Child....

09-28-2014, 10:34 PM
Thank you for the reminder. I have been in the military for quite some time. And my heart goes out to them. I have been a CAO too many times, and 6 weeks ago I was assigned another family as their CAO.

If you dont know what CAO stands for or what they do, I am thankful you dont. For these families unfortunately they know all too well.

I will put this out to any of them and their family members.

I know as the time passes from their tragic day, there may be items that they receive, days, months, and years down the road. If they ever have issues or questions about anything. Be it paperwork, how processes work, and even who to contact if they need anything done on the military side. Please feel free to contact me at anytime day or night. Just shoot me a PM and I will be more than happy to give them my phone number and email so we can talk by whichever method the family would like to.

Once in the family, always in the family

09-29-2014, 12:07 AM
As a Blue Star family, we most certainly honor and respect those families who have lost a son or daughter in military action. As President Lincoln said, it is the last true act of devotion of a patriot, to give his life for his country. Like M109, I can assist anyone with questions: see number below. God Bless

09-29-2014, 01:49 PM
As a PGR member and as a person, the Gold star Parents are never far from my mind.
Please, never forget the price of Freedom