View Full Version : Goldwing almost causes accident with me

10-09-2008, 12:57 AM
The motorcycle population is growing in this new housing area we live in. First time I have seen this Goldwing that I can remember. Noticed huge headlights flashing in my mirrors from the last stop sign I was at and didn't think much about it. Next stop sign, they were right behind me as I was leaving to get on the I-10 entrance. I'm proceding through a rather sharp series of "S" turns looking for my spot in the traffic and start to glance one more time in my mirrors, but BAM...right beside me, in a narrow 1 lane entrance ramp is one of those newer Goldwings trying to pass me on the inside. I hammered it and looked in my mirror and the guy didn't come close to holding the turn and had shot the apex for that speed way too soon because I was there...he would have hit me for sure. I looked back between visually scouting my merge and he made it, but that thing was really leaning. Not 5 seconds later, I am in traffic and same thing, I look back, but he's already in the left lane scowling at me. It's in the transition time when the mornings can be a little icy, but reach 85+ by 9am...He's all scrunched forward behind his windshield in a T-shirt, weaving through traffic in a double fine construction zone. And they say sportbikes are bad???

10-09-2008, 01:08 AM
Where are the highway patrol officers when you need them??? It's a jungle out there.

10-09-2008, 10:43 AM
I havent had any problems with bikes but the one that drives me crazy is when people pull up next to me and try to ask questions at while driving down the road.

10-09-2008, 10:43 AM
Theres always an A-hole werever u go there just not in cars :(

10-09-2008, 10:47 AM
Just a upscale crotch rocket junkie on a goldwing..

10-10-2008, 09:19 PM
I have had a few pull up in my blind spot and hang there, gawking. :shocked:
If traffic permits I punch it and leave them in the dust. But more than likely there is a car I would like to pass in front of me and they have me blocked in. I have been tempted to use my 1 finger wave at them. :D
So far I have refrained in hopes that their own drool will get in their eyes and they will have to slow down.


10-10-2008, 10:49 PM
My favorite response is to the question... "What do they run?" (of course they're asking how much do they cost?) My reply, "Gasoline, except in Quebec. There they run on Maple Syrup." Always get weird looks as they walk away, with me giggling.

10-11-2008, 12:45 PM
I have had a few pull up in my blind spot and hang there, gawking. :shocked:
If traffic permits I punch it and leave them in the dust. But more than likely there is a car I would like to pass in front of me and they have me blocked in. I have been tempted to use my 1 finger wave at them. :D
So far I have refrained in hopes that their own drool will get in their eyes and they will have to slow down.


The only time you would leave a Goldwing in the "dust" would be because of choice, not chance, by the Wings operator. The Goldwing is a 6cyl bike with 108.8 hp at the REAR WHEEL. It can do the 1/4 mile in 12.78 sec @ over 103mph. Ask me how I know? My riding buddy has a 2008 wing and I'd be the one left in the dust !!


10-11-2008, 07:11 PM