View Full Version : Oh well...

08-07-2014, 02:09 PM
0730- Phone rings. Neighbor "did i wake you up?"
me "yeah, but I had to get up anyway".
Neighbor "did you hear anything this morning?"
Me "Just Kris snoring. why?"
Neighbor "You didn't hear gun shots?"
Me "No"
Neighbor "Guy was shot trying to break in the storage shed behind the trailer down the street"
Me "Really, what happened?"
Neighbor "Young girl heard a noise, saw the shed door open, went out and yelled at the guy, he started after her and she shot him 3 times".
Me "Good for her. Is he alive?"
Neighbor "They air evaced him to Vidant".
Me "Good, sorry she wasn't able to finish the job".

Left for an appointment @ 0930. Trailer is three doors down from us. Deputies all over the place. Young lady is on the front porch with family/friends. Came home, deputies and the High Sheriff himself are there as are news crews. Found out full story. Sheriff said no charges, self defense. She shot him one time, center mass with a Glock 380. There is more to this, but I'm not going in to that. I really don't know the young lady that well other than to wave to when she is outside. I feel sorry for her having to do what she did. But glad that she had the cojones to do it.

We've had some issues lately with vehicle break ins in the area. The neighbor that called me just had a 10 foot stainless steel restaurant type sink taken from his back yard. This is generally a quiet area. But some unsavory folks have moved in. Think I may invite her to go throw some lead downrange this weekend. No sense in wasting three rounds for one hit.

08-07-2014, 02:18 PM
Glad she is okay, glad she had the composure to confront the intruder with a firearm...and glad she had the training to properly send lead down-range!!!

08-07-2014, 03:14 PM
Scary stuff when it happens close by in the neighborhood. :yikes:

08-07-2014, 03:17 PM
Gee. I must have missed something. I thought this forum was abut Spyders and Spyder riding.:yikes:

08-07-2014, 03:19 PM
Uh, this thread is "OFF TOPIC". like in Off Topic Board.

08-07-2014, 03:27 PM
Gee. I must have missed something. I thought this forum was abut Spyders and Spyder riding.:yikes:

Guess you dont know the meaning of "off topic". Look at the threads in in this section few have anything to do with spyders.

Bob Denman
08-07-2014, 04:29 PM
She should have ended the miserable ESSOBEE.. :gaah:
glad that there are no charges pending!
:congrats: To the young lady! :cheers:

08-07-2014, 07:54 PM
I'm glad the gal is OK, and good on her!! A firearm is very feminist!

08-07-2014, 10:33 PM
Confirmed by very reliable source this evening that she will not face charges. He on the other hand...

08-07-2014, 11:40 PM
So she shot someone 'cause he was breaking in a storage shed??? And the usual gun-toting-lets-kill-everybody are happy?? Hope she'll do some time to learn what self-defense means!

Gray Ghost
08-08-2014, 04:04 AM
So she shot someone 'cause he was breaking in a storage shed??? And the usual gun-toting-lets-kill-everybody are happy?? Hope she'll do some time to learn what self-defense means!

According to the OP, she yelled at him because he was breaking into her storage shed. If at that time he had fled, then shooting him would not have been self defense. But when he decided to come after her instead of fleeing then it became the definition of self defense.

08-08-2014, 05:30 AM
So she shot someone 'cause he was breaking in a storage shed??? And the usual gun-toting-lets-kill-everybody are happy?? Hope she'll do some time to learn what self-defense means!

Sorry you feel this way. She was perfectly within her rights to protect her property with deadly force if she felt it necessary. Self defense is not only defense of ones person but of property and home as well.

08-08-2014, 06:02 AM
Think I may invite her to go throw some lead downrange this weekend. No sense in wasting three rounds for one hit.:thumbup:

Bob Denman
08-08-2014, 07:03 AM
So she shot someone 'cause he was breaking in a storage shed??? And the usual gun-toting-lets-kill-everybody are happy?? Hope she'll do some time to learn what self-defense means!

No... NOT, "Let's kill everybody." :thumbup:
Only the criminals that habitually refuse to follow the rules of our society... :D
And her unfortunate encounter, is the PERFECT definition of a defensive situation...
100% righteous shoot! :thumbup:

"...she'll do some time..." Are you actually expecting someone who has followed the parameters set by our laws; to go to jail???? :shocked:
I REALLY hope that I've just taken the wrong interpretation of your statement...

08-08-2014, 07:43 AM
No you did not.... As you do not respect life.

Bob Denman
08-08-2014, 07:56 AM
Technically; that's incorrect...
I respect the lives of those who choose to obey the laws, and act as productive members of our society...
I even respect the lives of those with differing opinions... :D
It just kind of seems to me that you're trying to place an EQUAL value on the life of a criminal over a non-criminal, and then punish a property owner for acting completely within the guidelines imposed by society...
:shocked: I'm stumped... :shocked:
Are you also inferring that only the Law Enforcement Officers in each jurisdiction should be allowed to use deadly force?
EVEN THOUGH... it has been shown that their response to most crimes, is only reactive,, and not proactive?
Everybody should be allowed the right to defend themselves; can we agree on that? :dontknow:
(Mathod and manner notwithstanding...)

08-08-2014, 08:24 AM
So she shot someone 'cause he was breaking in a storage shed??? And the usual gun-toting-lets-kill-everybody are happy?? Hope she'll do some time to learn what self-defense means!

At what point do you think she should have waited to defend herself? Maybe she should have retreated into the house and locked the door? Then when he broke in, she should have retreated further? I guess we'll never know how another scenario would have played out. This one played out just fine, and the law agreed.

Bob D.,

I must be changing because I normally do not agree with you on these types of threads.

Bob Denman
08-08-2014, 08:38 AM
Bob D.,

I must be changing because I normally do not agree with you on these types of threads.




Have a GREAT weekend! :thumbup:

08-08-2014, 08:46 AM
Another empty discussion: if "protecting" a shed allows you to shoot people the case is close! Lets move to break in my car, then touching my Spyder : I shoot you! like the "no respect for people breaking the LAW!!": death penalty (which of course you are for) for speeders: life time jail for badly parked vehicles and flogging for adulterer/esse... It is called the Sharia (but you must be against it for sure!).

08-08-2014, 09:04 AM
Another empty discussion: if "protecting" a shed allows you to shoot people the case is close! Lets move to break in my car, then touching my Spyder : I shoot you! like the "no respect for people breaking the LAW!!": death penalty (which of course you are for) for speeders: life time jail for badly parked vehicles and flogging for adulterer/esse... It is called the Sharia (but you must be against it for sure!).

Let's elaborate on your examples.

Someone is breaking into my car or touching my Spyder. I confront them and tell them to stop. They then come toward me and make a threatening move to assault me. I issue a warning telling them to stop, that I intend to protect myself if they move any closer. If the person continues to make aggressive moves toward me, I have three options....

1. Try to run (poor choice if I am elderly or not in great physical condition).
2. Stand my ground and be assaulted (poor choice if the aggressor is larger or possibly armed with a weapon).
3. Use deadly force to protect my person. (a choice I will take every time).

We don't know the circumstances surrounding this lady's decision but I believe the OP said he came toward her in a threatening manner.

Bob Denman
08-08-2014, 09:15 AM
Another empty discussion: if "protecting" a shed allows you to shoot people the case is close! Lets move to break in my car, then touching my Spyder : I shoot you! like the "no respect for people breaking the LAW!!": death penalty (which of course you are for) for speeders: life time jail for badly parked vehicles and flogging for adulterer/esse... It is called the Sharia (but you must be against it for sure!).


Soapbox time...

I am absolutely pro-death penalty... There simply are some "Bad Apples" out there, who just won't get it! Society could be better-served, by spending it's money on programs that help those who can appreciate the effort.
Speeders and bad parking: nah... but how about some good public flogging episodes?? :D

The young lady was acting within the applicable guidelines imposed by the laws of her community. The scumbag... not so much! :shocked:
A personal observation; if I may... PM me, if you would prefer that I remove it.
You seem prone to quick anger; a trait that has never worked well with firearms. PLEEEZE don't ever buy youself one; you lack the mental discipline to keep yourself out of a Page One story... nojoke

08-08-2014, 09:18 AM
So she shot someone 'cause he was breaking in a storage shed??? And the usual gun-toting-lets-kill-everybody are happy?? Hope she'll do some time to learn what self-defense means!
No repeat offenders. Earn what you want, not steal from people who work.

08-08-2014, 09:33 AM
It is called the Sharia (but you must be against it for sure!).

Lets not go there. There have been many discussions on here about weapons and protection. Both for and against. I respect other's opinions on these discussions. But comparing this to Sharia Law, that is really pushing the boundaries of that respect. According to the law, and this is direct from the sheriff, she acted accordingly and therefore will not be prosecuted. The person she shot is a repeat offender. His name is well known to the law enforcement community. Whether you agree or not, I respect that. There have been many other instances of people protecting their lives/property that have resulted in prosecution because they did not follow the law. And believe me, the law is very strict on this matter. We who have taken the conceal carry course must be schooled in these laws and follow them to the letter. The simple act of showing your weapon can result in revocation of the license and a court hearing. If the perp runs away, you cannot shoot, or even fire a warning shot. You do not need a conceal carry to have a weapon on your property. Nor do guns need to be registered in this state. A right that is rapidly being taken away.

People are getting really tired of having to allow to the criminal element who feel it is their right to take what we worked for get, away with it. The courts at times. only give a slap on the hand, and their back on the street. I have had property taken from me, all it resulted in was my insurance rates going up. In most cases of property theft, all law enforcement can do is take a report. North Carolina, like several other states, has the Castle Doctrine. This allows me to protect my property, read that property, which includes my work shop and storage building, and my family from the threat of harm or theft. That also includes in public places like restaurants, malls, sidewalks etc. Does that mean I can shoot anyone, no. It is incumbent on me to abide by the law. I and I alone must decide, in a split second, if I can fire that weapon or not.

Sharia Law is completely different from what took place here. In fact do you really know what Sharia Law is?

08-08-2014, 10:46 AM
Another empty discussion: if "protecting" a shed allows you to shoot people the case is close! Lets move to break in my car, then touching my Spyder : I shoot you! like the "no respect for people breaking the LAW!!": death penalty (which of course you are for) for speeders: life time jail for badly parked vehicles and flogging for adulterer/esse... It is called the Sharia (but you must be against it for sure!).

Obviously you have not completely read the previous responses to your posts. She was protecting her person when she confronted the criminal and he moved toward her instead of running away. You ignore the facts and argue against the absurd. Your extension of the scenario to lesser property crimes and calling it sharia is typical straw man arguments that are so stupid they don't warrant any response.

08-08-2014, 11:01 AM
Sorry you feel this way. She was perfectly within her rights to protect her property with deadly force if she felt it necessary. Self defense is not only defense of ones person but of property and home as well.
Nope, not so. Under law going all the way back to old English common law deadly force is never justified in protecting property. A person, yes, property, no.

Bob Denman
08-08-2014, 11:06 AM
That's the way it is up here in New York as well... ;)
:lecturef_smilie: You ABSOLUTELY; must know the rules that'll apply... :shocked:

08-08-2014, 11:09 AM
I think the girl did the right thing at the right time.

08-08-2014, 11:13 AM
So that little "pocket Glock" isn't useless after all....? Who would have thought?

08-08-2014, 11:38 AM
"I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend." - Faramir in "The Lord of the Rings"

08-08-2014, 11:46 AM
I understand more and more why Zimmerman is a hero in certain circles...

08-08-2014, 11:55 AM
I understand more and more why Zimmerman is a hero in certain circles...

Let me ask you a question.

If you were the OP and the thief was coming at you, what would you do?

Be a standup guy and tell us all how you would have masterly defused the situation.

08-08-2014, 11:57 AM
Nope, not so. Under law going all the way back to old English common law deadly force is never justified in protecting property. A person, yes, property, no.

Lets just say many folks and many states have laws that disagree with your viewpoint.

I will be clear, YES, I value my life, my family, my home and my other major property such as buildings, vehicles etc MORE than I value the life of someone that would do me harm or take them from me against my will. Clear enough? Many states agree with this and the right to protect ones person and property.

We all obviously have limits to this. Would I shoot someone stealing my food from the office refrigerator? Of course not. Attempt to steal my GT and I catch you, not a moments hesitation if it solves the situation without making other problems worse. Somewhere between lies a line to cross.

Now back to Sypders.....Hmm shoot a criminal stealing my Spyder or let insurance settle it and move on to a 2015.......Hard choice.

08-08-2014, 12:10 PM
that gril is a hero,she shot a man coming towerd her so she shot the **** head grate job,get these ass holes out of are world.what a grate story.and yes zimermen did the right thing also.:2thumbs:

Bob Denman
08-08-2014, 12:55 PM
I understand more and more why Zimmerman is a hero in certain circles...
Perhaps not a hero...
But he WAS getting his head beat against the pavement, when things got ugly...

08-08-2014, 12:57 PM
This poster, prmurat, closely resembles a nut-job that used to rant like this on the AF-1 Forum I read. All high and mighty and usually so full of $#!% that it was funny. Thought he went back home to the middle east, but I see he just moved out to the left coast. Welcome, murat, and if you are the same guy, please heed the advise you received on the other forum and learn to read and comprehend the entire post/replies before rushing to judgement or ranting. If you aren't him, then you still need to upgrade your powers of comprehension. I commend the young lady on her presence of mind to defend herself properly and extend my sympathies to the torment and depression she might be experiencing over the actions of some scumbag who will continue to be a burden on society.

Bob Denman
08-08-2014, 01:07 PM
But it kind of stuck in my craw...
This is aPM that I received from prmurat concerning this thread...
I have NOT changed a thing about it...

As you wanted a PM:

Thank you for your advice on not buying a gun: I sincerely hope for you, while not posting as much as you do here, you will find enough time to train for shooting... Maybe one day you'll be able to show as many trophies as I do.... I've been shooting for more than 35 years and guns still have nothing to do with being mad or as most of all old white republican farts around here: being scared of everything or every one!

Making a hero of someone shooting an un-arm person (or even being sad of not killing him as seen here) only makes me wanting to get rid of my guns and do not participate in any of these whitetrash forums...

Congratulations! Your continuous ranting (do you ever ride?? BTW I am currently in Canada in my -14 RT), helped another member to leave this forum!"

Q.E.D. :dontknow:

08-08-2014, 01:25 PM
"Originally Posted by prmurat Congratulations! Your continuous ranting (do you ever ride?? BTW I am currently in Canada in my -14 RT), helped another member to leave this forum!"

Bye bye Mr. Sensitive. And what exactly is a whitetrash forum?

08-08-2014, 01:32 PM
It is called the Sharia (but you must be against it for sure!).

Lets not go there. There have been many discussions on here about weapons and protection. Both for and against. I respect other's opinions on these discussions. But comparing this to Sharia Law, that is really pushing the boundaries of that respect. According to the law, and this is direct from the sheriff, she acted accordingly and therefore will not be prosecuted. The person she shot is a repeat offender. His name is well known to the law enforcement community. Whether you agree or not, I respect that. There have been many other instances of people protecting their lives/property that have resulted in prosecution because they did not follow the law. And believe me, the law is very strict on this matter. We who have taken the conceal carry course must be schooled in these laws and follow them to the letter. The simple act of showing your weapon can result in revocation of the license and a court hearing. If the perp runs away, you cannot shoot, or even fire a warning shot. You do not need a conceal carry to have a weapon on your property. Nor do guns need to be registered in this state. A right that is rapidly being taken away.

People are getting really tired of having to allow to the criminal element who feel it is their right to take what we worked for get, away with it. The courts at times. only give a slap on the hand, and their back on the street. I have had property taken from me, all it resulted in was my insurance rates going up. In most cases of property theft, all law enforcement can do is take a report. North Carolina, like several other states, has the Castle Doctrine. This allows me to protect my property, read that property, which includes my work shop and storage building, and my family from the threat of harm or theft. That also includes in public places like restaurants, malls, sidewalks etc. Does that mean I can shoot anyone, no. It is incumbent on me to abide by the law. I and I alone must decide, in a split second, if I can fire that weapon or not.

Sharia Law is completely different from what took place here. In fact do you really know what Sharia Law is?

Sharia Law: ISIS in Iraq is trying to make that the way of life. They are going around and slaughtering any and all that don't want to comply. Same is happening in some other Muslim states.

Bob Denman
08-08-2014, 02:23 PM
"Originally Posted by prmurat Congratulations! Your continuous ranting (do you ever ride?? BTW I am currently in Canada in my -14 RT), helped another member to leave this forum!"
:shocked: Do I rant??
I thought it was more like non-stop yammering... :D

08-08-2014, 02:34 PM
"Originally Posted by prmurat Congratulations! Your continuous ranting (do you ever ride?? BTW I am currently in Canada in my -14 RT), helped another member to leave this forum!"
:shocked: Do I rant??
I thought it was more like non-stop yammering... :D
Are you a whitetrash yammerer?

Bob Denman
08-08-2014, 02:50 PM
:D I've been called worse... :roflblack:
MUCH worse. :shocked:

08-08-2014, 03:39 PM
Good bye. Don't bother coming back. Your insulting comments are not welcome here.