View Full Version : 2014 brp owners event last video million dollar hwy

07-29-2014, 03:30 AM

this is another longer video. I put the other video up at working all night and did not get a chance to look at it till the thread was closed.

With this video which is on the way in between Ouray and Silverton.

For people that thought they were giving me beginner rider advice for riding a spyder or posting a video on a public forum.

I got a spyder in march of 2009 after I got in a mc accident (deer in the road and a street sign hit) which left me with only being able to use 45% of my body t8 spinal cord injury, feel at t5. After getting on here and asking questions in 2009 I found ISCI and got their hand brake and floorboards, got a wheelchair bracket made and started riding as much as I could.
:At this point I have just shy of 107,000 miles on my first spyder and my current spyder combine,
2 trips to the salt flats (no world record but doc got one on his spyder which he has over 125,000 miles on)
over 75 passes at drag strips in MN, FL, MO, and ND
one deer hit on my spyder
riding year round in northern mn, the coldest day I rode this year was -51F
3 iron butt runs, (one was on the way to durango 2012 owners event where I rode almost 1600 miles in 27 hours straight and on the way back from this year's durango event 1140 miles back to dirt town from co springs)
have video of the several curvy road around the us, (the dragons tail twice and the million dollar highway twice)
and several public track fees (some call them speeding tickets)

to qualify these statements I should say that there are people on here with more miles on their spyders, and way more knowledge of their inter-workings but this is not my first or last riding video.

These videos this year are some of my slower videos, about 1/2 to 3/4 throttle of what I can do on a spyder (and I am only 45% of a person) and I can tell you that other riders lives are way more important to me than I am, I made a significant effort this event to talk to all the spyders I passed in the video to make sure they did not feel I was too close or they felt unsafe and all the people I talked to said they did not but if you were one that commented negatively and you were actually there you should have talked to me there, I was easy to find being the only younger male in a wheelchair in the event.

Before I got hurt I read a article about "ride your own bike" in which the writer was told he can not ride that aggressively because the other younger riders would crash if they tried to keep up, his response was that, ride you own bike, I tell people this "I do not expect you to keep up with me and you should not expect me to sit behind you"

and for the people that say I ride "stupidly" think about it this way , if I put on these videos something so arrogant as "everyone should ride this way on a spyder" then I would be doing the same thing you are saying to me, that I am reflecting poorly on spyder owners because I don't ride the way you do more conservatively.

Now if you have riding advice to help me corner better or rider harder I am all about it, if you don't like that to ride like this ( which I can understand) that is fine, just understand what the spyder can do even with a sub human on it. Also if you joined spyderlovers(welcome btw) about year about and think you know about spyder riding then I think you should look back at what people have done to get spyders where they are at today as well as spyderlovers.
I have put hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars of my money getting the experience (not read about or thought I knew about something cause I read something about it on the interweb) that allows me to ride how I do. Is it risky to ride a motorcycle or a spyder , yes , is the faster you ride multiply that risk exponentially? absolutely but the risk is what we all enjoy about riding , the level of risk is what we all have a difference of opinion.

enjoy at your own risk

07-29-2014, 07:35 AM
:agree:, Nice video Seth.....I commented ( in your favor ) on your other video and was royally flamed for it ....But I say what I feel is right whether it ruffles feathers or not. Ride safe and Enjoy Bro............Mike :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thum bup::thumbup::thumbup:

07-29-2014, 08:34 AM
What a beautiful stretch of road. I wish we could have been there to ride it as well although we're not nearly as good as you :-) Loved the video and the skill you have riding. :clap:

07-29-2014, 09:14 AM
Slow down and smell the Columbine. Life is not a race. I still think you should take it to the track if you need to prove yourself. Remember the "Peter Principal" is self correcting! I am not impressed with your reckless demeanor and speeding. One Deer, one Elk or god forbid a pedestrian/hiker steps into your path, then what??

Take this reckless attitude to a closed track not in my home state. I grew up riding in these mountains and know what dangers there can be. Most people driving these roads are tourists driving slow and looking around at the beauty. They get distracted, pull over unexpectedly, step into the road with cameras. SLOW DOWN and get a grip! We do not care about how fast you can ride. We do care about Your Life and the life of others!


07-29-2014, 03:18 PM
Sorry Seth, you are going to get another disagreement here.

I like the video of the highway ride. I do have problems with the manner you ride. Not going to tell you how to ride, because you have your mind made up, and you also know your abilities to do so.

When riding on the edge, it only takes one split second to cause a disaster. You make your own choices and that is good. My problem is that others may be injured or killed in the process.

We had this same discussion back a few years when you posted a similar ride on Minnesota's icy, winter roads. Once again, I said good for you, but what about potential innocent victims of an accident. Your reply, you would be the one getting killed, and most likely not them. Sorry, I have to disagree.

The riding style shown should be on a track and not on public roads where others can be endangered. Your speedo seemed to show about 100 mph or so. Most of the speed limit signs shown were about half that.

A lot of people on here, including myself, admire you for what you have accomplished since your accident. I don't want to hear about you or others being killed in a mishap. I even stayed out of the last go around of postings to your thread because I was pulled between the points of enjoy your ride, but don't get hurt or hurt someone else.

Here I have said both. I don't want to come off as a bad guy, but don't want to have to say goodbye to a fellow rider either.

07-29-2014, 03:22 PM
All I have to say is to ride within your limits and have as much fun as possible doing it. I'm very glad you are able to continue riding after your accident.

If you can try to stay in your own lane and not cross that yellow solid/dotted line when not passing that would be great also, just in case some other rider is not following the speed limit and flies pass hugging that same yellow line.

07-29-2014, 03:27 PM
as I mentioned on the other posts..the videos are great and what I am looking at is the roads the views and not you abilities. Be safe..!! :thumbup:

Cruzr Joe
07-29-2014, 03:28 PM

thanks for the Videos, enjoy your ride.

Cruzr Joe

07-29-2014, 04:08 PM
Like the ride.

07-29-2014, 04:52 PM
Thanks for posting! Very beautiful ride. Just be careful. And wear gloves! Your hands still work, and road rash still sucks! ATGATT, remember?
"Public track fees"! LOL! Never had to pay those. Wonder if I go too slow?

07-30-2014, 09:05 AM
There are old drivers and bold drivers. There are no old bold drivers.

08-01-2014, 02:11 AM
Thanks for posting! Very beautiful ride. Just be careful. And wear gloves! Your hands still work, and road rash still sucks! ATGATT, remember?
"Public track fees"! LOL! Never had to pay those. Wonder if I go too slow?

your just wayyyyyy smoother than I am my friend.

08-01-2014, 05:58 AM
did you get to that red light first.