View Full Version : another video from the brp owners event, short with disclaimer from last

07-29-2014, 03:27 AM

this is another short video. I put the other video up at working all night and did not get a chance to look at it till the thread was closed.

With this video which is on the way in between Ouray and Silverton.

For people that thought they were giving me beginner rider advice for riding a spyder or posting a video on a public forum.

I got a spyder in march of 2009 after I got in a mc accident (deer in the road and a street sign hit) which left me with only being able to use 45% of my body t8 spinal cord injury, feel at t5. After getting on here and asking questions in 2009 I found ISCI and got their hand brake and floorboards, got a wheelchair bracket made and started riding as much as I could.
:At this point I have just shy of 107,000 miles on my first spyder and my current spyder combine,
2 trips to the salt flats (no world record but doc got one on his spyder which he has over 125,000 miles on)
over 75 passes at drag strips in MN, FL, MO, and ND
one deer hit on my spyder
riding year round in northern mn, the coldest day I rode this year was -51F
3 iron butt runs, (one was on the way to durango 2012 owners event where I rode almost 1600 miles in 27 hours straight and on the way back from this year's durango event 1140 miles back to dirt town from co springs)
have video of the several curvy road around the us, (the dragons tail twice and the million dollar highway twice)
and several public track fees (some call them speeding tickets)

to qualify these statements I should say that there are people on here with more miles on their spyders, and way more knowledge of their inter-workings but this is not my first or last riding video.

These videos this year are some of my slower videos, about 1/2 to 3/4 throttle of what I can do on a spyder (and I am only 45% of a person) and I can tell you that other riders lives are way more important to me than I am, I made a significant effort this event to talk to all the spyders I passed in the video to make sure they did not feel I was too close or they felt unsafe and all the people I talked to said they did not but if you were one that commented negatively and you were actually there you should have talked to me there, I was easy to find being the only younger male in a wheelchair in the event.

Before I got hurt I read a article about "ride your own bike" in which the writer was told he can not ride that aggressively because the other younger riders would crash if they tried to keep up, his response was that, ride you own bike, I tell people this "I do not expect you to keep up with me and you should not expect me to sit behind you"

and for the people that say I ride "stupidly" think about it this way , if I put on these videos something so arrogant as "everyone should ride this way on a spyder" then I would be doing the same thing you are saying to me, that I am reflecting poorly on spyder owners because I don't ride the way you do more conservatively.

Now if you have riding advice to help me corner better or rider harder I am all about it, if you don't like that to ride like this ( which I can understand) that is fine, just understand what the spyder can do even with a sub human on it. Also if you joined spyderlovers(welcome btw) about year about and think you know about spyder riding then I think you should look back at what people have done to get spyders where they are at today as well as spyderlovers.
I have put hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars of my money getting the experience (not read about or thought I knew about something cause I read something about it on the interweb) that allows me to ride how I do. Is it risky to ride a motorcycle or a spyder , yes , is the faster you ride multiply that risk exponentially? absolutely but the risk is what we all enjoy about riding , the level of risk is what we all have a difference of opinion.

enjoy at your own risk

Mo Lee
07-29-2014, 03:57 AM
I must say the closing of that thread caught my attention, I watched most of the video and read all the comments and was shocked. I guess we now have two types of Spyders, Rocking Chairs and sport bikes. I have seen you ride a lot more aggressively than I saw in the video and yes on occasion I scolded you about it, we all need reminded on occasion to be careful I hear it all the time. Hang in there Bud just put on your fire retardent underwear on and carry on CAREFULLY!

07-29-2014, 05:15 AM
I have 50 years on motorcycles, but less than a year on Spyders so I really don't know how far you can take them. But I do know this, I was always taught to ride your own ride and not to worry about how others are riding, so as long as you're not hurting anyone else, ride it however you like. I think what others are saying to you is that they are concerned for you and you, as much as anyone, knows the unpredictability of riding any motorcycle on the street. Ride safe and be happy.

07-29-2014, 05:16 AM
Missed the other thread so can't comment on that but this bit of road looks like my sort of fun, shame about the 18 wheeler holding things up at the end. What I love about the RS is the way you can rip round the slower vehicles when you get the chance on these sorts of roads. It may not quite have the acceleration of a bike when overtaking but it's not far off and makes up for it with the stability and the braking if you have to pull back into the stream. Have fun.

Illinois Boy
07-29-2014, 06:53 AM
Seems the old-saying still holds true...

Anyone that goes faster than you is an maniac; while anyone that goes slower is an idiot!:roflblack:

I liked both videos...:thumbup:

07-29-2014, 06:58 AM
I think I was behind you for like, 10 seconds :D

But with my wife on the back, there was just no way I could corner as quick since she wouldn't listen to me and LEAN with me.

Oh well, it was still a blast to ride.

Bob Denman
07-29-2014, 07:06 AM
Thanks for a valuable dose of perspective... :clap: :thumbup:
I may not agree with what you say all of the time; but the differences are what make for interesting conversations. :D

07-29-2014, 07:47 AM
The issue with this and the other thread was never about your ability to ride. It was your belief that the roads in question are your own personal race track. They are not. Your attitude that its perfectly OK to continue to ride in a manner inconsistent with the laws of the land 'because you can' are the real problem here.

There is a time and a place for everything. Take it to the track, or practice your high end skills on closed course roads.

I predict this thread will eventually close as well. Hope I am wrong. Like Bob said, the discussion is valuable, we just disagree.

07-29-2014, 08:39 AM
The whole point was getting you to obey the speed limits, not pass on double lines, and riding too agresive so as to endanger other peoples lives. It's not all about you and how far you can take your riding skills, It's about the safety of others on the road around you.

Do those things on a closed track not on a public road if you want to. I have ridden two and three wheels for 63 years and have seen most of it. Usually people who try to prove that there riding skills are better than others are eventually self corrected. Please refrain from putting these video's on this site. Most of us are not interested in your law breaking riding skills. Those that are can watch you on a closed track.

Lastly please think of not only yours but our self preservation. For your own sake, please tone it down before you reach the "Peter Principal".


Cruzr Joe
07-29-2014, 09:09 AM

I have rode with you on a few occasions and i would be comfortable riding anywhere with you. Ride your ride and enjoy yourself. :thumbup:

Cruzr Joe

07-29-2014, 09:30 AM
Hey bud

I've watched a lot of your videos and this one also when you posted it , my thoughts are as long as your not running the other rider off the road , how you ride is up to you. If you break the law I'm sure you know that and you will half to accept what ever the end result is iF you ever get stopped.

I didn't see you disrespect any other rider or driver in the video you kept some distance and passed when the line was broke . I enjoy riding the same as you but around here you can't drive wide open all the time as much as I would like, but again as long as your experience can handle your riding style go for it not all of us cruise and enjoy the scenery all of The time a lot of times it push the machine to see what it will do :thumbup: Have fun and thanks for posting the videos

07-29-2014, 09:33 AM
did you ever find some twisting roads..?? These are long sweeping highways with great views but where is the fun part. Love these kind of roads at the bottom or top of a vigorous hill to rest from the workout. I watch your videos for the views and the roads not your skills and abilities. I have nerve damage as well (much less) and my videos would look similar if I posted them. But the lines are drawn thats why I don't do videos...ryde on..!! :thumbup::ohyea:

07-29-2014, 09:36 AM
Thanks for sharing:2thumbs:

07-29-2014, 03:55 PM
I have had the pleasure of riding with Seth on more than one occasion. He is a great guy. Crazy but great. I guess, I am a bit nuts myself because I almost kept up with him on one of those rides...LOL He know what he is doing and many will not agree with him and that is okay. Seth just keep enjoying life and I am still praying for you.

07-29-2014, 04:14 PM
Seth you are 110% a person don't sell yourself short. I can't keep up with you and I'm okay with that.

07-29-2014, 04:27 PM
The whole point was getting you to obey the speed limits, not pass on double lines, and riding too agresive so as to endanger other peoples lives. It's not all about you and how far you can take your riding skills, It's about the safety of others on the road around you.

Do those things on a closed track not on a public road if you want to. I have ridden two and three wheels for 63 years and have seen most of it. Usually people who try to prove that there riding skills are better than others are eventually self corrected. Please refrain from putting these video's on this site. Most of us are not interested in your law breaking riding skills. Those that are can watch you on a closed track.

Lastly please think of not only yours but our self preservation. For your own sake, please tone it down before you reach the "Peter Principal".


I understand that you don't like to ride like I do but to ask me to not post videos because you don't like them is a real struggle for me to wrap my mind around, this isn't your site and as you said you don't like them then don't get you blood pressure up and let it go. I learn from watching others ride, a second here and half second there or anything to be quicker in the corners or smother on the exit.
If I die riding tomorrow you can tell everyone that you were right so it would behoove me to continue to ride the way I do so you can be right.
Like I said before in my videos with a go pro the distance is distorted somewhat compared to real life and you can see more than the camera can show ( you can see almost 2 miles in some areas of the switchbacks) so I am really not going as fast as I could be if I had doc or the other hooligans with me to race against.

I do hope you enjoy riding your spyder the way you like to but if you made a video of a ride you did would it be enjoyable to watch? I mean even myself in a wheelchair can drive the posted for hours on end , who would want to see that? People watch you tube videos of things that most people would never do.

Thanks for all the positive post and open discussion from everyone else, its too bad that I could not meet up with all the fellow spyderlovers on a monthly basis, we are still all a giant dysfunctional family of riders, regardless of how we ride, I could not have gotten where I was on the spyder without the support of lamont, the hooligans and all the others that helped me out on the site over the years.

07-29-2014, 07:31 PM
Seth, you are who you are and never apologize to anyone for it.

Wouldn't the world be dull if all abided by the few.

You are one of a very small handful of people who supported how far north we got in Alaska.
The majority vowed it couldn't be done. :yikes:

And thats about all I have to say on that subject...

Illinois Boy
07-29-2014, 08:21 PM
The naysayers need to take a break and crawl back into their myopic world where they can be delusional in the thought of controlling the actions of the world to their satisfaction.

Oh yeah... get off my lawn while you are at it!!!!! Geez... and supposedly these are adults?

Seth, apparently those people are completely unaware of the distortions of the camera and how it can make it look far more dangerous than it really is. Only those who have filmed their own rides know what we are referring to.

I watched the entire length of both videos and never saw where you pushed it to extremes deserving the reactions we've seen on this site -- especially for some curmudgeon to suggest you are not allowed to post the video. I just about fell out of my chair on that one.

No one, including Seth is out to kill himself or anyone else; and his video proves it, if only you had a clue. Get a grip on it people...

07-29-2014, 09:02 PM
If Seth's Spyder could talk,I would bet it would say WOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

soaring hawk
07-30-2014, 09:30 PM

RIDE IT LIKE YA STOLE IT.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep the videos comming!

we're behind you 110%:thumbup:


07-31-2014, 06:24 AM
Seth, I met you in Durango in 2012 and was not only impressed with your riding skills but even more with your positive outlook on life and how you make the best of it. I did try to follow you once ... realized I wasn't in you league and waved as you disappeared around the next curve. I have never seen you endanger anyone so ride on, brother.

I watch all your videos and yes, sometimes they scare the #$*% out of me. I still enjoy them because they show you living life to the fullest and give insight to the full capabilities of your Spyder. Keep it up!

08-01-2014, 02:09 AM
thanks guys, I again, would not tell anyone to keep up if they do not feel comfortable or tell you how to ride. Its just everyone's choice on what they want spyders to represent or what others do on them. I would LOVE it to have more people to race against but I would not want to force my views on anyone.

Every rider , who puts miles on their spyder can be a learned from by others, and I understand I will/do get some backlash on how I ride. If you just see people on the interweb now a days its really easy to keyboard bash someone you have not met, I am guilty of this myself but in the spyder community once you sit down and chat with someone you get a better perspective on why they think/ride the way they do, its not my first rodeo on that aspect, but that's life.

Len from pitbull powersports told me something a long time ago, he talks to everyone that comes in his store about buying a vehicle from him, and, even if they don't he would still like to get to know them like they are going to be a new friend to him.

As I have gotten more and more miles on I am struggling to get more ways to get faster but its testing, always testing.