View Full Version : weird screech

07-27-2014, 01:25 PM
When getting on my 13 sts -only on left side when I put my foot on foot rest (also on passenger footrest) there is a screech or high pitched eek? (No I am not that heavy that she squeals when I jump on her! I hope?) it is not from either front or back shocks. And i8t doesn't happen on right side! Don't have anything to lift Spydie with but got on ground and sprayed WD 40 around/ underneath footrest. didn't help. Not sure what I should be looking for to fix this. Its irritating as ... Any ideas.

07-27-2014, 02:34 PM
but if you are referring to standing on that side and then swinging your leg over to mount you would have to check all the moving parts as it leans that way. It could be some parts rubbing together under the tupperware..are you pulling on the hadlebars..?? Front end joints etc..:dontknow:

Bob Denman
07-27-2014, 07:24 PM
It might be in the front suspension parts, as they move around a bit...