View Full Version : Patches fun times came to an end..

09-25-2008, 10:51 PM
Ok, so I will or someone will post pics about today but I want to ensure it is clear on what happened today in Gatlinburg. For those that were involved, Thank you so much for the moral support.
It was really nobody's fault, just happens and we will all move on. It could have been much worse and someone could have gotten really hurt. However, the only thing that is hurt is a tire and belt and my heart.
We were on the way back to Lamont's and a couple of riders were following. I stopped to turn down the road to the house and a rider had to move out to the left to avoid me while stopped and the rider behind him ran into the back of my tire "non spyder..lol..but good friend so I have to cut him a little slack. I am not naming any names as I don't think it is really important except the person that hit me is now called the Spyder Killer....lol. If I can't laugh at my own bad luck..what can I laugh at.

Again, the Spyder will be fixed and life will move on. The most important thing is the fact that we all collected as friends for the greater good and I do thank you and the lord for that.

Lamont, as always is came through with the trailer and others making sure I am taken care of at the dealer tomorrow. Hope all goes well and I can get back on the road.

Thank you,

09-25-2008, 11:27 PM
Glad to see your "OK"
I felt really bad about this for a long time...My Dad had to work late so I road to the Ft. Davis rally with the rest of the group earlier...He rode up alone at night and hit a small pack of javelina in a dip just after a hill. His Venture was a parts sale, but it did get rebuilt. The club presented him with a custom engraved windshield(the one from the accident) that had a wild-eyed, steam shortin javelina and "Hog Killer" in large letters. Needless to say any time that Venture would make it to an event, Harley riders would pass by that thing and throw a fit. Not knowing the story behind it, I think they were a little offended or felt threatened by it.

09-26-2008, 12:16 AM
Glad all of you are alright.

My husband's cousin was in a bad wreck on his bike a few years back. The guy behind him didnt see him moving off the side of the road, or something of that nature. And the guy ended up driving his bike up the back of hubbs cousins bike. Hubb's cousin ended up with a messed up back and neck. The other guy died....

09-26-2008, 12:29 AM
Im just glad you are all safe. Be careful on your ride home everyone!!:spyder:

09-26-2008, 12:38 AM

I think that it is not an end to your fun times , But a new experience you can add to your accomplishments !

I enjoyed today .
Hope to see that you are up and running at the MMS BBQ .
Thanks to Michelle ......and ......everyone else....who put up with my cell service ....at Alcoa Good Times !
When this little bump in the road happened , AGT was called , and they as well as MMS are doing their best to help get Chris back on the road .

When we arrived at Lamonts , well.... i can not even begin to mention the amount of help that was offered....

I should of eatten more tri tip .


Insert rub your belly icon here

09-26-2008, 03:00 AM
I'll see you in a few Bro. :doorag:

09-26-2008, 06:40 AM
Ok, so I will or someone will post pics about today but I want to ensure it is clear on what happened today in Gatlinburg. For those that were involved, Thank you so much for the moral support.
It was really nobody's fault, just happens and we will all move on. It could have been much worse and someone could have gotten really hurt. However, the only thing that is hurt is a tire and belt and my heart.
We were on the way back to Lamont's and a couple of riders were following. I stopped to turn down the road to the house and a rider had to move out to the left to avoid me while stopped and the rider behind him ran into the back of my tire "non spyder..lol..but good friend so I have to cut him a little slack. I am not naming any names as I don't think it is really important except the person that hit me is now called the Spyder Killer....lol. If I can't laugh at my own bad luck..what can I laugh at.

Again, the Spyder will be fixed and life will move on. The most important thing is the fact that we all collected as friends for the greater good and I do thank you and the lord for that.

Lamont, as always is came through with the trailer and others making sure I am taken care of at the dealer tomorrow. Hope all goes well and I can get back on the road.

Thank you,
SpyderBear is checking out the damage for you Patches

09-26-2008, 07:17 AM
Any crash you can walk away from...

Glad nobody got hurt. From sad personal experience(s) I can tell you it ain't no fun.

09-26-2008, 08:28 AM
Chris glad to hear you are ok... Now get that thing fixed and get back to NC in one peice...

Glad everyone is having a good time and be safe coming home after getting it fixed..

On a good note you won't have to repair the rear fender since it was already removed... :2thumbs:

09-26-2008, 08:50 AM
Glad you weren't hurt Chris! When all of us used to ride Harley's and something would go wrong, we'd say, "Well we can add another Harley Experience to the list." Now we can also call these "Spyder Experiences"!

Hope you have a nice safe trip home.

09-28-2008, 09:49 AM
Thanks for all the kind words. The Spyder is all fixed up by the wonderful folks at Mountain Motorsports. Those guys did it right. They had never done such work on a spyder before so they took their time and made sure it was done right the first time knowing I was headed back home to NC. Lamonster. BRP "Matt" and everyone else took great care of me. Lamonster, make sure you check the glove box of the truck that was pulling the trainer, left you a present.
So, now I have a new tire and a new belt. The ride back went off without any problems except the no stop rain for 7 hours but once I got back and had to time to think about everything, this was still one of the best trips I have ever done and will do more in the future.

09-28-2008, 10:28 AM
Glad you made it home safely Patches. It was nice to meet you and Laz. Hopefully we will have more opportunities to ride together again.

09-28-2008, 12:12 PM
Glad that no one was hurt and that you can laugh it off. No sense in worrying about things you can't change.

We had a ride yesterday for a friend of mines son who is returning for his 3rd tour in the big Sandbox. Well wouldn't you know it we had a very similar accident happen.

Sudden stop by the group and my friends son riding a Nightster slid into the back of his dads 09 UltraClassic, both went down with no injuries. The bikes have some damage but everyone is okay.