View Full Version : Where we have been

07-24-2014, 01:22 AM
We are on our one month trip to California started off at Austin the to a family reunion at Lincoln national forest then off to mom's house for a day. The off to Chiricahua national park fro two days then to Tucson and Nogales and Madera canon. Off to brothers house 80 Phoenix then off to Indio to check out. The Joshua Tree. We then left to LA for a few days to visit brother in law. 5 hen off to backers field to check out the sequoia's and a lake then off to Fresno to see a cousin at his ranch and see Yosemite National Park. Now we are 80 San Francisco Bay Area and then off to lake Tahoe and Reno. Updates to come

07-24-2014, 02:27 AM
be safe and enjoy the trip, the visits (family) the sights and we will be waiting for those updates..!! :ohyea::ohyea:

Air Force PAO
07-24-2014, 07:18 AM
Enjoy your trip. Forecast for today in Austin is near 100 degrees.

Bob Denman
07-24-2014, 07:20 AM
More pictures; please! :D
Have a safe and enjoyable trip! :2thumbs: