View Full Version : brp group ride from Silverton to Ouray,finally got one of the videos up

07-23-2014, 01:28 PM
this is unedited but I thought the ride was done in silverton so I drive thru the town (something I don't do) and when I got back to to the gas station the group left north when I thought they were going back so I HAD to get ahead to make sure there was not big rocks in the road, don't want anyone getting hurt, safety first and all that.


07-23-2014, 02:47 PM
Only an idiot would pass on a double yellow line. (JMHO) :lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie::gaah::gaah:They are there for a reason. Is your time really so much more valuable than everyone else's? Your'e lucky you didn't hit a big rig, or worse, injured someone else because of your choice to ride dangerously.

07-23-2014, 02:50 PM
this is unedited but I thought the ride was done in silverton so I drive thru the town (something I don't do) and when I got back to to the gas station the group left north when I thought they were going back so I HAD to get ahead to make sure there was not big rocks in the road, don't want anyone getting hurt, safety first and all that.


Great video! The" existing now- fix my sci" caught my eye. Double ditto,s here, my situation and my thoughts exactly. Kudo's to you for still being out there!


07-23-2014, 02:52 PM
Really? Do you know US 550 is one of the 10 most deadly roads in america because of stupidity like that? And you want to post it in a public forum?

I really don't care when folks to stupid things to get themselves killed, its when they do stupid things and get others killed.

Kindly take your childish behavior elsewhere. I do hope you get caught before someone else pays the price......:mad:

I hope the CO DOT asks Lamonster for your login information. All the data needed for a felony reckless driving conviction is right there in your video. Even clear view of the speedo.

Sorry, stunts like this in the name of posting video online for 'hits' is NOT COOL.

Rick H.
07-23-2014, 07:58 PM
Wow, very interesting and very dumb if this is real. And you rode like this for what reason? You better hope some Colorado State Patrol Officer doesn't see this and decides to pursue charges. It doesn't take a genius to understand that all an officer would have to do is compare segments of your video to the exact areas in order to obtain a distance you travelled and then take the real time from your video, do a little math and viola! Your actual speeds would be computed. It's been done in the past. Let's not even begin to count how many times you crossed yellow lines putting not only your own life in danger, but the lives of every other person you encountered. Did you ever think that maybe one of the untold number of motorists you passed may not have been expecting you to come blasting past them and that perhaps one of them could have run off the road after being surprised by your antics? It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt or worse. I have been on some roads in Colorado and they can be very unforgiving. You fortunately, were extremely lucky and so was everyone else whose path you crossed.

If I were you SethO I would request your post be deleted and maintain a low profile for a while. I don't know about Colorado, but in Wisconsin traffic charges can be issued up to two years after the offense. Two years can be a long time to wait for traffic charges to be issued. By the way, you also didn't put Spyder owners in a very good light either........bummer, I thought Spyder owners had more common sense. Very disappointing. You also better hope your insurance agent doesn't catch sight of this video and figure out who it is:dontknow:.


07-23-2014, 08:20 PM
hope you got your big boy flame suit on.

07-23-2014, 08:22 PM
I don't think name-calling accomplishes anything..I don't know Seth very well,but every time I asked his advice on routes or rydes in Minnesota,he was more than accommodating...He is NOT an idiot...I don't agree with the way he rydes by no means...All I will say is "Seth,slow down,we want you around for a long time".

07-23-2014, 08:38 PM
Only seth can decide if he wants to be around for a long time. The problem is, because of his behavior, other folks were and probably will be continued to be put at risk. Seems selfish to me, but I am old school. You ride with respect, obey the law, and no one is put at risk. To ride the way it was shown in the video is totally irresponsible. This is just encouraging others to do the same, and damn the consequences. Should not have been posted on this forum. That is not what this community is about. JMHO

07-23-2014, 08:58 PM
this is unedited but I thought the ride was done in silverton so I drive thru the town (something I don't do) and when I got back to to the gas station the group left north when I thought they were going back so I HAD to get ahead to make sure there was not big rocks in the road, don't want anyone getting hurt, safety first and all that.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxfutr1k7BM&feature=youtu.beI agree with all the other folks that say this was plain stupid riding!
Do you know really these roads your riding? Deer,elk, Big horn sheep are quite prevalent here also. Not to mention how these actions reflect on other Spyder owners!
I'm was not impressed at all.

Grandpa Pete
07-23-2014, 09:07 PM
You are who you are. Roll the bones and don't get snake eyes.

07-23-2014, 10:32 PM
:yes::yes:....Thanks Seth, I enjoyed that video. It was almost like being there :roflblack:....and for you "NEWER" Spyderlovers who were upset by this video, let me explain some things. I'm an X - leo of 35 yrs. and the double Yellow line is an " advisory " .....It's only illegal to pass if it's posted as " NO PASSING ZONE / AREA ". I also didn't think Seth rode in a dangerous manner, His sightlines were good for the machine He was operating ......If He had been driving say a YUGO , I would have arrested Him , but He wasn't......And if there is anyone who knows how to drive a Spyder fast it's Seth ......after all He did hold the first "land speed record for the Spyder " at Bonneville salt flats ......YES newbies He really ,really did !!!!!!!...............................Mikeguyver :thumbup:

07-23-2014, 10:49 PM
:yes::yes:....Thanks Seth, I enjoyed that video. It was almost like being there :roflblack:....and for you "NEWER" Spyderlovers who were upset by this video, let me explain some things. I'm an X - leo of 35 yrs. and the double Yellow line is an " advisory " .....It's only illegal to pass if it's posted as " NO PASSING ZONE / AREA ". I also didn't think Seth rode in a dangerous manner, His sightlines were good for the machine He was operating ......If He had been driving say a YUGO , I would have arrested Him , but He wasn't......And if there is anyone who knows how to drive a Spyder fast it's Seth ......after all He did hold the first "land speed record for the Spyder " at Bonneville salt flats ......YES newbies He really ,really did !!!!!!!...............................Mikeguyver :thumbup:

Hate to tell you this Mikey Boy but passing on a double line without a posted sign is illegal here in Colorado. I am from Colorado. This is not Vermont--it is Colorado, hint hint

This guy should be taken off his Spyder and thrown in JAIL in my opinion. He is totally embarrasing and presents a very poor example for the rest of us. I saw enough of this when I was a HOG.


White Lightening
07-23-2014, 10:55 PM
:yes::yes:....Thanks Seth, I enjoyed that video. It was almost like being there :roflblack:....and for you "NEWER" Spyderlovers who were upset by this video, let me explain some things. I'm an X - leo of 35 yrs. and the double Yellow line is an " advisory " .....It's only illegal to pass if it's posted as " NO PASSING ZONE / AREA ". I also didn't think Seth rode in a dangerous manner, His sightlines were good for the machine He was operating ......If He had been driving say a YUGO , I would have arrested Him , but He wasn't......And if there is anyone who knows how to drive a Spyder fast it's Seth ......after all He did hold the first "land speed record for the Spyder " at Bonneville salt flats ......YES newbies He really ,really did !!!!!!!...............................Mikeguyver :thumbup:

check your facts. I think you will find only two states where it is legal to pass on a double yellow in certain circumstances. Colorado is not one of them, both are in your area.

07-23-2014, 11:18 PM
this is unedited but I thought the ride was done in silverton so I drive thru the town (something I don't do) and when I got back to to the gas station the group left north when I thought they were going back so I HAD to get ahead to make sure there was not big rocks in the road, don't want anyone getting hurt, safety first and all that.


Each cowboy rides his own horse !!!! :lecturef_smilie:

07-23-2014, 11:19 PM
for the video it was great scenery. Like a flash from the past, was up that way many many years ago. Sorry your ryding is what most are judging you did have clear view and good control I saw no one at risk but the animal thing is something to consider..be careful..!! :thumbup:

07-23-2014, 11:25 PM
Hate to tell you this Mikey Boy but passing on a double line without a posted sign is illegal here in Colorado. I am from Colorado. This is not Vermont--it is Colorado, hint hint

This guy should be taken off his Spyder and thrown in JAIL in my opinion. He is totally embarrasing and presents a very poor example for the rest of us. I saw enough of this when I was a HOG.

Well " Jackie - Boy " :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:....I'm glad I don't live in Colorado then.:clap::clap::clap:...........and PS you are a liar ...;...You didn't HATE telling me this ...YOU LOVED IT:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack: ...............PPS , even if you hadn't told us you were a Harley D owner I would have guessed it :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:................. ............Mikey Boy :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflb lack::roflblack::roflblack:

07-24-2014, 04:37 AM
:yes::yes:....Thanks Seth, I enjoyed that video. It was almost like being there :roflblack:....and for you "NEWER" Spyderlovers who were upset by this video, let me explain some things. I'm an X - leo of 35 yrs. and the double Yellow line is an " advisory " .....It's only illegal to pass if it's posted as " NO PASSING ZONE / AREA ". I also didn't think Seth rode in a dangerous manner, His sightlines were good for the machine He was operating ......If He had been driving say a YUGO , I would have arrested Him , but He wasn't......And if there is anyone who knows how to drive a Spyder fast it's Seth ......after all He did hold the first "land speed record for the Spyder " at Bonneville salt flats ......YES newbies He really ,really did !!!!!!!...............................Mikeguyver :thumbup:

So going 85 in a 35 zone is not illegal either? Sorry but I just have to disagree with you on this one. Ess ok, life goes on.