View Full Version : Almost Famous

09-20-2008, 10:10 PM
From the Golden Aspen Rally...I was going to try to record the parade, but some how ended up joining it. They had photogs stationed at the entrance...here is the result.

09-20-2008, 10:49 PM
What is that seat cover unit on your Spyder?

Have not seen one of those yet.

Must be nice to have the choice to ditch helmets as many were doing. Hoping Michigan makes this choice soon! While I would most likely use a helmet most of the time, it would be nice to ditch it on ocassion. I did some riding the other day sans helmet for about 20 miles and it was really nice for a change.

09-21-2008, 05:51 AM
Decided to take a ride in November a few years back. It was cold, so I put on everything I owned, including a full-face helmet I seldom wore with the protection of a Vetter fairing. Broke a fairing mount which crashed the bike, and landed me in a plowed field. Took the blow squarly in the face, from the marks on the helmet. I was knocked unconscious for four hours, but my face survived without looking any uglier than it did before. I never ride with an open face helmet anymore, and wouldn't dream of riding with none at all. What few brain cells I have left are more important to me now than the wind in my hair.

Greg H.
09-21-2008, 08:55 AM
Decided to take a ride in November a few years back. It was cold, so I put on everything I owned, including a full-face helmet I seldom wore with the protection of a Vetter fairing. Broke a fairing mount which crashed the bike, and landed me in a plowed field. Took the blow squarly in the face, from the marks on the helmet. I was knocked unconscious for four hours, but my face survived without looking any uglier than it did before. I never ride with an open face helmet anymore, and wouldn't dream of riding with none at all. What few brain cells I have left are more important to me now than the wind in my hair.

In Tennessee, if you are in a parade riding under 30 mph, I believe it's legal not to wear a helmet.

30 years ago (this past August 31st), I was nearly killed when my Yamaha RD400E slid off the entrance ramp on Palo Verde Rd approaching I-10 in Tucson. I was not wearing a helmet. I am very lucky to have survived that crash. I know all too well how good it feels to be out on a beautiful night (or day) riding w/o a helmet. It's not worth it. That one day you decide not to wear a helmet, just may be the day you are killed.

09-21-2008, 09:04 AM
From the Golden Aspen Rally...I was going to try to record the parade, but some how ended up joining it. They had photogs stationed at the entrance...here is the result.


09-21-2008, 10:41 AM
Sorry, didn't want this to turn into a helmet vs. no helmet arguement.

I wouldn't even think of riding without a helmet on 2 wheels. I feel the Spyder is in a class of its own and is far safer than anything on 2 wheels. I feel it is approaching the safety of a small convertable, but obviously not as safe.

The only accident I've heard of on a Spyder was the guy that hit a deer, which is a major concern here in Michigan. He was going 60mph and hit the deer dead on. Without being thrown from the Spyder, things should be pretty safe.

I agree 100% that having a helmet on IS safer. No doubt about it. Most of my riding is very aggressive, so I would wear one 90% of the time anyway.

But the issue is a personal one and should be a personal choice.

I don't need the government protecting me from myself.

09-21-2008, 06:59 PM
I don't need the government protecting me from myself.
I do...and all the SpyderLovers, too! Sometimes my wife isn't around to watch over me. :joke: :D

09-21-2008, 08:55 PM
From the Golden Aspen Rally...I was going to try to record the parade, but some how ended up joining it. They had photogs stationed at the entrance...here is the result.

Nice! About 2 yrs ago we accidently ran into a parade - and we rode the entire thing going the opposite direction!