View Full Version : Well I finally found a solution to all my Spyder Issues

06-19-2014, 09:11 PM
Yup I took it in the shorts but finally rid myself of this machine. The Spyder is an interesting concept with some really nice features but the head aches and poor customer support from BRP has assured I will NEVER own another BRP product.

Good luck to all you Spyder Lovers and enjoy the ride.

Total loss $14k let this be a message to any potential buyer steer clear of this brand and product and this company.

06-19-2014, 09:15 PM
Sorry you had a bad experience. Good luck with the rest of your life.

06-19-2014, 09:25 PM
That's a shame and such a huge loss. Pity BRP couldn't sort it for you.
All the best for the future.

06-19-2014, 09:25 PM
Yup I took it in the shorts but finally rid myself of this machine. The Spyder is an interesting concept with some really nice features but the head aches and poor customer support from BRP has assured I will NEVER own another BRP product.

Good luck to all you Spyder Lovers and enjoy the ride.

Total loss $14k let this be a message to any potential buyer steer clear of this brand and product and this company.

AS THEY SHOULD. It is too bad some of us have had such bad experiences. I have only owned a Spyder for two years. And these were two different units, a 2012 RT Ltd and a 2014 RT Ltd. I really have had zero problems in the two years. My 2014 is the epitome of satisfaction. After recently riding a BMW R1200 RT, I know I will never go back on two wheels. I said many years ago that I thought I would ride as long as I could get my leg across the seat. At age 78, it looks like this will be correct.

Bottom line - you had a really bad experience. I wish yours could have been like mine.

06-19-2014, 09:36 PM
Loved my 2010 RT SE5 for 70k wonderful miles....reallllly loving my 2014 RTS SE6 and 622 trailer (almost 6k). I have had wonderful experience with my favorite dealer Pitbull Powersports and Clem's Enumclaw service dept. & with BRP to help get any issue resolved to my satisfaction. Sure wouldn't want to be you..with that solution for your issues.
Spyders and BRP are GREAT...are they perfect...nope (but first you have to define perfect!!) and then I'm not perfect either (pretty close but still working on the final product!!! :roflblack:). OK gotta get some zzzzz's another day of ryding my magnificent Studly along with Ros & Steve on their '14's as we work our way to Durango...yep that BRP Owner's Event thingy!!!!!:yes:

06-19-2014, 10:33 PM
Yup I took it in the shorts but finally rid myself of this machine. The Spyder is an interesting concept with some really nice features but the head aches and poor customer support from BRP has assured I will NEVER own another BRP product.

Good luck to all you Spyder Lovers and enjoy the ride.

Total loss $14k let this be a message to any potential buyer steer clear of this brand and product and this company.

Seriously dude, I bought a 2009 GS in July 2012 with 4000 miles, now have over 20,000 on it, no mechanical issues whatsoever,
my only complaint is I have to work sometime, can't ride all the time.
Negative mind brings out the worst, oh well enough said, just gotta stay positive and stay away from negative vibes.

06-19-2014, 10:34 PM
Sad that it all ended this way. Don't know how you lost that much but no matter now. Your experience is non typical and don't see it as a warning to others but good for all to know not everything in life is perfect. Hope your future endevours go better and you get what your looking for...:thumbup:

06-19-2014, 10:37 PM
AS THEY SHOULD. It is too bad some of us have had such bad experiences. I have only owned a Spyder for two years. And these were two different units, a 2012 RT Ltd and a 2014 RT Ltd. I really have had zero problems in the two years. My 2014 is the epitome of satisfaction. After recently riding a BMW R1200 RT, I know I will never go back on two wheels. I said many years ago that I thought I would ride as long as I could get my leg across the seat. At age 78, it looks like this will be correct.

Bottom line - you had a really bad experience. I wish yours could have been like mine.

Exactly my experience with the exact models. No problems. " I have only owned a Spyder for two years. And these were two different units, a 2012 RT Ltd and a 2014 RT Ltd. I really have had zero problems in the two years. My 2014 is the epitome of satisfaction."

I am sorry you had the bad experience and took such a big hit in the pocketbook! Wish the issues you had could have been resolved to your satisfaction by BRP!

06-19-2014, 11:39 PM
yeah well- I am not too happy with mine either. for 30k I got , heat, bbq'ed FOOT , stinking gas smell (when weather is hot), AND
squealing brakes. and to this day all I get from dealer and BRP IS '' it's NORMAl'' - my ass it is! :banghead:
got my reservation for that ELIO though....then I'll thub my nose at BRP and the gas stations!:thumbup:

06-20-2014, 12:55 AM
After reading this post. It appears he judged the success of his heat mods prematurely. Then, summer arrived.


Why some 2013's make more heat than others may remain a mystery but, that doesn't mean the problem is not real to those who are left to deal with it.

Sorry you had such a bad experience. Even though it appears you took an honest swing at fixing the issue.

I'm shocked....but not surprised, by some of the commenter's comments.

Good luck with your next ride :thumbup:

Bob Denman
06-20-2014, 06:59 AM
I also thought that the O.P. had a handle on the bike's issues... :dontknow:
I hate to see it end up like this:

"Total loss $14k let this be a message to any potential buyer steer clear of this brand and product and this company."

Good luck with your next bike! :2thumbs:

06-20-2014, 07:21 AM
Sorry to hear you lost so much money to bail on your Spyder and I can understand how you
feel as I too have lost a great deal of money on poor machines in the past. That being said
I had a 2010 RTS that was nothing but trouble from the start to finish and didn't trust it
to ride across town but got lucky and got all my money back (on this one) minus my trade in and also
said I do not think I will buy another Spyder but waited and watched for 4 years and read
all the reviews and finally took a test ride and did my homework and took the plunge and
got the 2014 RTS and WOW what a big difference in bikes! So you never know down the road
what will happen but any way I wish you luck and hopefully you will find a bike that suits your
needs and likes. Good luck.

06-20-2014, 07:32 AM
Be assured folks the mods fixed the issues. They absolutely fixed the that problem.

But being man of principle and only going to three wheels because I wanted too not "had" too I sat back and looked at the overall experience with BRP and decided I will not do business with a Company that handles it's customer the way they handled me and MANY others.

I completely expected the responses I got here after all the name of the site is not Spyder Haters.....:clap:.

The impact of poor design and really poor customer service not too mention the safety issues with these machines is far beyond what you will ever see put out on this site.

How ow do you loose 14k well simple look at the out the door prices of Spyders right now consider the 4k of mods then the sale price of the machine seeing I had to do full disclosure and wella lost my rear end. choose too and will not look back as there is too much open road to be enjoyed on another machine.

Most of you seem like nice folks that need a Spyder and I wish you the best of luck and it is personal choice to support a company by spending money with them. But do not be so naive to think that BRP is nothing more than a profit center as most businesses should be but worse is they have not been put to the test as of yet but they will be mark my words there is more to these failures than you see here.

But let me be clear the mods worked 40% reduction in heat heat measured with thermocouples and a infared heat gun.

I am motorcycle guy not "Roadster" guy.

Just be be safe and enjoy the wind in your face.

06-20-2014, 08:28 AM
I dunno that many people 'need' a spyder, I've seen folks with a variety of physical challenges modify bikes to their needs. I still ride in woods races so I don't 'need' a spyder.

I love the spyder. It's a ball of fun, it's pure rock and roll in the corners, I get my weight far over and in and push to see how fast I can do that corner.

If it weren't for the 'deal' from a friend I'd have gotten a sport version instead of the RT, but it's fun slinging the big girl around.

With the only suspension mod being a ronbar, I find the :spyder2: very stable in all conditions, having already been in significant rain, gravel roads, and even some mud.

Everyone has different tastes though, and I'm really sorry that you spent that much in suspension upgrades and other mods and still didn't like the ride.

06-20-2014, 08:49 AM
I hate it that you had so many problems. I do "need" the spyder. It feeds my addiction to fun! As far as to physically need it to be able to ride that is the farthest from the truth. I'm a healthy active 55 year old and could ride anything of my choosing, and I choose the Spyder RT. I have owned my 2011 RT for 3 years (last pymt this month) and 18,000 happy miles. NO PROBLEMS. Not to say you didn't have problems but I don't think it's fair to say that what you experienced will be the typical experience. Good luck and maybe you can find happiness in another ryde.

06-20-2014, 09:06 AM
I assume he is talking a 2013?

Buying the first year of a major redesign is always risky. Consumer Reports won't even give a reliability rating to a new model or and existing model that has been substantially redesigned. They often advise against buying such models until a vehicle history is established. What bothered me (of course this is all hindsight, based upon posts in this Forum) is who thought it was a good idea to redirect the heat from the passenger to the engine? To be honest, BRP had a knee jerk reaction to the problem and made the simplest design change which may have turned out to be the worst thing they did.

Anyone who rides a motorcycle is usually going to feel some extra heat on a hot day on the side where the exhaust runs from the engine to the back of the bike. Sorry, my 2012 is just fine and definitely no worse (and often better) then some motorcycles. Some Harley owners can attest to much worse engine heat of some models.

But we moaned and groaned and BRP made the change and they made the situation worse.

Then comes 2014 - and I am reading all the reports and for the most part they are great.

Live and learn. A 14K hit is nothing to sneeze about. Best wishes in the future!

I completely expected the responses I got here after all the name of the site is not Spyder Haters.....
I belong to FORUMS for several different things, i.e. boat, 2 different models of cars, etc. and you do find some boosters but this FORUM has given me excellent service and/or advice when I needed it. People do help each other on here and most have a great deal more experience with different subjects then I do.

Yes, some of my posts eventually got deleted, but that happens on every FORUM. Maybe I am more thick-skinned then others, but at the end of the day, I will come back because of all the great advice, ideas, etc. that get shared on these pages.

06-20-2014, 10:09 AM
I dunno that many people 'need' a spyder, I've seen folks with a variety of physical challenges modify bikes to their needs. I still ride in woods races so I don't 'need' a spyder.

I love the spyder. It's a ball of fun, it's pure rock and roll in the corners, I get my weight far over and in and push to see how fast I can do that corner.

If it weren't for the 'deal' from a friend I'd have gotten a sport version instead of the RT, but it's fun slinging the big girl around.

With the only suspension mod being a ronbar, I find the :spyder2: very stable in all conditions, having already been in significant rain, gravel roads, and even some mud.

Everyone has different tastes though, and I'm really sorry that you spent that much in suspension upgrades and other mods and still didn't like the ride.

The ride and handling are fine the Elka fixed any issue but the idea that for the machine to handle as it should you need to do sway bars and shocks is my issue.

Again I want to be clear here my decision is based on how I feel BRP Customer Service is or maybe is NOT.

Sure any machine can have issues I design very sophisticated equipment systems and design systems for off road heavy equipment so I certainly know how things can go... That said I pride myself on being responsive , empathetic and find solutions to customer issues and do so in timely and well thought out manner.

I NEVER felt that BRP gave rats rear end about me as customer or the issues I had.

The 14k? Well it's only money and I will recover, seeing I paid cash for the machine and will spend nothing on my new ride that's not the real issue. LACK of caring for the Customer is a BRP Corporate philosophical issue plain and simple and I am choosing not to do business with them.

I was not trying to demean to put down anyone for owning or riding a Spyder so,please do not take it that way sorry if you did. I have sports cars for that feeling I like the bike to lean and hug the corners but that's me. I think BRP is an ATV and Snowmobile Company they should probably stick to that.

06-20-2014, 11:10 AM
sorry you had trouble you do not need to keep running them down things happen to all makes and models also I guess you needed a spyder or you would have not bought one in the first place we buy and ride what we want and can afford how come you put 4000.00 in extras if you did not like it you must have liked it and one time gas smell comes from over filling tank when the pump shuts off do not put gas all the way to top if your led was bqed then you should have sued them for selling something that is a hazed and unsafe to people everything has its fault even rolls royces have a good one hope you find the perfe;);)ct ride

06-20-2014, 11:18 AM
Yup I took it in the shorts but finally rid myself of this machine. The Spyder is an interesting concept with some really nice features but the head aches and poor customer support from BRP has assured I will NEVER own another BRP product.

Good luck to all you Spyder Lovers and enjoy the ride.

Total loss $14k let this be a message to any potential buyer steer clear of this brand and product and this company.

I'm a bit confused (I don't know the history here). Did you purchase your Spider new? If so, and you have had issues that the dealer/manufacturer couldn't resolve, did you pursue the Lemon Law? Once you have proof of repeated failure to resolve a particular (doesn't need to be several) issue, it is very easy to get resolution. It doesn't require an attorney either.

06-20-2014, 11:21 AM
The gas smell does N O T come from overfilling the tank. That is a myth that has been around for far too long. The smell comes from a poorly designed evap system and too much heat getting to the gas tank. I would go into more detail but I am on my phone and it takes too long to type on it.

06-20-2014, 11:38 AM
Be assured folks the mods fixed the issues. They absolutely fixed the that problem.

But being man of principle and only going to three wheels because I wanted too not "had" too I sat back and looked at the overall experience with BRP and decided I will not do business with a Company that handles it's customer the way they handled me and MANY others.

I completely expected the responses I got here after all the name of the site is not Spyder Haters.....:clap:.

The impact of poor design and really poor customer service not too mention the safety issues with these machines is far beyond what you will ever see put out on this site.

How ow do you loose 14k well simple look at the out the door prices of Spyders right now consider the 4k of mods then the sale price of the machine seeing I had to do full disclosure and wella lost my rear end. choose too and will not look back as there is too much open road to be enjoyed on another machine.

Most of you seem like nice folks that need a Spyder and I wish you the best of luck and it is personal choice to support a company by spending money with them. But do not be so naive to think that BRP is nothing more than a profit center as most businesses should be but worse is they have not been put to the test as of yet but they will be mark my words there is more to these failures than you see here.

But let me be clear the mods worked 40% reduction in heat heat measured with thermocouples and a infared heat gun.

I am motorcycle guy not "Roadster" guy.

Just be be safe and enjoy the wind in your face.

Well, fortunately for me my experience after having a Spyder for three years is just the opposite of yours. The relatively minor problems I had early on were easily fixed by my dealer and BRP has always done right for me. Every time I think about going back to two wheels I get on my RT and those thoughts go away.

And my dealer is stellar!

Good luck.

Cruzr Joe
06-20-2014, 12:01 PM
Bye Ramjet

Cruzr Joe

06-20-2014, 12:49 PM
Thanks for the post and best of luck to you, sorry you where treated so poorly by customer service, they really need to work on that and the engineering in my opinion, I love my bike but think some of there engineers need to go back to school LOL. :cheers:

06-20-2014, 02:41 PM
Bye Ramjet

Cruzr Joe

:agree: and my feelings exactly. I feel that posts lose a bit of credibility when they turn into a rant against the product.

Based on all the bad things with the :ani29:, your decision to cut your losses, get safer, and be happy in your life, are all good ones.

Most of us like our :spyder2:'s and have not experienced the issues that have been mentioned.

Bob Denman
06-20-2014, 02:46 PM
:agree: My conversations with dealers, and representatives of "The Mother Ship"; have been nothing but professional, courteous and very helpful... :thumbup:

3 Wheel Addict
06-20-2014, 03:03 PM
Well let me get in on this... He is not alone! Mine is currently locked in a storage unit and has not been touched since it last came back from the dealer in april with huge gas smell and dripping fuel. There is more to the story but I'm not going into it now. While I will agree that any machine could be problematic it truly is the lack of support from the dealers as well as the factory that is killing the reputation. Some of the things that the dealer is telling me is just nuts and I can hardly believe that even "they" believe it themselves! I have not completely given up on the brand YET but waiting to see.......

06-20-2014, 03:30 PM
Bye Ramjet

Cruzr Joejoe, simple, but to the point! I like that! :2thumbs:

06-20-2014, 03:33 PM
Well let me get in on this... He is not alone! Mine is currently locked in a storage unit and has not been touched since it last came back from the dealer in april with huge gas smell and dripping fuel. There is more to the story but I'm not going into it now. While I will agree that any machine could be problematic it truly is the lack of support from the dealers as well as the factory that is killing the reputation. Some of the things that the dealer is telling me is just nuts and I can hardly believe that even "they" believe it themselves! I have not completely given up on the brand YET but waiting to see.......

You have valid points and I don't believe anyone is going to fault you for your statements.

There is a big difference between discussing problems and issues, and ranting because one can.

06-20-2014, 04:16 PM
Be assured folks the mods fixed the issues. They absolutely fixed the that problem.

But being man of principle and only going to three wheels because I wanted too not "had" too I sat back and looked at the overall experience with BRP and decided I will not do business with a Company that handles it's customer the way they handled me and MANY others.

I completely expected the responses I got here after all the name of the site is not Spyder Haters.....:clap:.

The impact of poor design and really poor customer service not too mention the safety issues with these machines is far beyond what you will ever see put out on this site.

How do you loose 14k well simple look at the out the door prices of Spyders right now consider the 4k of mods then the sale price of the machine seeing I had to do full disclosure and well a lost my rear end. choose too and will not look back as there is too much open road to be enjoyed on another machine.

Most of you seem like nice folks that need a Spyder and I wish you the best of luck and it is personal choice to support a company by spending money with them. But do not be so naive to think that BRP is nothing more than a profit center as most businesses should be but worse is they have not been put to the test as of yet but they will be mark my words there is more to these failures than you see here.

But let me be clear the mods worked 40% reduction in heat heat measured with thermocouples and a infared heat gun.

I am motorcycle guy not "Roadster" guy.

Just be be safe and enjoy the wind in your face.

As a motorcycle guy, are you buying a 2014 FRJ 1300 Yamaha? (my favorite handling motorcycle that I could drag bottom of boots in corners, 2005 FJR put on 28,000 miles).
Unfortunately my FJR Yamaha motorcycle days are over.
All your heat mods solved that problem on 2013 RT; just like I did on mine.
I took a loss on 2013 RT-S, & bought a 2014 RT-S SE6, put cat-delete bypass pipe on and really enjoy it.
I was fortunate to enjoy 3 Spyder RT's (about 37k miles) with no major problems requiring direct contact with BRP.
Enjoy your "Pace" motorcycle rides this summer on your new bike!!!
Keep in touch.

06-20-2014, 04:24 PM
As a motorcycle guy, are you buying a 2014 FRJ 1300 Yamaha? (my favorite handling motorcycle that I could drag bottom of boots in corners, 2005 FJR put on 28,000 miles).
Unfortunately my FJR Yamaha motorcycle days are over.
All your heat mods solved that problem on 2013 RT; just like I did on mine.
I took a loss on 2013 RT-S, & bought a 2014 RT-S SE6, put cat-delete bypass pipe on and really enjoy it.
I was fortunate to enjoy 3 Spyder RT's (about 37k miles) with no major problems requiring direct contact with BRP.
Enjoy your "Pace" motorcycle rides this summer on your new bike!!!
Keep in touch.
FJR!!! I had an 06. Darn fun motorcycle.

06-20-2014, 04:45 PM
Well let me get in on this... He is not alone! Mine is currently locked in a storage unit and has not been touched since it last came back from the dealer in april with huge gas smell and dripping fuel. There is more to the story but I'm not going into it now. While I will agree that any machine could be problematic it truly is the lack of support from the dealers as well as the factory that is killing the reputation. Some of the things that the dealer is telling me is just nuts and I can hardly believe that even "they" believe it themselves! I have not completely given up on the brand YET but waiting to see.......

Have you tried a different dealer? And why on Earth is it locked in a storage unit?

Bob Denman
06-20-2014, 05:12 PM
:agree: :dontknow:
It's not as if it can do anything to heal itself in there...
Find a shop that'll work with you on it! :thumbup:

After all; the bike is still under warranty anyway!

06-20-2014, 05:20 PM
he he he here come the cheerleaders on how to "fix" your problems.

maybe just maybe he is just sick of dealing with for now. So putting into storage it may be less likely to burn down his homestead?

Oh by the cruzeiro Joey I got rid of the Spyder but that does not mean I am going anywhere.

Maybe you can turn me into the internet police and tell them I am not paying total unabashed homage to your beloved Spyder therefore I should be banned? :yes:

06-20-2014, 05:24 PM
As a motorcycle guy, are you buying a 2014 FRJ 1300 Yamaha? (my favorite handling motorcycle that I could drag bottom of boots in corners, 2005 FJR put on 28,000 miles).
Unfortunately my FJR Yamaha motorcycle days are over.
All your heat mods solved that problem on 2013 RT; just like I did on mine.
I took a loss on 2013 RT-S, & bought a 2014 RT-S SE6, put cat-delete bypass pipe on and really enjoy it.
I was fortunate to enjoy 3 Spyder RT's (about 37k miles) with no major problems requiring direct contact with BRP.
Enjoy your "Pace" motorcycle rides this summer on your new bike!!!
Keep in touch.

Yes indeed that is really fun and awesome bike but I have a Yamaha VMax 230 hp to rear wheel but that is a more straight away bike than the cornering of the FJR.

But actually a new Venture. Road it home today and man it was really nice and smooth and get this 5 year unlimited mileage warranty and it gets 39 MPG and a 6 gallon tank........ Very nice rig.

06-20-2014, 05:34 PM
Yes indeed that is really fun and awesome bike but I have a Yamaha VMax 230 hp to rear wheel but that is a more straight away bike than the cornering of the FJR.

But actually a new Venture. Road it home today and man it was really nice and smooth and get this 5 year unlimited mileage warranty and it gets 39 MPG and a 6 gallon tank........ Very nice rig.

Sounds a lot like a Spyder 39 mpg, 6 gallon tank and a 5 year unlimited mileage warranty. Yep, sounds just like my 2014 RTS.

Bob Denman
06-20-2014, 05:37 PM
he he he here come the cheerleaders on how to "fix" your problems.

maybe just maybe he is just sick of dealing with for now. So putting into storage it may be less likely to burn down his homestead?

I was just thinking that the warranties are good for two years; storing it is only killing the warranty, and fixing nothing... :shocked: nojoke

06-20-2014, 09:21 PM
Well I'm one of the unlucky Spyder owners 2010 RT SM5, lemon from day 1.........I'm good for a class action lawsuit......$20,000 plus and still undependable, and most times UN-ridable!

06-20-2014, 09:29 PM
Sounds a lot like a Spyder 39 mpg, 6 gallon tank and a 5 year unlimited mileage warranty. Yep, sounds just like my 2014 RTS.

Well hopefully it does not come with the other BRP options like;

Nad roasting heat.
Gas boiling.
spontaneous combustion.
Uncontrollable steering issues.
Leaking gaskets......oh that's right they already fixed those.
Lets see oil viscosity break down in less than 4000 miles.
Road crown swaying or less than stellar sway bars......
Vibrating belts at certain speeds.
Limp mode operation.
Stop light acceleration hiccups.
The Most important of all~ The BRP very poor CS philosophy in dealing with any of the issue you may have.

The warranty by the way is only as good as those who administer it and apply it and BRP does neither promptly, fairly or with any empathy for the customer.

Good luck Ann.

By by the way Yamaha has been building bikes for many many many more years than BRP.

Opps sorry the Spyder is not a bike it's roadster so that does not count.

Snowmobiles? Well that's a different story.

06-20-2014, 09:34 PM
I was just thinking that the warranties are good for two years; storing it is only killing the warranty, and fixing nothing... :shocked: nojoke

Bob maybe his safety and health are more important than riding the roadster right now. Knowing the problems he has had I certainly would not ride that thing either.

06-20-2014, 09:41 PM
:bdh:give up ---- it's dead!!!

06-20-2014, 09:50 PM
I was just thinking that the warranties are good for two years; storing it is only killing the warranty, and fixing nothing... :shocked: nojoke


06-20-2014, 09:59 PM
Well hopefully it does not come with the other BRP options like;

Nad roasting heat.
Gas boiling.
spontaneous combustion.
Uncontrollable steering issues.
Leaking gaskets......oh that's right they already fixed those.
Lets see oil viscosity break down in less than 4000 miles.
Road crown swaying or less than stellar sway bars......
Vibrating belts at certain speeds.
Limp mode operation.
Stop light acceleration hiccups.
The Most important of all~ The BRP very poor CS philosophy in dealing with any of the issue you may have.

The warranty by the way is only as good as those who administer it and apply it and BRP does neither promptly, fairly or with any empathy for the customer.

Good luck Ann.

By by the way Yamaha has been building bikes for many many many more years than BRP.

Opps sorry the Spyder is not a bike it's roadster so that does not count.

Snowmobiles? Well that's a different story.

Well, while I realize that some people have had some serious problems (not most, but some), I'll still answer your list...

Nad roasting heat. Never had it.
Gas boiling. Never had it.
spontaneous combustion. Never had it.
Uncontrollable steering issues. Never had it.
Leaking gaskets......oh that's right they already fixed those. Never had it.
Lets see oil viscosity break down in less than 4000 miles. Never had it.
Road crown swaying or less than stellar sway bars...... Never had it.
Vibrating belts at certain speeds. Never had it.
Limp mode operation. Had it once...fixed itself and never had it again.
Stop light acceleration hiccups. Never had it.
The Most important of all~ The BRP very poor CS philosophy in dealing with any of the issue you may have. Never had that problem...BRP has been great with me.

The two problems I had with my RT were corroded wiring in the starter system and a leaking rear suspension air bag. Both were fixed IMMEDIATELY by my dealer. I also had two seats start to come apart (poor sewing by subcontractor) and BRP replaced both immediately with absolutely no problems. All that happened in the first year and I haven't had one single problem since.

BTW, I've been riding since 1968 and owned mostly Yamahas before I went to the Spyder three years ago (RD 400, XS 500, V-Star 1300T, among others). The FJR 1300 should be a good bike.

06-21-2014, 01:14 AM
Like them both - a lot!

But, for very different reasons.
