View Full Version : 300 miles with a major rain test

09-12-2008, 04:12 PM
I had to run down to Hendersonville NC today and while I was down that way I headed to Spartinburg SC to see a buddy of mine. When I took off this morning it was a little wet but not to bad. On the way home I got about 30 miles from home and the sky opened up in buckets. :shocked:

It was raining so hard that the truck ahead of me was having a hard time staying on the road and we were comming down off of the mountain. The driveways were dumping red gravel, dirt and water about 4" high and it was flash flood city on all the surface roads.

I said all that to say that the cold air intake didn't miss a beat. The Spyder never stumbled even once and I really can't see me riding in anything harder than that. I guess God just wanted me to get that part of the testing over with. :D

09-12-2008, 04:18 PM
Wow!! I am amazed the Spyder handled all that. I had heard that with that much water on the road it would hydroplane. I'm delighted to hear it handled so well.

09-12-2008, 04:58 PM
mine hydroplaned in the rain, but I guess it was due to me trying to do 80mph?:doorag:

09-12-2008, 05:07 PM
Okay..... Now you got me back to thinking about doing this again. Still won't happen before Gatlinburg as the dealer will have the Spyder for three days to do the 6K service. Plus I need to allot probably a good portion of a day to do the J&M CB communicator install on two Spyders. And work and .... the list goes on....

-Techinical question- Is there a point when cold air can be too cold? I read a little blurb about turbochargers that said something about an intake air preheater. I didn't get into the nuts and bolts of the article but I do plan on riding my Spyder when its in the 30s (or less). http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Holidays_and_Party/snowman-057.gif

09-12-2008, 06:22 PM
Thanks for the "real world" test, Lamonster. You have answered that question for certain. Better go dry your shorts.

09-18-2008, 09:19 AM
I only had to do a 100 and it wasn't raining quite that hard but I couldn't say anything bad about the way Spyder handled or performed. Glad I wasn't on the old 2 wheel.

09-18-2008, 11:20 AM
Okay..... ....... Plus I need to allot probably a good portion of a day to do the J&M CB communicator install on two Spyders. And work and .... the list goes on....

The most time consuming part is removing all the necessary panels. You may want to do this together to save time. Remove the panels on one of the Spyders and start the install letting your helper start removing the panels from the other one. You could have the install done in about the same time it takes to remove the panels.

When done with the install on the first one you can move on to the other while your helper installs the panel on the first one.

Hint: Drill the antenna mount holes for both first. It will help expedite the work for a 2 person install team.

Have fun, it's a great mod.

09-18-2008, 11:51 AM
Glad you made it out alive, as the saying goes. With no passenger on the back it is so EASY to spin the rear tire when starting from a stop in the rain. With the wife and the trailer on the back, not so bad. Ryde Safe and Enjoy:thumbup:

09-18-2008, 01:54 PM
I had to run down to Hendersonville NC today and while I was down that way I headed to Spartinburg SC to see a buddy of mine. When I took off this morning it was a little wet but not to bad. On the way home I got about 30 miles from home and the sky opened up in buckets. :shocked:

It was raining so hard that the truck ahead of me was having a hard time staying on the road and we were comming down off of the mountain. The driveways were dumping red gravel, dirt and water about 4" high and it was flash flood city on all the surface roads.

I said all that to say that the cold air intake didn't miss a beat. The Spyder never stumbled even once and I really can't see me riding in anything harder than that. I guess God just wanted me to get that part of the testing over with. :D

you werent speeding were u??:yikes:

09-19-2008, 12:10 AM
This summer a friend and I went on a 3600 mile trip out west, he was on his BMWR1150RT and me on the spyder. We encountered a good bit of rain. In new Mexico it was washing mud in the street and water running over the road and I was so glad to be on the spyder, no handling problems at all. In Ok it was raingin so hard one afternoon when we had gotten off the road for the night that I was the only person moving including cars. So on this trip I found out that the spyder handles great in rain and will keep me as safe as it can. Had I been on my motorcycle,BMWK1200R, most of these times I have talked about I would have had to stop.

09-19-2008, 02:43 PM
-Techinical question- Is there a point when cold air can be too cold? I read a little blurb about turbochargers that said something about an intake air preheater. I didn't get into the nuts and bolts of the article but I do plan on riding my Spyder when its in the 30s (or less). http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Holidays_and_Party/snowman-057.gif

FI (turbo's, Superchargers) love cold air. it will run like a different animal.