View Full Version : Great Weekend

ten ji
05-27-2014, 06:30 AM
First of all, never forget those that have gone before us and paid the ultimate price.

On to the happenings of the weekend. The SmoothSpyder backrest came in last week and I had to go to the post office to get it. Before I could do that... we took the kiddos (7 & 8 yrs old) to school on the spyders, they always love that. Helped the Mrs. with some Cub Scout/PTO stuff at the school, to get to the teacher work room we passed my little one's class room, he was bragging to all his friends that he got to ride the motorcycle to school. Next stop was the state inspection on the wife's spyder. She took mine to work. 2 1/2 hours later it was inspected and I was off to the DMV to title and tag it, that was expensive. That is when I went to the post office to sign for the backrest.

Saturday while the moms (wifey and my mom) went for mani/pedis I took the BRP backrest off my bike and put it on her's, interesting time without instructions. My brother was helpful on that one, next up was to install the SmoothSpyder on mine. That afternoon the wifey and I took the kiddos to my "biker trash" friend's house for a while. A lot of bikers, mostly Vets, all at one house, it's GREAT. Back to Dad's, he was cooking ribs over the "camp" fire in the back yard. That is when wifey decided she was going to ride up to D.C. with us for Rolling Thunder, her first one.

Sunday, you guessed it, 0 dark 30 we were up and heading to Dad's to head up to Rolling thunder. Met up with friends of dad's and headed north. A good time was had by all, as always.

Next up is the USMC wrap I ordered from SpiralusSpyder taht should be in this week. This coming weekend that will be my mission.


05-27-2014, 08:27 AM
Nice!! Great story and thanks for sharing... would love to see pics of Rolling THunder too :2thumbs:

First of all, never forget those that have gone before us and paid the ultimate price.

On to the happenings of the weekend. The SmoothSpyder backrest came in last week and I had to go to the post office to get it. Before I could do that... we took the kiddos (7 & 8 yrs old) to school on the spyders, they always love that. Helped the Mrs. with some Cub Scout/PTO stuff at the school, to get to the teacher work room we passed my little one's class room, he was bragging to all his friends that he got to ride the motorcycle to school. Next stop was the state inspection on the wife's spyder. She took mine to work. 2 1/2 hours later it was inspected and I was off to the DMV to title and tag it, that was expensive. That is when I went to the post office to sign for the backrest.

Saturday while the moms (wifey and my mom) went for mani/pedis I took the BRP backrest off my bike and put it on her's, interesting time without instructions. My brother was helpful on that one, next up was to install the SmoothSpyder on mine. That afternoon the wifey and I took the kiddos to my "biker trash" friend's house for a while. A lot of bikers, mostly Vets, all at one house, it's GREAT. Back to Dad's, he was cooking ribs over the "camp" fire in the back yard. That is when wifey decided she was going to ride up to D.C. with us for Rolling Thunder, her first one.

Sunday, you guessed it, 0 dark 30 we were up and heading to Dad's to head up to Rolling thunder. Met up with friends of dad's and headed north. A good time was had by all, as always.

Next up is the USMC wrap I ordered from SpiralusSpyder taht should be in this week. This coming weekend that will be my mission.


05-27-2014, 05:10 PM
sounds like an amazing memorial weekend. Glad you all had a good time and saved a bit to honor our fine men and women...!!:thumbup::thumbup:

ten ji
05-28-2014, 04:17 AM

Here is the first batch

ten ji
05-28-2014, 04:18 AM

Here are a few more