View Full Version : Hi

Ken Timlin
05-23-2014, 11:00 PM
Hey guys, I bought a new 2013 RT Ltd last year, didn't ride it much last year, today I managed to cover 100kms this now puts me at 800kms on the bike.

I am struggling with a decision, keep or sell ?
i bought the spyder to have weekends away in the mountains with the wife, to date she has only been to Safeway twice, and isn't happy about being on the bike.
now I am considering that I should buy a sports bike and off load the spyder.
anyone else had this dilemma ?

05-23-2014, 11:06 PM
Hey guys, I bought a new 2013 RT Ltd last year, didn't ride it much last year, today I managed to cover 100kms this now puts me at 800kms on the bike.

I am struggling with a decision, keep or sell ?
i bought the spyder to have weekends away in the mountains with the wife, to date she has only been to Safeway twice, and isn't happy about being on the bike.
now I am considering that I should buy a sports bike and off load the spyder.
anyone else had this dilemma ?
Me...I resort to bribery...doesn't always work...kinda disappointing.

05-23-2014, 11:19 PM
My wife loves the roadster and loved all the bikes before. Did she ride on two wheelers with you..?? If she doesn't like either one it will be your choice. How do you like the roadster..?? I can't imagine going back this was the best choice I made...:dontknow:

05-24-2014, 12:17 AM
If your wife doesn't enjoy riding on the Spyder with you there probably isn't a lot you can do to change that. So if you have more fun on 2 wheels I'd say go for it. I never liked riding on the back of a motorcycle with my husband but I never stopped him from riding. Does she have any interest in being the driver?

Ken Timlin
05-24-2014, 05:45 AM
She never did 2 wheels, she isn't interested in being the driver, and I don't think I would enjoy being a passenger, I even considered getting a sporty spider for her and keeping the RT for me, but she won't drive it.
i loved 2 wheels, I will be honest and tell you I don't get the same exhilaration from the spyder as I did from my ZZR1400 or my Ducati 1098, but I also like the riding position and the comfort of the spyder now, I have looked at the touring verion of the zxr 1400, but that's a huge sized bike for town riding

05-24-2014, 07:02 AM
I know your dilemma. I can't say that my wife "loves" riding on the spyder. She does it because she wants to participate and be with me. I've tried numerous times to get her to be the rider/driver, but to no avail. She has her reasons which I have come to the realization I will never change. I too don't particularly like going out for any length of time without her. I bought the RT-S with the view that this was going to be a partnership.

Let's face it folks. Some just don't like to get cold, wet, hot, sweaty, never see what the driver sees because they are sitting behind the driver and blocked from the view and cooped up in the back.

So where am I? I've been thinking about selling my spyder and getting a VW convertible (or something of that fashion) that will allow me the freedom of the wind, and at the same time allow her the comforts that she desires.

We can then do the traveling that WE want to do.


05-24-2014, 07:58 AM
My wife does not ryde with me very often. But she is ok with my going for rydes and enjoys the peace and quiet when i'm not home (so she says). It seems to work for us. We take a nice vacation together in the winter i an airplace or on a cruise ship to get out of the rain and I take some vacations in the summer on the bike/trike.

05-24-2014, 07:59 AM
A difficult dilemma!

If you can afford it, I would look at one of these.......

88928 Click!!

Same wheel configuration with a 2liter S&S V-twin and comfy side-by-side seating!

05-24-2014, 09:37 AM
It seems to me that if she doesn't like it on the back of the Spyder, then she isn't going to like it on the back of a sport bike either. Perhaps she just isn't into bikes or trikes and never will be in which case you probably need to figure that out first. Getting something else just on a hope is probably not a good financial decision. If she is OK with you riding on your own and doesn't want to be part of that activity then get what you are going to enjoy the most for yourself.
I am fortunate that my wife really does enjoy riding as a passenger. She says she doesn't care to ride her own bike but I would like her to learn to ryde the Spyder as a precaution in case we are somewhere and I have an issue.
With respect to a convertible, we have done that with a nice little 2 seater and enjoyed it but also came to the conclusion that nothing comes close to the experience of a bike.
Good luck with your decision.


05-24-2014, 10:38 AM
I know your dilemma. I can't say that my wife "loves" riding on the spyder. She does it because she wants to participate and be with me. I've tried numerous times to get her to be the rider/driver, but to no avail. She has her reasons which I have come to the realization I will never change. I too don't particularly like going out for any length of time without her. I bought the RT-S with the view that this was going to be a partnership.

Let's face it folks. Some just don't like to get cold, wet, hot, sweaty, never see what the driver sees because they are sitting behind the driver and blocked from the view and cooped up in the back.

So where am I? I've been thinking about selling my spyder and getting a VW convertible (or something of that fashion) that will allow me the freedom of the wind, and at the same time allow her the comforts that she desires.

We can then do the traveling that WE want to do.


I don't know Chris. I was fed up with BRP and I did a quick, $$$ losing, sale to offload my RT. The wife and I bought a Jeep Wrangler (see pic) with the same thoughts as you. We even drove the entire length of the Blue Ridge Parkway last Spring. Yes, it was and is fun. (We still have it). But the problem was that we would meet our riding friends at various places. Some on Harley's, some on Spyders, some on Wings. And it just wasn't the same "fun factor" with us in the Jeep. I think the Jeep would have been fine if it were just Connie and myself. But I like the small group thing and she does too. WIN-WIN!!

So,,,,, after a couple of RTEs, we searched for and found the Wing. Now we have the RTE option on the Wing, or we can always go on a short weekend trip in the Jeep. It's great to have options!! So buy the convertible and keep the Spyder!

To the OP, Ken Timlin,, you likely won't change your wife's opinion. So find other things like camping or working out in the gym that you can do together. Then if you like the Spyder, keep it and ride yourself. Or if you prefer, get a fun solo two wheeler for your rides. There is a WIN-WIN solution. You just have to figure out what it is!! :thumbup:

05-24-2014, 01:25 PM
Tough decision. When I got back in to riding my wife would have nothing to do with two wheels. I thought it was going to be fun out with the guys (and gals) riding, but I missed her. So I started looking at three wheels. After searching and researching, I ended up with the RT. She loved riding the buddy seat. After about a year I asked her if she wanted to learn to drive the Spyder. Within a year she had her license. Circumstances led me to purchase a second RT.

By your description, she isn't interested in any form of motorcycle. FWIW, trade the Spyder on a sport bike if that is what you want. But then you need to find out what activity(s) makes you both happy.

05-24-2014, 02:16 PM
Akspyderlady was in the camp of: if I have to ride a "motorcycle" than that is a "dealbreaker" to our relationship.

I left it at that for a short while. She eventually got on the back of the :spyder2: and I took her through a very slow neighborhood ride. 10 mph or so. I made sure there were no G forces felt on my very curvy 5 mile road. (several 15 mph turns).

After the first trip around the loop, she said I could go a bit faster if I wanted. I did. By the second time around the loop she said I could go out on to the Highway if I wanted. Up to 65 mph, gentle acceleration, etc.

After that, she was willing to become a passenger. We drove all over Alaska and she really enjoyed seeing the sights from the vantage that only a :spyder2: can give. The first summer, she rode over 10,000 miles as a passenger. At the end of the season, I got her to try driving the :spyder2:. We once again started on the "training loop" at low speeds, etc. She got in about 500 driving miles.

Year two: I put her on the :ani29: and I drove my Vulcan. She got in another 1000 miles driving the RT. In July, I purchased her a brand new, (one year old) 2011 RT and said farewell to my Vulcan. She put about 4000 miles on the last of the season.

In 2013 she drove another 7000 miles or so. She now has about 13,000 miles going on the 2011 RT.

It may be a case of take it easy, and work it in steps in your case. If not, don't try to force something on her that she does not want.

05-25-2014, 12:31 AM
Hey guys, I bought a new 2013 RT Ltd last year, didn't ride it much last year, today I managed to cover 100kms this now puts me at 800kms on the bike.

I am struggling with a decision, keep or sell ?
i bought the spyder to have weekends away in the mountains with the wife, to date she has only been to Safeway twice, and isn't happy about being on the bike.
now I am considering that I should buy a sports bike and off load the spyder.
anyone else had this dilemma ?

I have 2014 limited. (RT) my wife has no intentitons of getting on the bike, I really enjoy the massive comfort of the bike


05-25-2014, 08:59 PM
Hey guys, I bought a new 2013 RT Ltd last year, didn't ride it much last year, today I managed to cover 100kms this now puts me at 800kms on the bike.

I am struggling with a decision, keep or sell ?
i bought the spyder to have weekends away in the mountains with the wife, to date she has only been to Safeway twice, and isn't happy about being on the bike.
now I am considering that I should buy a sports bike and off load the spyder.
anyone else had this dilemma ?

My wife is terrified of the thought of riding motorcycles, and I wouldn't try to get her to do something that she is so uncomfortable with. So, I go by myself. I have 5200 miles on my 2014 RT. Two wheels has a lot of appeal to me, but every time I see someone go down from a crack in the road gravel wet spot, I can't imagine myself doing that and I really am thankful for my spyder


05-25-2014, 09:07 PM
Hey guys, I bought a new 2013 RT Ltd last year, didn't ride it much last year, today I managed to cover 100kms this now puts me at 800kms on the bike.

I am struggling with a decision, keep or sell ?
i bought the spyder to have weekends away in the mountains with the wife, to date she has only been to Safeway twice, and isn't happy about being on the bike.
now I am considering that I should buy a sports bike and off load the spyder.
anyone else had this dilemma ?

LOL! If your theory is she'll like, and feel safer on a sport bike, as opposed to a Spyder..........................what can I say......................good luck with that!

Hey! Buy a vette, and tell her you bought it for her! :joke:

05-25-2014, 09:22 PM
My wife crashed her bicycle about 6 years ago and ended up in the hospital and after that gave her bike away and hedged every time I wanted to buy our retirement touring bike that we had always planed on doing , Last year she decided to try a Spyder as her girlfriend had one and gave her a ride , We bought ours in September of last year and she has her endorsement now and for someone who had never ridden any motorcycle in her life at 63 ,she is driving the wheels of the thing while I'm off across country working , This weekend she pulled a 375 mile ride solo , My biggest problem is figuring out how to afford another one ! Get something you both like and spend time together , you will never get it back .