View Full Version : New Orleans Adventure with Paula

05-08-2014, 01:22 PM
Good Morning Folks. below are are 3 pictures and now the back story.

Paula and I arrived in New Orleans on Tuesday afternoon and went to the Worldmark/Trendwest property on St Charles Street (yes folks this is in my budget...using bonus time). The night before we were in Lake Village, AR at a low budget motel (actually gave Motel 6 a 4 star rating in comparison) that was on this great lake...our room was the closest to the lake...gorgeous setting...not so gorgeous room, but hey the sheets were clean...my rags at home aren't as thin as the towels were and the tp, well now if you still had Sears catalogs laying around ... just sayin' definitely not Charmin Ultra!!!! So from that we "upgrade (understatement!!)" to New Orleans...granite throughout, BIG sumptuous towels...lots of room and we are in a 2 bed studio. suffice it to say valet parking and someone always opening doors for us...we be in grand style!!

Yesterday Paula and I headed to the French Quarter early. First stop Cafe de Munde for coffee (we passed on the beignets--I know, I know major sin committted!!!) Then we walked around...found Andre, the young man in photo. He is captain of his pedi-cab. 23 years old...college educated and wanted a source of income where he had peace and joy...no unwillingness to work hard...he laughed as he has been doing this a few months and says has had to buy new jeans as his leg muscles are increasing significantly!!! Of course I asked him how his business worked...in the French 1/4 the pedicabs are owned by a "company"..they charge him a varied daily rate...yesterdays was $50 for the day...Jazz Festival was like $120..they maintain the bikes, So after he pays his daily fee the balance is his. He was very layed back, knowledgable and fun to have as our scenic ride "captain"...they are not allowed to use the word TOUR.... The building is of course historic French Quarter. the architecture in that area is amazing.

Now to the story behind the shoes pic. Paula had someone tell us we HAD to eat at the Commander's Palace restaurant. When we searched on internet we found that this very high class restaurant had very STRICT dress code. Now these 2 biker chicks have very limited dressing up clothes and resources and not willing to invest our traveling $$ in clothing to get us pass the dress code police. So we decide based on how we read the dress code...we are good to go. Dress code re shoes: no open toes, no flip flops...now are tennies qualified right? No t-shirts, no jeans, colored shirts, jackets preferred....well my riding pants are purple, walmart specials and Paula's are Columbia tencel quick dry..qualifies right? My tank top I put under my light weight can-am jacket and paula had a white hoodie jacket. So see we meet the crtiteria. Have to admit we had several discussions as to what if we don't get pass the doorman!!! Plan B..no problem..New Orleans does not lack for places to eat!!! So as we walk closer...we start checking out the folks that the doorman is opening doors from vehicles...yep dressed pretty classy. We say "we are GOING IN"... square our shoulders, head held high and walk in like we own the place. Heck all the drama...not needed. The let us right in...did not make us sit in the back alley and we got the experience a 5 star dining experience and a 10 star people watching adventure.

Today we will walk the Garden District...found an interesting cemetery right across from the 5 star restaurant..then tonight it is back to French Quarter with a peek at Bourbon Street...EVERYONE says what happens when it gets dark is like nothing you've ever seen before. We did see when we left yesterday a couple ladies of the night in their scantie clothing "hanging" in the doorways....so stay tuned and have a great day.


05-08-2014, 01:29 PM
Your official photo assistant on duty ma'am! :roflblack:

05-08-2014, 01:42 PM
Your official photo assistant on duty ma'am! :roflblack:
Thnks Steve....just gotta learn how to do that!!!


05-08-2014, 01:46 PM
Looks fine to me and as long as you're having fun (and it looks like you are) then go for it ............. :clap:

05-08-2014, 01:59 PM
you do know how to make the most of life..enjoy your route home with all the stops along the way..be careful be safe...:clap::ohyea:

05-08-2014, 02:02 PM
What I wouldn't give to be in your shoes right now!!! :roflblack: (Pun intended) :roflblack:

I have only been to New Orleans once...and it was a blast!!!!! Have fun and be safe!!!!

05-08-2014, 02:05 PM
We are having an amazing time. Karyl is my hero. The weather has cooperated thus far, but we leave New Orleans tomorrow and looks like it might be a wet one. 90% scattered showers. Oh well, that's what they make rain gear for.

05-08-2014, 04:08 PM
so glad ya are having a good time...stop in at Pat O'Brien's...good piano bar

05-08-2014, 05:37 PM
Check out Finn McCool's Irish Pub on Banks Street. Great place. Real Irish Pub.

05-08-2014, 06:51 PM
I lived and worked in Louisiana for 15 years. Early on I had a training class in downtown NOLA so I wandered around the French Qtr at lunch time. Back at the office the next week I commented there really wasn't anything to see or do in downtown NOLA other than food, booze, or sex. The response? "What else in life is there?" :cheers: :roflblack: :thumbup:

lil rabbit
05-08-2014, 06:55 PM

Glad you ladies are having a good time in New Orleans...And yes the night time activities are nothing I seen before. When I was in the Navy my ship went to New Orleans and we had a blast.. So many little shops and sights to see... Have fun and be safe...

05-08-2014, 07:38 PM
Check out the jazz at Preservation Hall.

It sounds like you two are having a great time. Keep the posts coming.

05-08-2014, 10:26 PM
Glad your enjoying your trip to NOLA. Great place! Keep the posts and pics coming. And yes, get to Pat O'Briens. :thumbup: Tom :trike:

05-08-2014, 11:16 PM
Have fun and be safe...
Now that's a contradictory admonition if there ever was one, especially with regard to NOLA!:roflblack::roflblack: