View Full Version : Danica Patrick rescues Steven Tyler from the Paparazzi with a Can-Am Spyder

04-22-2014, 06:14 AM
Thought everyone would like this recent video by Can-Am.

Danica Patrick rescues Steven Tyler from the Paparazzi with a Can-Am Spyder


04-22-2014, 06:38 AM

04-22-2014, 06:55 AM
I like.:thumbup:

Bob Denman
04-22-2014, 06:56 AM

04-22-2014, 07:12 AM
I'm embarrassed for can-am and Danicanojoke

04-22-2014, 09:04 AM
Pretty lame.

04-22-2014, 09:11 AM
As I said in the other post..... Oh brother :banghead:

It's taking the celebrity thing too far if you ask me...
I am not their market person but I don't think junk like this is going to sell more Spyders.
Last years commercial showing the Spyder with "regular looking people" was a more realistic approach and is what got me interested in one!
I guess maybe this commercial is focused at the younger market?


04-22-2014, 10:04 AM
i think that was a great video. Man that would be awesome to be called to just drive up and pick up someone famous cuz of the pazz making them mad.lol

04-22-2014, 11:23 AM
I saw another commercial on youtube that had Danica rescue Brooke Burk also.

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04-22-2014, 02:06 PM
Extremely Lame. It would be way better if Danica pulled up to a known paparazzi hang out and she starts posing with bike for pictures ( thinking they are interested in her ) and the paparazzi tell her to get out of their shot because she is blocking the bike. She moves and they continue to take pictures of the bike - talking about how awesome it is :)

04-22-2014, 02:13 PM
I also mentioned my opinion in a similar post. I have never been a fan of Danica and her spokesperson or racing abilities.

This commercial seems better than previous ones. As commercials go, its not great, but its not bad. Danica did not come off sounding like a total doofas this time.

Compare that to her recent appearance where she described the Spyder with wrong information. This commercial is much better, IMO.

I am not the marketing person for BRP, so am not privy to their internal meetings. I do recommend, a different spokesperson though.

Don't beat me up to bad, JMHO. :thumbup:

04-22-2014, 03:59 PM
I laughed and watched the whole thing. Not realistic, but fun to watch.....once.

04-22-2014, 04:06 PM
I dialed the number and got a busy signal:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:


04-22-2014, 04:16 PM
Now if she was naked.:2thumbs:

04-22-2014, 04:37 PM
First word came to my mind....cheesy...

04-22-2014, 04:44 PM
I CAN'T STAND THAT WOMAN................ :trike::trike::trike:

04-22-2014, 04:55 PM
Seriously ... ?

What a terrible problem to have.

04-22-2014, 07:15 PM
Extremely Lame. It would be way better if Danica pulled up to a known paparazzi hang out and she starts posing with bike for pictures ( thinking they are interested in her ) and the paparazzi tell her to get out of their shot because she is blocking the bike. She moves and they continue to take pictures of the bike - talking about how awesome it is :)

Good idea.............................your hired! :thumbup:

04-22-2014, 07:21 PM
I think she liked saying the line, "when everybody wants a piece of you!":roflblack::roflblack: cheesy ain't even the right word for it, but I don't think you can say the other word on this site.

04-22-2014, 07:58 PM
There were 3 commercial that ran late 2012 and into last year in my area. These are what got me interested in a Spyder.

Professional, to the point, and just grabbed my interest!



There was another one that ran in late 2012 but I cannot find it now.

Again I think they might be trying to grab the younger crowd now? Or am I getting too old ;)


04-22-2014, 08:00 PM
I enjoyed those commercials much better than the current ones. :thumbup::thumbup:

04-22-2014, 08:22 PM
I likey. :thumbup:

04-23-2014, 05:54 AM
Yep!!!! She was the 29th person to come to the rescue. 28 others had been there before her. <smiles>


04-24-2014, 10:13 AM
The commercial concept kinda like but there had to be a better spokes girl they could of picked

04-24-2014, 10:34 AM
I just threw up in my mouth.

I must be getting old. That was the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Maybe not the dumbest, but it ranks right up there.

If they run this commercial a lot, I'll be embarrassed to ride my Spyder. Hell, it might even carry over to my doo's. Anybody looking to buy three sleds and a trailer?

04-24-2014, 10:43 AM
The billboard looked fun - a few lines of clever copy. This is the first billboard I've ever seen for a Spyder.

The video strongly suggests they need a new ad agency. I live in LA - the video will backfire if anybody actually sees it. What a waste of a great spokesperson.


04-24-2014, 11:06 AM
:agree: With you.

04-24-2014, 11:41 AM
I think this is an outsider's take on what LA is, and what might be clever in Canada becomes borderline offensive in LA. It would be like me taking my ideas about Paris and the Eiffel Tower and using them to market to Parisians.

The production value is also cheap - the commercials from a few years ago were just so much more effectively executed. There is no sense of real speed or action - the Spyders look slow. Also, and I know I may be in a minority here, but Spyders look best one at a time - too many in that warehouse and they feel diminished.

The Ultimate Escape, which is a great tagline, should be about escaping your day-to-day life. Even the call to action for celebs who need to escape is confusing and not likely to result in responses from potential Spyder owners. I can't even tell what will happen if I call the number - do you bring me one to test drive? Do I get a dealer name? Does Danica come and visit me?

Bob Denman
04-24-2014, 11:48 AM
Does Danica come and visit me[/B]?
Would you be escaping from, or to; her? :D :2thumbs:

04-24-2014, 06:12 PM
The consensus on Girls on Spyders seems to be that for the rest of us non-famous people, the Spyder works exactly the opposite. It attracts the paparazzi! You can't go anywhere without cameras coming out, people wanting closer look, pressing into your personal space when you're just trying to fill her up to get back on the road. Sigh. :rolleyes:

So while it's not a horrible commercial and I kinda liked parts of it, it's clearly not a commercial for the rest of us. Not sure it's hitting the target.:dontknow:

04-24-2014, 09:06 PM
Not sure it's hitting the target.:dontknow:

That question might be then, who or what is the target with this commercial?


Bob Denman
04-25-2014, 06:53 AM
I guess if they wanted to sell about ten Spyders to each and every "Media Personality" in Hollywood; it'd be a good commercial...
For the rest of us :shocked:; not so much!

04-25-2014, 09:23 AM
I guess if they wanted to sell about ten Spyders to each and every "Media Personality" in Hollywood; it'd be a good commercial...
For the rest of us :shocked:; not so much!

No working actor that I know would be swayed by this commercial. And, living in Los Angeles, I do know a few people.

This commercial would appeal less to a celebrity, than to anyone else. It might have worked if they had done a high production value Hollywood style chasing going through traffic, but what they did would've worked just as well with a Honda Civic.

Hopefully they will take a lesson from Microsoft and Seinfeld, and pull the ad campaign before it does more damage than good. I can't imagine that they tested this in Los Angeles, or probably even with an American audience.

I have absolutely no idea who target demographic is here. I can't imagine anyone this commercial is designed to appeal to.

On the other hand, 2014 may have brought a scary ad campaign, but it also seems to have brought the best Spyders ever.

Bob Denman
04-25-2014, 09:26 AM
[QUOTE=MRH;799564 2014 may have brought a scary ad campaign, but it also seems to have brought the best Spyders ever.[/QUOTE]

You got that right!:thumbup:

04-25-2014, 12:03 PM
BRP is ramping up their marketing to try to get to a younger audience. They did big social media push at the Coachella music festival. Now release models targeted at this demographic. Give us that faster/sport RS-S.

04-25-2014, 12:19 PM
BRP is ramping up their marketing to try to get to a younger audience. They did big social media push at the Coachella music festival. Now release models targeted at this demographic. Give us that faster/sport RS-S.

20 somethings can't afford it. 35-50/54 is a more likely younger demographic. If this is targeted young, then the sensibility is off.

Bob Denman
04-25-2014, 12:21 PM
:agree: They'd need to broaden the product line with an entry-level; ACE-600 powered version. :thumbup:

04-25-2014, 12:36 PM
Here is a real example of a market they can go after, from my own experience. In my business, one of my clients is a show runner for a TV show that many of you have heard of (it's on a minor broadcast network). His wife and I were talking and somehow the subject of Spyders came up, and she's been itching to get one. They can afford it, but they are nowhere near what most people imagine as a Hollywood lifestyle. I told her last year to wait for the 2014 RTs (which I strongly stand by). They are mid-40s with kids.

I can't see how she would be turned on by this commercial in any way, nor how her friends who are out of state or in a different business would be attracted to the Spyder. I think that Danica is a perfect spokesperson to reach her, but the advertising is wrong. Tell a story about the real fun of riding it (sorry, but the cool factor of a Spyder pails in comparison to the brand Harley has created, no matter how much I like my Spyder better), and of a weekend getaway with your spouse. The was a great shot in another ad that was a wave from a group on two wheels, and that's a big part of the appeal.

Who wants to be pulled away from all that attention (most people, in some way, want to be celebrities) - the advertising needs to be about where the Spyder can take you. Escapes are about destinations and journeys.

Begin the commercial on the Spyder outrunning the cameras, and having fun doing it. Think of a great action sequence. In the end, you ride off into the sunset leaving everybody else in the dust, with lots of warnings about professional drivers and not trying this at home. Very high production value capitalizing on the fact that Danica is a professional race car driver - not a glorified cabby on a bike that looks slow in the commercial.

Even most celebs aren't trying to outrun the Paparazzi, in most cases they are posing on red carpets to be photographed by them.

BRP, are you listening to your client base? We want to see your company grow and have great success. We want you to look cool so that we look cool.

04-25-2014, 02:35 PM
Extremely Lame. It would be way better if Danica pulled up to a known paparazzi hang out and she starts posing with bike for pictures ( thinking they are interested in her ) and the paparazzi tell her to get out of their shot because she is blocking the bike. She moves and they continue to take pictures of the bike - talking about how awesome it is :)


04-25-2014, 02:42 PM
You folks have all come up with some great and interesting ideas. I also feel the "target market" seems to be a bit off, or questionable.

Look how successful Honda was "way back when" with their "You meet the nicest people on a Honda", campaign. The brand took off like hotcakes, the motorcycle was then for everyone, and the whole genre just took off.

A $10K to $12K--entry level :spyder2: might just be the ticket for more of the younger generation to be involved. $7K to $10K will still buy a pretty nice two wheeler these days.

Celebrity endorsements seem to be the way these days, but they have to get the right one. PS: No Justin Bieber for the new ACE 600. :roflblack:

04-25-2014, 02:46 PM
The consensus on Girls on Spyders seems to be that for the rest of us non-famous people, the Spyder works exactly the opposite. It attracts the paparazzi! You can't go anywhere without cameras coming out, people wanting closer look, pressing into your personal space when you're just trying to fill her up to get back on the road. Sigh. :rolleyes:

So while it's not a horrible commercial and I kinda liked parts of it, it's clearly not a commercial for the rest of us. Not sure it's hitting the target.:dontknow:

I liked most if it. Anything positive that raises awareness and brings attention to the Spyder I think is good. It is just a commercial, and commercials should be fun. This one is fun. Faran, you are "Right On" about it being exactly the opposite with us non-famous people! Remember the "Rock Star" slogan? The Spyder does attract so much attention. I've been on mine 3 years and it still garners attention everywhere I go. :ani29:

Bob Denman
04-25-2014, 02:49 PM
Look how successful Honda was "way back when" with their "You meet the nicest people on a Honda", campaign. The brand took off like hotcakes, the motorcycle was then for everyone, and the whole genre just took off.

:agree: BRP; take a lesson from "Mother Honda"! :2thumbs:

04-25-2014, 02:51 PM
They do need to work on getting younger people interested. I think the styling of the spyder is going to have to change to help make that appeal

04-25-2014, 02:55 PM
They do need to work on getting younger people interested. I think the styling of the spyder is going to have to change to help make that appeal

Re-style. It's getting about time. I was looking at the models in the new 2014 parts and accessory catalog, I kept seeing snowmobiles with wheels in front. I am buying a 2014 anyway--but...:dontknow:

04-26-2014, 08:47 AM
Though I dont hate or dislike the add there does ring some truth in it for me. I am no celebrity I live in a house full of females, my wife, my 6 year old, found out yesterday the cats a girl...... how many babies do cats have in a litter :gaah: . But this is my escape vehicle lol . I am like umm I need oil im gonna run into town for a bit lol:thumbup:

04-26-2014, 09:46 AM
They do need to work on getting younger people interested. I think the styling of the spyder is going to have to change to help make that appeal

What? 3 wheels to 2??? <smiles>


04-26-2014, 10:21 AM
I'm embarrassed for can-am and Danicanojoke
