View Full Version : This is what my sense of humor got me!

04-18-2014, 08:03 PM
Last night we had our annual "charter party" to celebrate the anniversary of the charter of the local Lions Club. I've been serving as the 2013-14 President.

The organizers decided to honor me with the following poem!

You've often heard of Parma glory
So listen close while I tell this story.

We have among our group tonight
A member who knows wrong from right

This member, says a local rumor
Has a wicked sense of humor

He is our leader for the year
Lion Mac come up here!

We knew in advance of his biker ways
He goes on long trips and enjoys his stays

We pictured in our minds a leather jacket
Helmet, shin guards, and quite a racket!

When we saw the bike and its regalia
We all said "blue?" what the hail-ya?

No self-respecting H Angel member
Would tolerate a royal blue fender.

The story goes down hill from here on
He now has a backwards tricycle to ride on.

Oh boomers, oh boomers, this is so sad.
How can a three-wheeler be "bad".

But this is the choice of our treasured talker
We hope we do not see the ride fitted with a walker.

He's had the stage for a year now, bless his soul
Punning us to death has been his year's goal.

Did you hear the one about the Finnish Lion?
He groaned us to tears without even tryin.

We are glad we did not have to eat Finnish food,
Turning down lutefisk would seem too rude.

But we are only funnin with our Lion Mac
He's always been cheerful and very laid back.

We salute him tonight with this gift of our thanks
And hope he will remember to stop all his pranks.

And the gift? See next post!

04-18-2014, 08:05 PM
A tee shirt with the following on it!:roflblack::roflblack:


04-18-2014, 08:52 PM
You must have done a good job or that poem could have gone in another direction. Seems they like They like you and your ryde...well done..!! :2thumbs:

04-18-2014, 11:28 PM
Congrats Fellow Lion!!!! good to see folks doing good for others!!!!!

04-19-2014, 07:51 AM
Thank you for serving your community and Lions......R-O-A-R!!!!!!

Lion Charlyne

Bob Denman
04-19-2014, 08:34 AM
I want one of those Tee-Shirts! :2thumbs:
:congrats: on a well-deserved evening! :clap: