View Full Version : Need Some Reassurance

04-15-2014, 01:27 PM
Man....after reading all the post lately about fires, excess heat issues, etc. my thoughts about buying a Spyder within the next month is starting to waiver. What makes it worse is that I'm looking at buying a 2013 ST. I feel this is the best riding position and I like the way it looks better than the RT, plus you just can't beat the deals being offered. I'm okay with doing a few mods myself to help with the heat issues...but with all the bad juju flying around here lately...I'm feeling a liitle depressed! I know on this website we only see a small snapshot or cross section of all the Spyder owners who have problems....so does that mean most people aren't having problems...or does that mean more people are having problems...they just aren't on this site to complain! I can't really see myself on anything else but a Spyder! How about a few encouraging words of how great these machinces can be!


04-15-2014, 01:33 PM
I have a '13 ST-S and love it! No significant heat issues. Would your dealer let you take the ST for a test ride before you buy?

Bob Denman
04-15-2014, 01:34 PM
Remember; you always hear more of the complaints, than you do the compliments! :thumbup: It's just the nature of the beast.
The STs do have a very nice seating position; which particular model are you thinking about buying?
look at it this way:
You can get a GREAT buy on a 2013 :thumbup:
Or; you can have peace of mind on a 2014 ;)
Which means more to you? :dontknow:
Another think to ponder:
Buy the 2013; but make sure that EVERY possible heat-reducing tactic offered by BRP has been implemented, PLUS have the dealer wrap the exhaust system and fuel tank with heat shielding. :2thumbs:

04-15-2014, 01:35 PM
Only from my experience, it's been a great machine. No issues and it's so much better than my first Spyder. Massachusetts, so I'm not from a "hot" state. There are some great deals out there, good luck.

04-15-2014, 01:42 PM
Spyder sales have exploded the past several years. My dealer is selling trade ins in as little as one to two days and often within a week. If the problems were really rampant they would not be selling like hot cakes. I am on my third Spyder and love them

04-15-2014, 02:03 PM
2012 rss and no major problems at all. do your homework and take care of any recalls and you'll most likely be a happy camper like the 99% that don't have any issues with their machines!! it's like anything else, you're always going to find a lemon out there, but the percentages of fires and majors problems aren't any higher than any other motorcycle or car. if you do buy a spyder i hope you are trouble free and smiling ear to ear like the wife and i are! we truly are having a blast with ours!!!

04-15-2014, 02:07 PM
Remember; you always hear more of the complaints, than you do the compliments! :thumbup: It's just the nature of the beast.
The STs do have a very nice seating position; which particular model are you thinking about buying?
look at it this way:
You can get a GREAT buy on a 2013 :thumbup:
Or; you can have peace of mind on a 2014 ;)
Which means more to you? :dontknow:
Another think to ponder:
Buy the 2013; but make sure that EVERY possible heat-reducing tactic offered by BRP has been implemented, PLUS have the dealer wrap the exhaust system and fuel tank with heat shielding. :2thumbs:
Peace of mind is relative like most things. There have also been some posts citing 2014 problems already, but I sure agree this site gets more complaints than kudos. We are loving our 13 so far and the GREAT buy we lucked into. Good luck on your choice!

Bob Denman
04-15-2014, 02:10 PM
Peace of mind is relative like most things. There have also been some posts citing 2014 problems already, but I sure agree this site gets more complaints than kudos. We are loving our 13 so far and the GREAT buy we lucked into. Good luck on your choice!
:agree: After all; there are only two certainties to life: Death, and Taxes! :shocked:

We just make up the rest, as we go along!

04-15-2014, 02:13 PM
All the above have you pretty much covered.

The :spyder2: as a brand is not prone to fires. We have had mention of two very recently. I would not be to worried about a considered purchase to be one that is going to catch on fire.

I am soon going to be on my fifth :ani29: and have almost 100,000 miles experience on the other four. No major mechanical problems with any of the previous units.

The deals are out there for the 2013's, and yes, you can save some big bucks.

Lots of options, let us know what you do. :thumbup:

04-15-2014, 02:18 PM
I had an ST-L last year and except for a one small issue that the dealer fixed we had no issues. I did some heat sheilding to help with the personal heat, but nothing on the Spyder was melting and no boiling gas. If fact my Harley was hotter riding than the Spyder.

04-15-2014, 05:15 PM
Not to diminish the issues that have been discussed nor the trauma of having your vehicle catch fire. But having spent 33 years in the fire service. I can tell you that everything made has at least a few that burn. Again, in no way am I dismissing any of those who have experienced this. Just trying to put some perspective to it.

A forum like this is going to put all the warts and problems front and center. Then bring them up and hash them out over and over until you think the entire product line is falling off a cliff.

The truth is, thousands of owners put hundreds of thousands of miles on Spyders every year without incident. It would be pretty boring if they posted every day that their ride was uneventful.

So you have to weigh the appearances with reality. Do bad things happen to Spyders? Yes, they do. But the frequency is much exaggerated here.

If it were me I'd check that 2013 out and if you like it, get it and don't look back.

Instead of expecting to have a problem that some have had, expect to have years of trouble free service like most of us have had.

One advantage that you'll have is if you do find something that you want to make better on your 2013, we've had a year to try everything out and, for the most part, you can get all the information you could want right here.

04-15-2014, 05:22 PM
Please remember some have heat issues some don't, I also have a 2013 RSS no issues there at all...pull the trigger if that is what you want, you will have fun...

Bob Denman
04-15-2014, 05:31 PM
Not to diminish the issues that have been discussed nor the trauma of having your vehicle catch fire. But having spent 33 years in the fire service. I can tell you that everything made has at least a few that burn. Again, in no way am I dismissing any of those who have experienced this. Just trying to put some perspective to it.

A forum like this is going to put all the warts and problems front and center. Then bring them up and hash them out over and over until you think the entire product line is falling off a cliff.

The truth is, thousands of owners put hundreds of thousands of miles on Spyders every year without incident. It would be pretty boring if they posted every day that their ride was uneventful.

So you have to weigh the appearances with reality. Do bad things happen to Spyders? Yes, they do. But the frequency is much exaggerated here.

If it were me I'd check that 2013 out and if you like it, get it and don't look back.

Instead of expecting to have a problem that some have had, expect to have years of trouble free service like most of us have had.

One advantage that you'll have is if you do find something that you want to make better on your 2013, we've had a year to try everything out and, for the most part, you can get all the information you could want right here.

:clap: VERY nice job of putting things back into perspective! :2thumbs:

04-15-2014, 05:50 PM
Not to diminish the issues that have been discussed nor the trauma of having your vehicle catch fire. But having spent 33 years in the fire service. I can tell you that everything made has at least a few that burn. Again, in no way am I dismissing any of those who have experienced this. Just trying to put some perspective to it.

A forum like this is going to put all the warts and problems front and center. Then bring them up and hash them out over and over until you think the entire product line is falling off a cliff.

The truth is, thousands of owners put hundreds of thousands of miles on Spyders every year without incident. It would be pretty boring if they posted every day that their ride was uneventful.

So you have to weigh the appearances with reality. Do bad things happen to Spyders? Yes, they do. But the frequency is much exaggerated here.

If it were me I'd check that 2013 out and if you like it, get it and don't look back.

Instead of expecting to have a problem that some have had, expect to have years of trouble free service like most of us have had.

One advantage that you'll have is if you do find something that you want to make better on your 2013, we've had a year to try everything out and, for the most part, you can get all the information you could want right here.

:clap::clap: I have got to say, this about sums it up the best!!! GMAN9, it appears you have done some homework on your pending decision. That is the first step. By no means should you stop asking questions. Make sure this is something that you are truly passionate about, then back up, and ask more questions. At your leisure, make your decision...then enjoy the ride!!!!

Larry rt
04-15-2014, 06:19 PM
What ever your decision is you will love the ride. The Spyder has magical powers ! I am 68 brought a 2013 limited , no heat issues , except if you are in a construction zone (: but any bike, atv, sled or rec. vehicle will get hot in some conditions!
Took a 9000 mile top 3 weeks after we got ours , haven't had so much fun and enjoyed the scenery , since I was a kid!!!!
You will love it!!!!

04-15-2014, 07:28 PM
:clap: VERY nice job of putting things back into perspective! :2thumbs:

I believe Ron addressed this situation very well. The last couple days, anyone reading the site, would be thinking that :spyder2:'s catch on fire at will. I have wanted to address the situation also, but could not come up with the right words other than those which would tick a few people off. Glad I did not. There are currently seven active threads about :ani29:'s and fires. I am thinking that no more than 10 have been listed as burning since 2010 or so.

04-15-2014, 08:02 PM
having a blast with ours!!! Say what!!!!! :yikes: ;)

Let me count all the near death experiences I've had on my Spyder so far: About 2 dozen close calls with :cus:heads messing with their hand held electronics while driving (some got the Stebel; others got internationally recognized sign language :joke:; others got nothing as I was too busy dodging their dumb :cus:). Oh yea........................and I got clothes lined by kite string last Memorial Day. 0 spontaneous explosions followed by large scale conflagrations!

My advice? Be afraid of driving cell phone users............................be VERY afraid! nojoke

04-15-2014, 08:37 PM
Please remember some have heat issues some don't, I also have a 2013 RSS no issues there at all...pull the trigger if that is what you want, you will have fun...

Also have a 2013 RSS no excessive heat issues. Great bike and a blast to ride

04-15-2014, 08:39 PM
My advice? Be afraid of driving cell phone users............................be VERY afraid! nojoke


04-15-2014, 08:59 PM
Say what!!!!! :yikes: ;)

Let me count all the near death experiences I've had on my Spyder so far: About 2 dozen close calls with :cus:heads messing with their hand held electronics while driving (some got the Stebel; others got internationally recognized sign language :joke:; others got nothing as I was too busy dodging their dumb :cus:). Oh yea........................and I got clothes lined by kite string last Memorial Day. 0 spontaneous explosions followed by large scale conflagrations!

My advice? Be afraid of driving cell phone users............................be VERY afraid! nojokethat's right--- having a blast!! a big :cus: blast!!

04-15-2014, 09:11 PM
You wanted reassurance..you got it. I have always said this place is like a doctors office. You are not going to find the healthy here. You have to ask, as you did, to get the healthy to come in and comment. I don't have those models mentioned but have had zero problems, issues, brakedowns, limp modes etc. You will be fine. Summer is coming and this place will be jumping with heat comments...your sitting on a rather large internal combustion engine with some flimsy plastic to sheild you. Expect some heat, some noise, some vibrations etc....:lecturef_smilie: Go for it..!! :thumbup:

04-15-2014, 10:09 PM
As others have said, this is not to dismiss lightly your concern, but to try to add perspective. I was discussing this sort of thing with my local Honda dealer a couple months back. If, say 20 years ago before the explosion of internet communications, 100 bikes around the country had a particular issue, and 100,000 had been sold, that would be 1% of the ones sold that had a problem. That would have been an average of 2 bikes per state. You would probably never hear of the problem bikes simply because there weren't enough to garner attention. Today, if 100 bikes around the country have a problem, probably 20 to 40 of them are going to be discussed on internet forums like this one. Now, wow, it sure looks like there is a serious widespread problem. But there really isn't.

It's well known in marketing that bad experiences get reported 10 to 100 times more intensely than good experiences.

Yes, there have been bike fires, but how many? Enough to say it's a widespread problem? Maybe not. I'm going to make a wild ass guess that you are far more likely to get T-boned by a careless cager than have a bike catch fire under your butt. But we don't talk much about the T-bone cases because, well, they just are not as dramatic even though they are just as, if not more, serious than fires.

04-16-2014, 09:46 AM
That's why I love this site! This place has some of the most encouraging people I know...and I really don't know any of you! YET! Well except for the people who post the most (Bob Denman) did I say that out loud! You guys are full of opinions...and you know what they say about opinions....they are like vacuum cleaners and they all suck! Just kidding! Thanks for the encouragement...and I hope to be buying a 2013 ST-S Spyder for my 45th birthday(mid life crisis) coming up in May! Can't wait to get out and meet some of you fine people!


Bob Denman
04-16-2014, 09:50 AM
This is for a Mid-Life Crisis? :shocked:
Well; they ARE cheaper than a Blonde, "20-Something", girlfriend! :D :roflblack: :2thumbs:

04-16-2014, 12:37 PM
This is for a Mid-Life Crisis? :shocked:
Well; they ARE cheaper than a Blonde, "20-Something", girlfriend! :D :roflblack: :2thumbs:

Totally agree....heck I can't afford the wife I have! I think her shoe collection totals more than the cost of my new Spyder!

04-16-2014, 03:34 PM
Totally agree....heck I can't afford the wife I have! I think her shoe collection totals more than the cost of my new Spyder!

A gal needs to be able to take shoes..otherwise she will be limited to the pair she wears and the ones she sits on!!! Just a little advise to make sure wifey is a happy Spyder passenger.. :yes::yes:

04-16-2014, 04:02 PM
Mayby 2 Spyder trailers?


Bob Denman
04-16-2014, 04:44 PM
My Missus has her own Wing, in the Imelda Marcos "Ode to Wretched Excess" Museum... :shocked:
She'd need her own 48 foot trailer!