View Full Version : High foot brake?

08-28-2008, 04:58 PM
Took a test drive a little while back and noticed the foot brake seems high. Anyone know of a mod to lower the pedal by an inch or two?

08-28-2008, 05:10 PM
Took a test drive a little while back and noticed the foot brake seems high. Anyone know of a mod to lower the pedal by an inch or two?

Yea it does seem a bit high. I have to slide my foot back on the peg to keep from riding the brakes.

08-29-2008, 11:12 AM
The brake pedal was even higher on the pre-production Spyders. This was one of the more popular "complaints" voiced by riders. BRP lowered the pedal a bit on the production units, but it is still a bit too high, IMO.


08-29-2008, 01:21 PM
The brake pedal is ok for me when 1up. That little bit I have to scoot forward to make room for a passenger makes it too high for me to cover for very long with my foot. I asked the dealer to lower it at my first service. Not possible, they said. I have looked at it myself and determined that it could be done; but not without major surgery. Too much effort for me for the return, but others may find an easier way and post it.

08-29-2008, 05:48 PM
The position of the brake pedal was the only 1 major difficulty I expressed when first riding the spYder. Now, after 3 months of riding, it is still a complaint and no solution, to date. My dealer is working with me to find a solution. The spYder specialist at the dealership is suggesting a couple of possibilities - a step down attachment beside the regular pedal and a right HAND brake addition. We'll report when a solution is determined.