View Full Version : HBC100 Plus tinny at speed

04-11-2014, 12:51 PM
Hey all! First off, thanks to everybody who's a member of this forum! I've been lurking on here for quite a while and have truly enjoyed the humor and banter that goes on here. Not to mention the GREAT knowledge base provide by all of the contributors! I hope to keep up to these high standards.

Now to my question: Several months ago I bought a Dual set HBC100 Plus Bluetooth Communication System. They work GREAT when standing still or low speed, but get very tinny and even garbled at 50+. I've had them too long to take back for a refund and don't want to eat $300.... Any ideas to remedy this issue would be appreciated!

Thanks again all!

04-11-2014, 12:59 PM
From looking through some of the feed back on Revzilla's site, it seems like this may just be the nature of the beast. Road/engine noise at that speed is drowning out the speakers. It could be that you have a loud helmet? I know mine is. Maybe you can try positioning the speakers a bit or out a bit from the helmet so they are close to the ears?

It looks like they have earbuds available? http://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/u-clear-universal-earbud-headset. Those should really help.

Are you using earbuds or just plain speakers in the helmet?

04-11-2014, 01:37 PM
Thanks for the advice!
Of course I didn't come across any Negative reviews while researching prior to this purchase....just afterward. That's also "Nature of the Beast" :opps:
I'm just using the speakers that came with the system, but will try adjusting the angle of where the boom-less mic is pointing. I've been thinking that I got that right the first time, but maybe not.
They came with some very sticky tape on them, so I'm now hoping they will re-stick once I rip them off.... Good call though!
Strange thing is, my wife has open faced helmet and I have full faced...both with the same results...but gunna try adjustments just the same!

04-11-2014, 02:21 PM
Thanks for the advice!
Of course I didn't come across any Negative reviews while researching prior to this purchase....just afterward. That's also "Nature of the Beast" :opps:
I'm just using the speakers that came with the system, but will try adjusting the angle of where the boom-less mic is pointing. I've been thinking that I got that right the first time, but maybe not.
They came with some very sticky tape on them, so I'm now hoping they will re-stick once I rip them off.... Good call though!
Strange thing is, my wife has open faced helmet and I have full faced...both with the same results...but gunna try adjustments just the same!

I've been using HBC's for years and really like 'em. At high speeds the wind noise is just too much, however. But you can be sure you're the best you can be by getting them close to your ear. I made a "velcro sandwich" of two extra layers of velcro which moves the speakers about 1/8" closer to my ear. Checking the position is also a good idea. Make sure there's no hard obstructions in front of the mic's. Also, have you downloaded the latest firmware update? A new version just came out -- version 2.05. I need to put that in myself. When my current units were shipped, they had old firmware in them and I upgraded as soon as I got them. That upgrade was 1.08. Then in Nov they came out with 1.12 which I was going to do now that the snow's melted and I'm ready to ride again. But they now have 2.05 so I'll go for that.

04-11-2014, 03:07 PM
So perhaps the noise cancelation is working so good that it cancels some parts of voices too, due to the wind at speed! My wife's BRP helmet doesn't have a real good place for the speaker due to how the padding is next to her ears. It was snug to begin with and now that I put the speakers there, it's bordering on TOO tight for her. Putting Velcro on the speaker back would almost guarantee painfully tight. So for her helmet's part of this, closeness shouldn't be part of the issue.
I did download and install an update when I bought them about 3 months ago, but dont' know what version # that was....

Bob Denman
04-11-2014, 05:35 PM
Can you get some foam around the microphones to help cancel-out some of the ambient noise? :dontknow:

(Sorry...I'm not familiar with these. :opps:)

04-11-2014, 06:06 PM
Yah, Bob, that's a possibility.
But these speakers just have a little nub coming off of it that you point in the direction of your mouth. One for each ear and it's supposed to "Intelligently" find the "Sweet spot" of the speakers voice. So one would think that facing forward and angled toward the mouth would be work. I would think that being behind the helmet padding and a person's ear would be enough. Maybe not....
I'll give that a try if repositioning doesn't produce favorable results. Especially before handing out another wad of cash!
Y'all keep those suggestions coming! I got Farkle $$$ on the line! ;)

04-11-2014, 06:39 PM
Mine did that and was fixed when I put in the pro speakers. Btw uclear help me out by replacing original set. Would not be a bad idea to e mail them and tell them the trouble you are having.

04-12-2014, 08:14 AM
So perhaps the noise cancelation is working so good that it cancels some parts of voices too, due to the wind at speed! My wife's BRP helmet doesn't have a real good place for the speaker due to how the padding is next to her ears. It was snug to begin with and now that I put the speakers there, it's bordering on TOO tight for her. Putting Velcro on the speaker back would almost guarantee painfully tight. So for her helmet's part of this, closeness shouldn't be part of the issue.
I did download and install an update when I bought them about 3 months ago, but dont' know what version # that was....

Version 2.05 just came out so you could give it a try. Don't know that they made any improvements that would help your situation but always good to have the latest. I recall that they want the two mic's installed so that they are pointing in the same direction, that is, don't have one pointing upward and one downward. Try to get them oriented toward the same place. Mine happen to be behind some foam because of the way the helmet is built. HBC said foam is not a problem in interfering with the mic's so I left it that way. Anything under interstate speeds and we're pretty good. I'd try a slight reposition and see what happens.

04-14-2014, 12:32 PM
Yah, I'm going to try all of these suggestions (reposition, download update, email to UClear). I'll let y'all know what the outcome is.
I've just sent an email to UClear outlining the trouble. Hopefully they respond positively!
Thanks for the great advice!

04-21-2014, 11:51 AM
Well, it's been a week since I sent an email to UClear and unfortunately I haven't had so much as a "We'll look into it" reply from them. Pretty disappointing, I must say...
On the good news side, I repositioned the speaker/mic (boomless) device upward so it was less angled toward our mouths and almost straight ahead. This did improved the quality of the intercom sound. It was less tinny and we were able to hear each other fairly well (not nearly as well as under 45) but better that before.

While I am happy we'll be able to use these, I'm still not sure that I'm not going to start setting aside some $$ for a set of someone else's brand.... primarily because of the lack of response from UClear. What ever happened to common courtesy?