View Full Version : SAW THIS AT SEMA

04-10-2014, 06:57 PM
3 wheel that leans...... http://www.saferwholesale.com/150cc-Three-Wheel-Bonzai-Moped-p/150-bonzai.htm

ALSO scroll down you will see what looks like a SPYDER but it's only 150cc someone posted pictures of one
here about 1 year ago wondering where it came from so now you know...

04-10-2014, 08:15 PM
LMAO! :roflblack:

04-11-2014, 06:21 AM
Shipfuls of this stuff is being dumped on our country while millions of Americans have lost their manufacturing jobs. Corporate America got government assistance money to export our jobs while the legislators who passed "free" trade agreements pretend to scratch their heads about our economic woes. I know because the factory where I worked got NAFTAed to Mexico. They told us they could not afford to pay us zero dollars per hour and keep the plant open, a big clue that they got government money incentives to move to Mexico. Fortunately for me I got to retire before it all went but most did not.