View Full Version : The Good, Bad, Ugly - Dealerships

08-27-2008, 07:55 AM
Well there are lots of stories about dealerships. Here's another.

First of all can't say enough GOOD things about Xtreme Performance in Colorado where I placed my pre-order 2/29/08 and delivered 08/08/08...(the day the Olympics began!) There service staff and business manager spent the whole day before I picked up my Spyder test driving, correcting an alignment problem, and clearing fault codes. Since I was going to trailer it back to Kansas City, I was glad they made sure everything was A-oK! They sell alot of Spyders, but mine was the first SE5 and they even by-passed assembly of their demo model to get mine ready. To top it off, there was never any surcharges, paid retail $16,999.00 and paying my taxes and titles in Missouri.

Since Feb'08, two dealers have come on-line in Kansas City. I travelled to one of them Advantage Powersports for my first 600 mi service. Well, they aren't the ugly, but not good either. Problem one, no appointment on the books, I was going to wait. Problem two, the service manager starts to gather the Filter, O-Ring, and crush washers and asks me what type of oil does the thing use? I tell him it's synthetic 5w-40w. I didn't want to be hanging around, in their way, so I go across the street for some breakfast, "Be back in 2 hours", I say.

Return, go by the parts shop, (that's seperate from Service) and decide I'll order my own filter, O-rings, and Crush Washers, and maybe a service manual. The parts guy tells me that they don't have any crush washers in-stock neither O-rings. I ask him if they had any ever... his answer was NO ! Yikes, what were they using to replace my oil filter with?

Well my Spyder is sitting at the garage door, I poke my head in and ask is it ready. The service manager says were trying to get the computer hooked up. Software problem... I see him on the phone back at service desk inside main showroom, he's talking to BRP. After about 60 minutes, he drives my Spyder into the showroom (seems the software was just installed on his computer inside only) He opens the trunk and can't find the computer hook-up... Mind you he has the service manual in his hand. I show him how to pull off the plastic cover and reveal the port. Hooks it up and the Spyder starts flashing limp mode.. Check DPS.... Back on the phone with BRP. Finally he says he has the wrong connector!

Scary, maybe I'll try the other dealer next time! I'm checking for oil leaks, as I have a hunch that we re-used parts... The good thing (or maybe it's the bad) they only charged me $106.00 for all of this. (I should have charged a fee for auditing their work. ($$ for telling them which oil to use and $$ for helping them find the computer port!)

08-27-2008, 08:08 AM
There really shouldn't be much of a problem with re-using the O-ring at least once. The crush washers are a bit more critical but they might be able to be re-used. The concern is leaking oil.

At my first oil change, I was in the same boat with the dealer not having the o-ring and washers. They re-used them and I didn't have any oil leaks. On the second oil change, which I did myself, I had the o-ring but not the crush washers. I re-used them again and got by with no oil leaks. Third oil change, I had new crush washers and an o-ring.

A guy we rode to The Homecoming with had his first service done the morning that we left and the dealership didn't have crush washers so they re-used them. He noticed a very small oil spot on the ground when he left his Spyder parked overnight. We talked with one of the BRP service techs at the factory and he said that the biggest cause of oil leaks is re-using the crush washers.

08-27-2008, 08:18 AM
That's funny, but sad. As I was ordering my spare filter, O-ring, and crush washers. The parts guy told me that they didn't have any in stock. I asked how can they change the washers and O-rings if they don't have any. He told me right off that they don't change the rings and washers. I pulled my service ticket out of my pocket and showed him that just 24 hours ago I was charged for them.

The blank stare was priceless.

We have questions for Marc (BRP Chat guy) about dealer qualifications and status...be at the next chat session.

08-27-2008, 08:28 AM
That's funny, but sad. As I was ordering my spare filter, O-ring, and crush washers. The parts guy told me that they didn't have any in stock. I asked how can they change the washers and O-rings if they don't have any. He told me right off that they don't change the rings and washers. I pulled my service ticket out of my pocket and showed him that just 24 hours ago I was charged for them.

The blank stare was priceless.

:sour: :mad: :banghead:
So does that make the dealership bad or ugly.... or both. :D

08-27-2008, 09:20 AM
20K+ and I've never changed a o-ring or crush washer. In fact I have never changed a crush washer on any of my bikes and never had a leak. :dontknow:

08-27-2008, 02:30 PM
20K+ and I've never changed a o-ring or crush washer. In fact I have never changed a crush washer on any of my bikes and never had a leak. :dontknow:
:agree: Eventually the aluminum crush washers will get hardened and deformed enough not to be tight, but it usually takes a while, unless they are overtightened, or damaged. The proper torque on the plug, combined with the soft alloy of the washer, does the sealing. More leaks are caused by inadequate tightening of the plug, or by scratches in the mating surface of the plu washer, or machine. I have even reduced oil leakage on my old Triumphs by replacing the original fiber washers with alloy crush washers. My suggestion...reuse until they leak. On the other hand, they are cheap, so if it comforts you to replace them, do so. Just don't let the service department charge you for ones they didn't actually use. :sour: With O-rings, the life span seems more limited. Reusing once, twice, or more is very likely, but eventually they will take on the shape and size of the groove, become flattened, or get damaged. They also harden in time. Then they will leak. I examine them carefully before I reuse them, and always have spares on hand to replace them if necessary. I might add that I grew up riding British and US bikes, and have a stable full of vintage iron. Small oil leaks are not actually a crime! :)

GI Jane
08-27-2008, 06:10 PM

Which dealership are you referring to?

SSG Bean
08-27-2008, 06:15 PM
I have my deposit with Advantage Powersports in KC, so this concerns me greatly. I think I'll check out Reno's in south KC, but if you beat me there, let me know how their service is Captainryder. I've not been impressed with them, in particular the flunkies they have for sales associates, so it doesn't surprise me that the service department is not exactly gifted. Let me know what you find out, or if you go back to Advantage lets hope the service tech's learning curve isn't too great. I may have to invest in the manual to do the services myself and risk voiding the warranty to ensure my Spyder is properly maintained.