View Full Version : Navy's new stealth jet called the X-47B.

04-03-2014, 02:43 AM
WE ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD......................................

July 10, 2013 the Navy successfully conducted take-offs and landings from a fairly new nuclear aircraft carrier, the USS George H.W. Bush, with a new stealth jet called the X-47B.

What is so different about this plane is the fact that it is a 'drone'. Yes, it is completely unmanned. Drones come in all sizes, and theX-47Bis likely one of the larger ones.

What is so ironic about all of this is, the fact that the enemy cannot detect a plane like this in the first place. In the unlikely event they get lucky at shooting one down, there will be no human loss of life or captivity. As you view the flight deck crew signaling the plane, they are simply signaling the on-board cameras, who in turn are being manned by staff inside the command intelligence center ( CIC )onboard the ship.

Also check out the short distance this plane needs for a takeoff. Impressive indeed.


04-03-2014, 04:19 AM
amazing thanks

04-03-2014, 05:06 AM
Very cool. Thanks

04-03-2014, 05:40 AM
And that's what they allowed you to see...No conspiracy theory or stuff like that, but consider what you see is a tip of what else is available.

The X-47C is bigger and badder still.


Bob Denman
04-03-2014, 07:14 AM
"Tin Man"; on deck!


04-03-2014, 08:54 AM
Now that would be fun to fly!!

04-03-2014, 10:07 AM
That is so cool!
But on the other hand....how long before Skynet and Robowars? :yikes:

04-03-2014, 10:14 AM
Do they make one that's deployable from a Spyder trunk? Be great for taking out smacktards driving while on their phones 'n such! :thumbup:

Bob Denman
04-03-2014, 10:38 AM
Would this work??? :roflblack:


04-03-2014, 04:46 PM
Interesting. Dogfights taking place by remote control from 1000's of miles away. Sounds a lot like the Sci Fi movies show.

Scarry to think of what the next 20 years will bring.

04-03-2014, 04:56 PM

04-03-2014, 04:58 PM
This is reall cool....but not being a navy guy, I gotta ask, with all respect--even if this may sound stupid:
The Navy comes up with some nice names for its ships. So why does it have such dumb names for its airplanes? Instead of calling something the XE-34F. Or whatever, why not call it the Speed Snake, or the Biting Fly, or something cool?

I mean they have some really good weaponry, but some really lousy names for it.

Bob Denman
04-03-2014, 05:16 PM
"Death From Above"
"Flying Fear"
"Don't bother Looking Up"

04-03-2014, 05:24 PM
I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night!!!!!

No, but really, "X" denotes that this Aircraft is still in the experimental stage. Maybe they will come up with a cool name later.

Having spent 24 years in the Navy, and working on the Flight Deck of 3 Carriers, this brought back some real good memories!!! Thanks for the walk down Memory Lane.

04-03-2014, 05:26 PM
"Death From Above"
"Flying Fear"
"Don't bother Looking Up"

"TERROR DRONE" has my vote!!!!:yes::yes:

04-03-2014, 05:33 PM
Badass Hornet

The Giant Japanese Hornet is 2 inches long. That's right. It also has a wingspan of over 3 inches too. That's Badass. There is a YouTube video on them wiping out an entire honey bee hive. This is some real scary stuff, and an even scarier fact is that Giant Japanese Hornets are responsible for more deaths than all other venomous and non venomous animals combined in Japan each year.

Also, the distance the Killer bees and honey bees chase you is somewhat limited. But the Giant Japanese Hornet will chase you for over three miles. For a 2" bug, that's badass.

So, I vote for badass hornet.

04-03-2014, 06:35 PM
Like ValCruz said, once the X designator is dropped they will name it. The other drones got their names when they became operational. By the way, the Hornet name is already taken as in F/A18 Hornet. Given that it's extremely difficult to detect and it would scare the :cus: out of you, "Ghost" would be a good moniker.

04-03-2014, 06:49 PM
It likely has a name already associated with the "project".

As mentioned, it will get a cool name when the x is dropped.


04-03-2014, 07:56 PM
It's awesome but too sleek to have a really cool name so it will be futuristic and it'll just get shortened up to something even cooler - Like "Hog"(A-10 Warthog) or "Thud" (F-105 Thunderchief) or "Vark" (F-111 Aardvark). Some were changed completely like F-4 Phantom into "smoker". Don't know of a shortened name for A-6 "Intruder". My favorite jets, but really showing my age.... Any other folks chime in!

04-03-2014, 09:46 PM
This is reall cool....but not being a navy guy, I gotta ask, with all respect--even if this may sound stupid:
The Navy comes up with some nice names for its ships. So why does it have such dumb names for its airplanes? Instead of calling something the XE-34F. Or whatever, why not call it the Speed Snake, or the Biting Fly, or something cool?

I mean they have some really good weaponry, but some really lousy names for it.

X means experimental, when it's accepted by the navy and put in service, that's the time they will designate a nice name.

It's may sound crazy but watching this new unmanned aircraft on top of a carrier bring back so much memories.

04-04-2014, 10:08 AM
Badass Hornet

The Giant Japanese Hornet is 2 inches long. That's right. It also has a wingspan of over 3 inches too. That's Badass. There is a YouTube video on them wiping out an entire honey bee hive. This is some real scary stuff, and an even scarier fact is that Giant Japanese Hornets are responsible for more deaths than all other venomous and non venomous animals combined in Japan each year.

Also, the distance the Killer bees and honey bees chase you is somewhat limited. But the Giant Japanese Hornet will chase you for over three miles. For a 2" bug, that's badass.

So, I vote for badass hornet.

I hate to crush anyone's impression of me as a superhuman, cyborg type........................thingy................ ......but I doubt they'll need to chase me 3 yards before catching my slow :cus:. My best bet is there'll be some other panicky old dudes running for it and, I'll be able to trip one of 'em. ;)

UPDATE: Just looked these up..........................they eat preying mantises!!!! :yikes:

On a serious note................I actually saw one of these monsters (didn't realize till now what it was........Asian [not Japanese] Giant Hornet). When I was working in the Stan.................we (PSD Team) had taken some military techs to a small Afghan National Police station along side Highway 4, between Kandahar and Spin Boldak. While the techs were doing their thing, installing tech stuff, me and the other security guys stationed ourselves out front to monitor highway traffic, and traffic at the several hadji shops across the highway, and our excellent ANP hosts who weren't really trustworthy (you know; all that green on blue :cus: you're always seeing on the news?). Anyway, it was hotter than :cus: all, as usual......................so my partner and I stepped into a mud walled shanty (here's where things start to go wrong) with a mud daubed brush roof, for some shade. So we're inside keeping an eye on things out front, and chit chatting. When I notice this HUGE freakin' hornet hanging upside down from the mud/brush ceiling directly over my partner's head. Man! This thing is as big as my thumb.....................I could believe how thick the body was! So I says to my partner, "Look straight up". He does and says, :cus::cus:!!!!!!! We both moved outside into the 130 + sunlight, and started laughing about how two guys with assault rifles and pistols just got run off by an insect!

Bob Denman
04-04-2014, 01:08 PM
See how tough they look, after you swat them with a shoe! ;)