View Full Version : The Funniest SH-t Ever

08-18-2008, 09:44 PM
Ok I was driving in my car,the spyder was at home i saw a guy riding a spyder so i gave him the thumbs up you know just saying cool he looked
at me like i was a pee-on and i could never be on his level.I felt like showing him my key but i just laughed and just kept it moving.
Please if you get a thumbs up just give it back.Its the right thing to do

08-18-2008, 09:56 PM
:agree: must think he is something special (NOT)

I always give a :thumbup: or :2thumbs:

08-18-2008, 10:11 PM
Ok I was driving in my car,the spyder was at home i saw a guy riding a spyder so i gave him the thumbs up you know just saying cool he looked
at me like i was a pee-on and i could never be on his level.I felt like showing him my key but i just laughed and just kept it moving.
Please if you get a thumbs up just give it back.Its the right thing to do

:agree: Unbelievable. What a goof! When I am riding my motorcycle, if someone waves or gives the thumbs up, I always wave back. No exceptions. I don't care if they are on another bike, on a scooter or in a car. How hard is it to be cordial?


08-18-2008, 11:12 PM
Should we give the guy the benefit of the doubt? Maybe you have a long thumb and he thought it was your middle finger?

08-19-2008, 12:20 AM
Well...unfortunately I've noticed about 75% less response to my initiated waves since I have been on the spyder and a several head shakes...I could see a frown or scowl on a few of the half helmets. Even several Harley guys would wave to me while on my sportbike. I don't get it, it's as if not only is this NOT going to be accepted by the motorcycle community, but it's being seen as a sign of a change for the worst to them...like bad things are going to come of this???

08-19-2008, 02:08 AM
Well...unfortunately I've noticed about 75% less response to my initiated waves since I have been on the spyder and a several head shakes...I could see a frown or scowl on a few of the half helmets. Even several Harley guys would wave to me while on my sportbike. I don't get it, it's as if not only is this NOT going to be accepted by the motorcycle community, but it's being seen as a sign of a change for the worst to them...like bad things are going to come of this???
I wouldn't worry too much about other bikers responding. Maybe some of them are just confused or insecure.:( We don't need their acceptance....We are UNIQUE:D! There's plenty of other people gawkin and waving! I wouldn't mind a little less attention myself.;)

08-19-2008, 06:14 AM
I had two Spyder guys on Spyders look right at me and not even give me the nod.:spyder::dontknow:

08-19-2008, 06:49 AM
I had two Spyder guys on Spyders look right at me and not even give me the nod.:spyder::dontknow:

That is just rude. I get waves or thumbs up from just about everyone regardless of what they are riding. Some of the folks that don't give me the wave seem to be the Goldwing crowd more than any other. I think too that there are so many new bikers on the road now days with gas prices that many just don't know.

08-19-2008, 07:03 AM
I had two Spyder guys on Spyders look right at me and not even give me the nod.:spyder::dontknow:

Jut my opinion, I think with the number of first time riders buying Spyders, they are probably wondering why people are waving at them. They don't understand the biker wave. :dontknow:

08-19-2008, 07:05 AM
I was taught that we are resonsibe for our own actions not anyones reactions, translation keep on waving and nodding

08-19-2008, 07:33 AM
I was taught that we are resonsibe for our own actions not anyones reactions, translation keep on waving and nodding
Well said!

08-19-2008, 07:39 AM
Jut my opinion, I think with the number of first time riders buying Spyders, they are probably wondering why people are waving at them. They don't understand the biker wave. :dontknow:
Hey buddy:thumbup:...nice ride
Wait, What??:shocked:Why is that guy waving at us, did something fall off:yikes:
:dontknow:I don't know?
:chat:...so anyways, I was out on my new bike and all these people were waving as they passed by me and...

08-19-2008, 12:22 PM
I had two Spyder guys on Spyders look right at me and not even give me the nod.:spyder::dontknow:

Lamonster, that day we were riding to the Hideout, Mt. Palomar, etc., there were a lot of bikes on the road (result of great weather). I noticed that almost all of them waved as we passed.

My experience, since I started riding the Spyder, has been that most bikers will wave. Except in town, the practice has almost completely disappeared, probably because of the sheer numbers of bikes on the road in the city now.

08-19-2008, 03:29 PM
Lamonster, that day we were riding to the Hideout, Mt. Palomar, etc., there were a lot of bikes on the road (result of great weather). I noticed that almost all of them waved as we passed.

My experience, since I started riding the Spyder, has been that most bikers will wave. Except in town, the practice has almost completely disappeared, probably because of the sheer numbers of bikes on the road in the city now.

One thing about city driving and waving. I was in my truck in the left lane and a few bikes in the right lane. I was catching up to them and they waved at the oncoming bikes. It kinda startled me because I thought they were changing lanes into me.:yikes:

One thing I noticed in my area it seems like most everyone waves to each other.

08-19-2008, 05:25 PM

08-19-2008, 07:44 PM
When I first rode the Spyder people were scaring the crap out of me - I'd have people come at me and honk, ride by me and honk, yell out windows, a few waved but mostly honked, yelled, took my pic - I'm okay w/ it now but that never happened when I rode my Harley.

08-19-2008, 09:16 PM
When I first rode the Spyder people were scaring the crap out of me - I'd have people come at me and honk, ride by me and honk, yell out windows, a few waved but mostly honked, yelled, took my pic - I'm okay w/ it now but that never happened when I rode my Harley.Maybe he is the first 1% :spyder:Rider :spyder:1% riders don't Wave.

08-20-2008, 07:03 AM
NON WAIVERS MOSTLY HARLEY RIDERS, SPYDERS ARE SPARSE AROUND ALBUQUERQUE, HAVEN'T PASSED ANY YET. KEEP ON WAIVIN' .Whats up with Harley Riders alot of us own both:joke:keep on waivin:spyder:

08-20-2008, 09:38 AM
Whats up with Harley Riders alot of us own both:joke:keep on waivin:spyder:


Top Ten Reasons Why Harley Riders Don't Wave Back

10. Afraid it will invalidate warranty. 9. Leather and studs make it too hard to raise arm. 8. Refuses to wave to anyone whose bike is already paid for. 7. Afraid to let go of handlebars because they might vibrate off. 6. Rushing wind would blow scabs off the new tattoos. 5. Angry because just took out second mortgage to pay luxury tax on new Harley. 4. Just discovered the fine print in owner's manual and realized H-D is partially owned by those rice-burner manufacturers. 3. Can't tell if other riders are waving or just reaching to cover their ears like everyone else. 2. Remembers the last time a Harley rider waved back, he impaled his hand on spiked helmet. 1. They're jealous that after spending $30,000, they still don't own a Gold Wing.

Top Ten Reasons Why Gold Wing Riders Don't Wave Back
10. Wasn't sure whether other rider was waving or making an obscene gesture .
9. Afraid might get frostbite if hand is removed from heated grip .
8. Has arthritis and the past 400 miles have made it difficult to raise arm .
7. Reflection from etched windshield momentarily blinded him.
6. The expresso machine just finished .
5. Was actually asleep when other rider waved .
4. Was in a three-way conference call with stock broker and accessories dealer .
3. Was distracted by odd shaped blip on radar screen.
2. Was simultaneously adjusting the air suspension, seat height, programmable CD player, seat temperature
and satellite navigation system .
1. Couldn't find the "auto wave back" button on dashboard.

08-20-2008, 11:25 AM
I have found Denver to be pretty freindly. Sometimes too much. I have people pull up along side me and take pictures and videos of me. They especially like my neon yellow mohawk on my helmet!! What annoys me is the 10 or 15th stupid question at the gas station.."is it stable?"...I usually say yeah its very stable until about 180mph and then it gets a little shakey!!"...and believe it or not many or them dont take that as humerous and actually think I am serious. I get lots of waves from other bike riders. The ones that dont wave appear to be new riders and dont because they are concerned they might lose control or maybe just jealous and wish they would have gotten a Spyder instead? Not sure. Nonetheless I have to defend the Harley guys and say they have all been welcoming and nice here in Denver. I have a biker bar down the streets from my office and we go there after work sometimes and they love my bike!! I guess its like anything else until there are more on the road we will get mixed responses. I always wave back or knod and honk my horn. I have always wondered if maybe some of those people giving me a thumbs up had a Spyder in THEIR garage too and might even be a fellow SpyderLover.com member? Wow imagine that!! I have found in life that you always get more flies with honey then vinegar. I guess it depends on what kind of flies you are trying to attract?

08-20-2008, 11:30 AM
:agree: Unbelievable. What a goof! When I am riding my motorcycle, if someone waves or gives the thumbs up, I always wave back. No exceptions. I don't care if they are on another bike, on a scooter or in a car. How hard is it to be cordial?

I draw the line at the scooter:sour:

08-20-2008, 02:53 PM
Come on. Wave at all two wheelers. I started on a Whizzer bike and then graduated to a Servicycle and finally to a WWII surplus Indian Scout. That was over 60 years ago. We are all brothers under the skin regardless what we ride.

Keep the shiny side up!

Jack H.

08-20-2008, 04:32 PM
Come on. Wave at all two wheelers. I started on a Whizzer bike and then graduated to a Servicycle and finally to a WWII surplus Indian Scout. That was over 60 years ago. We are all brothers under the skin regardless what we ride.

Keep the shiny side up!

Jack H.
Amen Jack! I always get a thrill when riders wave at me when I'm on my Servi-Cycle. :) Waving at the ones on scooters encourages them. I also get a kick out of it when regular bicycles wave at me.

08-20-2008, 08:14 PM
While on my SpYder - apx 95% wave back - While in My Kenworth - 0% wave back - Oh wait 1 guy did but that Air horn almost made him jump off His bike.

08-20-2008, 08:42 PM
When I rode my Harley I got waived at more by Harley Riders. I don't get waved at from them much anymore but when I am parked somewhere, the Harley people seem to like my bike or are confused by it, LOL! I really don't care - so long as I like my bike :):2thumbs:

08-20-2008, 09:45 PM
I'm usually riding behind hubby on his harley or ducati and other riders will wave at him and then leave their hand out while giving me the open-mouth-head-turn (what is that thing?).
I always wave back.:)