View Full Version : Keeping mice out!

03-12-2014, 05:46 PM
During the warm weather months I will be parking the Sypder at the cottage in a shed.
I've had a hell of a time with mice infestations with my motorbikes. They seem to love building nests in the air cleaners. The first time I discovered this I'd started the bike to let it warm up and just as I got perched I saw a mouse popping up between the tank and triple tree. Thought that was weird but dealt with it and continued on. Shortly after I discovered a nest in my air cleaner which was pretty well destroyed. From then on I had to periodically inspect the air cleaners for nests.

The motorbike and ATV air cleaners are fairly easy to access and the only place where mice liked to inhabit but the Sypder is a different story. Does anyone have any suggestions how to keep mice out? Especially the air box. I've previously tried encircling bikes with nylon stockings tied together filled with moth balls with limited if any success.

Any ideas?


03-12-2014, 06:30 PM
I gave up on chasing them away years ago. Now I just use rat bait.

03-12-2014, 06:41 PM
Dyer sheets are suppose to work also. I have found that moth balls in sufficiently large quantity is the best deterrent.

03-12-2014, 06:44 PM
they have electronic mouse repellents on the market try some of them in there http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=mice+electronic+repellent&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=31073499325&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1454821249353379372&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_8fnc1o44ge_b

03-12-2014, 06:49 PM
Dyer sheets are suppose to work also. I have found that moth balls in sufficiently large quantity is the best deterrent.

I have tried drier sheets in my camper with no luck. i actually had mouse droppings on a drier sheet lol.. I have not tried the moth ball thing.. I think I'm going to the store tomorrow and try that.

03-12-2014, 06:49 PM
He is correct about dryer sheets. The more closer to a pine scent the better. Or you can use the pine scent tree hangers that you put in your vehicles work well also. Used for years in my motor home also use in spyder for winter storage:yes:

03-12-2014, 07:21 PM
I have tried drier sheets in my camper with no luck. i actually had mouse droppings on a drier sheet lol.. I have not tried the moth ball thing.. I think I'm going to the store tomorrow and try that. actually had a nest built out of dryer sheets in my sled this past fall!nojoke

03-12-2014, 07:34 PM
farmer grade poison plenty of it if they get to your wiring you got big big problems.

03-12-2014, 07:34 PM
I put a soft ball in the air intake and Irish Spring soap on the bike and in the bike. Mice don't seem to like the smell of that soap. I have used it in my Mustang and other toys for years and they just seem to stay away.:yes:

03-12-2014, 07:35 PM
I gave up on chasing them away years ago. Now I just use rat bait.

That would be the best defense but I'd be sleeping in the shed (dog house) if Chipmunks were collateral damage :opps:

Do you know if the intake horn for the air box has a coarse screen or mesh to prevent entry? If not I wonder if the opening is large enough to attach a mesh of some sort over it that would not negatively impact air flow?

03-12-2014, 07:49 PM
I put a soft ball in the air intake and Irish Spring soap on the bike and in the bike. Mice don't seem to like the smell of that soap. I have used it in my Mustang and other toys for years and they just seem to stay away.:yes:

I'll have to try the soap. It can be re-purposed if it doesn't work.;) The soft ball would be good for winter storage but I think it would be a PITA to remove the ball from the air box before each ride.

I guess poison is the only sure way to go.

03-12-2014, 07:50 PM

03-12-2014, 07:56 PM
they have electronic mouse repellents on the market try some of them in there http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=mice+electronic+repellent&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=31073499325&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1454821249353379372&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_8fnc1o44ge_b

Good suggestion. Any positive experience with them?

03-12-2014, 08:32 PM
That would be the best defense but I'd be sleeping in the shed (dog house) if Chipmunks were collateral damage :opps:

Do you know if the intake horn for the air box has a coarse screen or mesh to prevent entry? If not I wonder if the opening is large enough to attach a mesh of some sort over it that would not negatively impact air flow?

We still have plenty of chipmunks. The rat bait is put out in the buildings...Chip & Dale stay outside.

03-12-2014, 08:39 PM
Good suggestion. Any positive experience with them?

I heard that that these actually produce music that attracts mice and lulls them to sleep so the cats can sneak up on them and make lunch out of them........:yes:

03-12-2014, 08:47 PM
I heard that that these actually produce music that attracts mice and lulls them to sleep so the cats can sneak up on them and make lunch out of them........:yes:

The 'Cat Not Included' now makes sense.

03-12-2014, 08:50 PM
I use a combination of rat and mice poison, sticky sheets around the edges of the garage. Really smelly dyer sheets seem to work, the cheapest, stinky dryer sheets the better.


Bob Denman
03-13-2014, 06:52 AM
I good, "swarm of cats"; ought to do the job... :thumbup:

03-13-2014, 10:21 AM
Fresh Cab Rodent Repellant - Amazon.com‎ (http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=CIWY7lcwhU7XxBYukzAHk64GwAfKZqaoEuvSz82qZ566PLw gAEAMgjZamGCgDUIHIrq76_____wFgya6pi8Ck2A_IAQGqBCNP 0JgexMKKjN9UVc70JLqSphN6GnfJFYE7AjUIgF8e6Q81pIAFkE 6AB6qdrSmQBwM&sig=AOD64_0GRHI8D60dcCkai3yuOYkJn8uJ5g&rct=j&q=cab+fresh+rodent+repellent&ved=0CDoQ0Qw&adurl=http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0021LWPPY/?tag%3Dgooghydr-20%26hvadid%3D28695086426%26hvpos%3D1t3%26hvexid%3 D%26hvnetw%3Dg%26hvrand%3D1684528799782455340%26hv pone%3D%26hvptwo%3D%26hvqmt%3Db%26hvdev%3Dc%26ref% 3Dpd_sl_pco0nkxug_b)

03-13-2014, 11:27 AM
^Thanks for that I'll order some and see what happens. I'll have to figure out where to locate on/in or near the Sypder.

I'm also thinking about getting a couple of these:http://www.victorpest.com/store/mouse-control/m260

03-13-2014, 07:35 PM
We use Fresh Cab at our Trailer with Sticky RAT traps, and it seems to work ok. In the Fall when we close up we also use Coyote Urine, poison, traps and Fresh Cab. Then we pretty much :pray: all winter that we don't have too bad an issue in the Spring when we open. I was considering placing Fresh Cab in key locations around / in the :spyder2: while at camp. Assuming of course it stops SNOWING and we actually get it out of the Crate it is still in.:gaah::gaah::banghead:

Bob Denman
03-13-2014, 07:45 PM
Do you guys cover your bikes, when you store them for any length of time?
I don't anymore; I've decided that putting a cover over the bike just makes it into a nice, dark place that little critters perceive as SAFE... :gaah:
I can always wipe the dust off; when needed... :2thumbs:

03-13-2014, 08:05 PM
I found years ago that using rat bait chunks would protect my cars in storage. Then one day my dog found one I forgot to pick up and a quick trip to the vet was needed. Now I still use the bait chunks but I put them in empty plastic strawberry boxes which I cut a small access hole in the side. The dog cannot get at the bait but the mice have no problem. The sticky traps also work but who wants a dead mouse smell lingering in a closed car shed for the winter. The Irish Spring soap bars I have tried but found that the mice do gnaw on them. Pine air freshers also work so I hang them in the shed but not in the car. The odor inside the car when left closed up for the winter takes a long time to air out so I do not use them in the car. Peppermint soaked cotton balls also work but only for a month or two, then the odor is gone. Good luck.

03-13-2014, 08:23 PM
During the warm weather months I will be parking the Sypder at the cottage in a shed.
I've had a hell of a time with mice infestations with my motorbikes. They seem to love building nests in the air cleaners. The first time I discovered this I'd started the bike to let it warm up and just as I got perched I saw a mouse popping up between the tank and triple tree. Thought that was weird but dealt with it and continued on. Shortly after I discovered a nest in my air cleaner which was pretty well destroyed. From then on I had to periodically inspect the air cleaners for nests.

The motorbike and ATV air cleaners are fairly easy to access and the only place where mice liked to inhabit but the Sypder is a different story. Does anyone have any suggestions how to keep mice out? Especially the air box. I've previously tried encircling bikes with nylon stockings tied together filled with moth balls with limited if any success.

Any ideas?


In the summer I keep my spyder stored outdoors with a storage cover on it. I use mothballs in a small open container. I put the one small container on the a-arms and I also use a household electronic mouse deterrent . It seems to work as no evidence of mice in and around the spyder. I just got and will be installing an electronic mouse blocker Here is the link
http://www.mouseblocker.com/. Hope this helps

03-13-2014, 08:49 PM
Do you guys cover your bikes, when you store them for any length of time?
I don't anymore; I've decided that putting a cover over the bike just makes it into a nice, dark place that little critters perceive as SAFE... :gaah:
I can always wipe the dust off; when needed... :2thumbs:


03-13-2014, 09:10 PM
what bob said.. I have 6 garage cats.. the carnage sometimes is , er,, well something like this:bbq:

Dan McNally
03-13-2014, 09:52 PM
Mice are why they invented rat and mouse poison . . . I have a couple short lengths of 3" PVC pipe with 1 1/2" x 3" adapter couplings on the ends . . . I put the poison in them and put them along the walls . . . works well . . .

03-13-2014, 10:22 PM
Mice are why they invented rat and mouse poison . . . I have a couple short lengths of 3" PVC pipe with 1 1/2" x 3" adapter couplings on the ends . . . I put the poison in them and put them along the walls . . . works well . . .

Excellent advice on the PVC. Don't want to lose a family pet. Years ago my dad decided he would poison the moles in our yard. Problem was, I had a young German Shepard pup who went behind him and dug up the pellets. The dog's name was Niko and he was a handsome fella. I was a kid, but I still remember my pup dying a horrible death.

03-14-2014, 10:20 AM
If you constantly play Justin Bieber tunes, or electropop (or is it electropoop?) REALLY LOUD.........................not only will the rodents stay out, but so will everyone else (you may attract a few witless teens or ravers though). Good luck!

Bob Denman
03-14-2014, 10:27 AM
But the Local Authorities might condemn your garage, and try to burn it... :shocked:

03-14-2014, 11:56 AM
But the Local Authorities might condemn your garage, and try to burn it... :shocked:

Or the Spyder may get fed up and decide to burn.:yikes:

03-14-2014, 04:51 PM
We use peppermint oil and it works great. Put a little in some water and spray it in the area and no more mice.:D

Bob Denman
03-14-2014, 04:56 PM
..And a little dab of it behind your ear, and who knows? :D

03-14-2014, 05:32 PM
Mouse trap and peanut butter work for me.

03-14-2014, 05:33 PM
In no particular order of effectiveness:

Peppermint oil - Mix with water and spray - can be worn behind the ears (mouse ears?)

Irish Spring soap - May work best near St Patty’s day.

Dryer sheets - Mixed results apparently some mice like it their nests for a nice fresh sent.

Electronic devices - Ultrasonic repellent.

Justin Bieber - May not be for everyone including mice.

Cats - Natures optimal win win method.
Pine Tree hangers - One for each mirror.

Fresh Cab Rodent Repellant - Natural deterrent good results reported.

Moth Balls - May work will smell.

Sticky Strips - Stops them dead in their tracks.

Poison - Tried and true method but can have unintended consequences if not used properly

Keep em coming...



03-14-2014, 06:36 PM
Most can't do this, but the bikes and the vette get elevated with no issues so far. The critters don't seem to climb the steel post on the lifts. Cab Fresh in the toy hauler

Dan McNally
03-14-2014, 09:37 PM
Excellent advice on the PVC. Don't want to lose a family pet. Years ago my dad decided he would poison the moles in our yard. Problem was, I had a young German Shepard pup who went behind him and dug up the pellets. The dog's name was Niko and he was a handsome fella. I was a kid, but I still remember my pup dying a horrible death.

The dog's well being is why I did it that way . . .

03-14-2014, 10:17 PM
I use mice & rat bait and a pan of RV line anti-freeze. When they eat to bait they go to a anti-freeze, drink it and die. Worked for me for over 20 years. That's IMHO.
