View Full Version : Lamont's new pro to 2014 foot pegs

03-11-2014, 09:17 PM
I was at Ultimate Seats in Daytona this morning and lo and behold, there was Lamont and Harvey doing laser alignments for people

I got a chance to sit on Lamonts ryde and test/feel the new prototype foot pegs and they are GREAT!!!! I can't wait nutl they are ready for sale

I also got to 'hear' Lamonts Spyder growl since he has his new cat converter bypass installed, and I have to tell you, the sound it makes is just a really nice, throaty, deep growl...... he has another winner with this new mod also

enjoy the pics


03-11-2014, 10:12 PM
Oh man!.....love the pic of the foot peg! Looks like it's installed on the bottom of the floorboard which would make it simple for a knuckledragger like me to install. Looking forward to when they "go live" too.

03-12-2014, 09:44 AM
he is going to make a couple of changes to the foot pegs that will make them even better (imho)

we should hear more in the next week or two

03-15-2014, 05:14 PM
he is going to make a couple of changes to the foot pegs that will make them even better (imho)

we should hear more in the next week or two

I am hoping for some goodies by the end of the month!!

03-15-2014, 09:45 PM
Lamont, if you see this. IMO.. I think the bar the peg mounts to need a bend toward the rider. This way the riders foot meets the peg squarely. Don't know if I'm getting that into words correctly. Anyone else see this? :chat: Tom :trike:

Bob Denman
03-16-2014, 08:42 AM
Waiting patiently, to see how this all comes to market! :bbq::bbq::bbq:

03-16-2014, 09:49 AM
Hey that Cognac spyder looks familiar in your picture :)

Nice to meet you lookerjdc. Yes I am looking forward to Lamonts cat bypass as well.

03-16-2014, 11:41 AM
you can move the peg support arm forward or towards the rear - its your choice

showed them to my brother yesterday at the BRP event at the racetrack and he fell in love with them also

Lamont is working on pricing for the cat bypass and the foot pegs

expect to see them for sale soon