View Full Version : Need windshield cut on aftermarket fairing

02-16-2014, 07:01 PM
Hi all
I am looking for someone or somewhere to cut down my winshield about 3 inches. I have an aftermarket fairing and windshield. Can anyone recomment somewhere in NM or anywhere. I have called several shops but no success. I have seen several videos online on how to do it yourself but do not have the guts or tools. I need help please put in your $.02. I own an 08 GS
Marc :ani29:
Not to sure where to put this topic. If it is in the wrong place I am sorry.

Tx web rider
02-16-2014, 07:08 PM
what size windshield do you have

02-16-2014, 08:01 PM
Hi all
I am looking for someone or somewhere to cut down my winshield about 3 inches. I have an aftermarket fairing and windshield. Can anyone recomment somewhere in NM or anywhere. I have called several shops but no success. I have seen several videos online on how to do it yourself but do not have the guts or tools. I need help please put in your $.02. I own an 08 GS
Marc :ani29:
Not to sure where to put this topic. If it is in the wrong place I am sorry.Any machine shop with a bandsaw could cut it. Cover it with masking tape to avoid scratching and mark it where you want it cut, Should take less than 10 minutes. File the saw cut smooth and polish it with a buffing wheel. Any good wood shop should also have a band saw. Obviously the windshield has to be removed to do it this way. Could also be done still mounted to the bike by using a sabre saw although I have never done it that way.

02-16-2014, 10:04 PM
It is very easy to do.........time consuming though. You have to be very careful. I have cut several windshields down......mounted on the bike. Tape off both sides of the windshield with masking tape. Draw the cut line. I use a Bosch jigsaw with a fine blade. Make the cut, and smooth down with a course sanding wheel, or sandpaper. Just make sure you don't let it slide to scratch. I finished it off with a file.


02-16-2014, 10:24 PM
what size windshield do you have

Not to sure the size. I will get measurements and pics in the morning.

02-16-2014, 10:30 PM
Thanks all
Can I ask the purpose of the tape. Obviously to not scratch the glass but does it help spalling.

02-16-2014, 11:32 PM
Mostly scratching. I did not tape all the wayndown, just where the saw foot was going to ride. After the cut, I pulled the tape. You have to be able see the edge when finishing.

02-17-2014, 01:04 AM
I took 2 inches off of my shield. Just like Willy says.
I removed the shield, taped the area on both inside and outside surfaces with green masking tape, marked off the cut line and proceeded with a sabre saw with a fine blade.
After the cut was complete, I sanded the edge smooth with #80 grit sandpaper on a flexible sanding block. I also installed a Goldwing adjustable vent while I had the shield off.
No need to be afraid, just be careful. It helps to have a friend close by to help stabilize the shield while you are making the cut.

02-17-2014, 10:12 AM
what size windshield do you have

The windshield is about 23.5 inches wide and 20 inches high

Thanks for all the help. Getting a little more courage to try. Lol

02-17-2014, 11:50 AM
Here's a thought on this topic, I've done a few and maybe this will help you,,,,,,if you use any kind of blade the higher the speed the more heat it will create and that causes the material you are cutting to melt.......the thinner the blade you using the more likely the material you just cut will melt together because there is very little gap between the surfaces......I have had very good luck using a 4 1/2 " angle grinder with a 1mm blade (Diablo from Home Depot ) ....I leave plenty of room away from the final cut mark.....I do my final trimming with belt sander that is mounted to my work bench using a coarse with little pressure........If you have to use a sabre saw someone is going to have to hold the windshield absolutely rigid or else you are very likely to crack it, and I recommend a slow speed and let the blade cool.....an ice cube helps.........Good luck ...Mike :thumbup:

03-05-2014, 10:48 AM
The windshield is about 23.5 inches wide and 20 inches high

Thanks for all the help. Getting a little more courage to try. Lol

Finally found a plastic shop to cut. THey did a great job. I like it. What do you think

3 Wheel Addict
03-05-2014, 12:00 PM
Too late now but if you take a small propane torch and slightly heat the edge of the cut plastic it will "flame polish" the edge. I think Cal-Sci has directions on their web site on how to cut and burn the edge.