View Full Version : Review Time: 3 Months & 10,000 kms later

08-01-2008, 02:16 AM
The Spyder is 3 months old today and I rolled over 10,000 kms yesterday. Time for a review.

From my point of view, if I were to compare the Spyder to a class of bike I’d say it was a sports tourer. It’s the same class as the bike that it shares its engine. I rode the Aprilia a few years ago and was impressed with the performance then. It had an aftermarket muffler on it too. The Spyder goes like the clappers. Once you get used to the handling (about 1000 kms on a variety of roads), it’s fun, fun, fun. I’ve had the odd fang or too against a sports tourer (and a 3 series BMW saloon). Going into the corners was slower but coming out was just mind-blowing.

I’m 5’10’’ and the screen and riding position are just great for hooning about. The weather protection is good too. It’s the only “motorcycle” that I’ve never got cold feet on. I would like the front footrest for long trips though. Not sure what people are used to who are changing screens, but I personally thing the stock screen is one of the best I’ve ridden with. Don’t like sitting in behind a screen.

The front trunk was a pleasant surprise. I can actually take everything I want for a weekend (change of clothes, tent, mattress, sleeping bag), safely locked away. No need for bags on the back although I have carried a swag (could not see Jack **** out of the mirrors) and a large pack. The trunk will also take 30 cans of beer and a bag of ice when it’s you turn to do the drinks run.

The Hindle is just great. Matches the bike and sounds great. As well as visual experience, it’s now an aural experience too.

The Spyder cover is fantastic. It’s the only motorcycle cover that I can get on correctly the first time. The yellow material that goes over the muffler and the BRP signage on each end help.

I’m thinking that tyre pressures seem to have an effect on the VSS. The higher the pressure, the more likely the tyre is to break traction and hence the VSS to kick in.

Just wish the brake squeak would go away. Sometimes it does, then it comes back again.

08-01-2008, 05:43 AM
Nice review. I did have to look in a slang dictionary to find out what 'The Spyder goes like the clappers.' means (it goes very fast). I could not find out what 'the odd fang or two' means but it sounds like a negative response, is that correct? :dontknow:

:congrats: Congratulations on your 10K. You are up for two of BRP's mileage pins. :thumbup:

08-01-2008, 06:25 AM
Oops. I thought 'the odd fang or two' was also a US term as well as Australian and English. "Fang" usually means 'fast trip, pushing a little harder than usual'. A quick fang is a faster than normal fang but only a short distance. There, you've just be edumecated in Strine.

08-01-2008, 06:38 AM
Oops. I thought 'the odd fang or two' was also a US term as well as Australian and English. "Fang" usually means 'fast trip, pushing a little harder than usual'. A quick fang is a faster than normal fang but only a short distance. There, you've just be edumecated in Strine.

:opps: It probably is a U.S. term too but us old folk http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Thinking/old-025.gif have a hard time keeping current with the slang. :D