View Full Version : Can-Am GSX-2 helmet replacement parts?

12-30-2013, 02:02 PM
Is there any way to get replacement parts for a GSX-2 helmet? Last Fall when putting my helmet on my sleeve snagged the chin-vent pop-out cover and broke it off! Eeek!

I have it snapped in and closed now, but cannot open it (it just falls out of the helmet, the little clips that hold the cover on broke on 1 side of the cover). The only replacement part I've been able to find for this helmet is the polarized flip-down sun shield... does anybody know where I could get a replacement chin-vent cover for this helmet? I've Googled, searched Amazon and Ebay, and not coming up with anything here... it's a blasted expensive helmet I'd hate to have to buy another just for this 1 little piece! :banghead:

ps. Click image to enlarge and see chin cover circled in red on helmet.

- Michael

12-30-2013, 03:32 PM
You did not mention checking with a BRP dealer to see if they could get you the part. I have had good luck in the past for replacement bits and pieces.

12-30-2013, 04:34 PM
I haven't, I haven't even been by a dealership since I broke this part in fact. I tried to go by the closest dealership to me Monday before Christmas only to find they'd closed already (I was looking to get an oil change kit... Arghhhh!). I doubt they're open today; if no better ideas come to light then I'll be sure and call them after the 1st I guess. Can't hurt to ask after all. Thanks for the idea!

- Michael

12-30-2013, 06:48 PM
If the dealer can't help you you will need to figure out who manufactures the helmet for BRP. Once you've got that info you should be able to get the part. I had a piece fall of my Shoei and was lucky that at the motorcycle show in CA the Shoei display guy had a huge tool box full of parts and he squared me away!