View Full Version : It takes all kinds ... Part II

11-25-2013, 02:20 PM
While we're all in the wait and see mode, I thought I'd reprise some observations I made awhile back regarding Spycerlovers posters.

It takes all kinds

Please read this with an open mind and hopefully a sense of humor. :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

It appears that Spyderlovers is a pretty civil group based on the observations made of other forums. I would like to break down Spyderlovers posters into categories, if I may.
There are those whose Spyder experience has been trouble free and enjoyable based upon a couple of critical factors: a great dealer with competent technicians and open communication with BRP.

There are those some have called the apologists that blithely go on defending BRP despite glaring deficiencies in customer service, product engineering, and manufacturing practices, “Yeah that’s just the nature of the beast”.

There are the frustrated realists who post to vent their buyers remorse. “ I just bought this thing and it’s in the shop already for “fill in the blank.”

There are the annoying wannabes who reek enthusiasm and highjack every thread with “Ignorant wisdom” (hmm reminds me of someone) although they don’t own a Spyder.

There are the techies who are forever tweeking an RS into an RT, or an ST into an air conditioner. Man can’t leave things alone, hence the after market vendors. Their tweeking has resulted in a lot of improvement in the Spyder.

There are the hair triggers, who are ready to unload on anyone who voices an honest observation that is unflattering to BRP.

There are the trolls. “ If you don’t ride a Harley, Honda, BMW , you ain’t…”

Then there are those that just “ryde” … with a smile on their face.

I would like to predict that the Spyder will become a world class platform, hopefully sooner rather than later. Venues like Spyderfest and the Owner’s Event demonstrate the loyalty and following it has. The quest to be the best has only begun.
Last edited by OldDog; 07-09-2013 at 10:58 PM.

I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the 2014 lineup. Most of you know I don't presently own a Spyder although I am an enthusiastic member. It appears the pendulum is swinging the other way again on my quest for ownership. There are some personal life issues involved that don't need to be discussed.

My point in bringing up my observations again is this. I find that there are a number of people who come on here voicing their honest frustration with BRP after making an expensive purchase of a boomer toy that is failing to live up to expectations. I feel that many times they are treated rudely by the Hair triggers ( see above). We all want to see 2014 be the banner year for BRP. We thought that going into 2013... I hope that BRP gets the quality issues totally resolved with the 2014 models. Although BRP appears to be profitable they must get it right this time to remain a credible player. nojoke :chat:

11-25-2013, 02:24 PM
While we're all in the wait and see mode, I thought I'd reprise some observations I made awhile back regarding Spycerlovers posters.

It takes all kinds

Please read this with an open mind and hopefully a sense of humor. :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

It appears that Spyderlovers is a pretty civil group based on the observations made of other forums. I would like to break down Spyderlovers posters into categories, if I may.
There are those whose Spyder experience has been trouble free and enjoyable based upon a couple of critical factors: a great dealer with competent technicians and open communication with BRP.

There are those some have called the apologists that blithely go on defending BRP despite glaring deficiencies in customer service, product engineering, and manufacturing practices, “Yeah that’s just the nature of the beast”.

There are the frustrated realists who post to vent their buyers remorse. “ I just bought this thing and it’s in the shop already for “fill in the blank.”

There are the annoying wannabes who reek enthusiasm and highjack every thread with “Ignorant wisdom” (hmm reminds me of someone) although they don’t own a Spyder.

There are the techies who are forever tweeking an RS into an RT, or an ST into an air conditioner. Man can’t leave things alone, hence the after market vendors. Their tweeking has resulted in a lot of improvement in the Spyder.

There are the hair triggers, who are ready to unload on anyone who voices an honest observation that is unflattering to BRP.

There are the trolls. “ If you don’t ride a Harley, Honda, BMW , you ain’t…”

Then there are those that just “ryde” … with a smile on their face.

I would like to predict that the Spyder will become a world class platform, hopefully sooner rather than later. Venues like Spyderfest and the Owner’s Event demonstrate the loyalty and following it has. The quest to be the best has only begun.
Last edited by OldDog; 07-09-2013 at 10:58 PM.

I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the 2014 lineup. Most of you know I don't presently own a Spyder although I am an enthusiastic member. It appears the pendulum is swinging the other way again on my quest for ownership. There are some personal life issues involved that don't need to be discussed.

My point in bringing up my observations again is this. I find that there are a number of people who come on here voicing their honest frustration with BRP after making an expensive purchase of a boomer toy that is failing to live up to expectations. I feel that many times they are treated rudely by the Hair triggers ( see above). We all want to see 2014 be the banner year for BRP. We thought that going into 2013... I hope that BRP gets the quality issues totally resolved with the 2014 models. Although BRP appears to be profitable they must get it right this time to remain a credible player. nojoke :chat:

Good comments and very much worth pondering. :bowdown:

Cruzr Joe
11-25-2013, 02:32 PM
you forgot the CRY BABIES that bought a spyder without doing any research or ever owning a bike before and have unreal expectations of what a motorcycle / spyder should be.

Cruzr Joe

11-25-2013, 02:34 PM
you have hit on the many groups here...soon (I hope) you can move into the owners group. It will be good to have you there as well..just stay away from the moody bunch, you never know which way they will go..!! :roflblack:

11-25-2013, 02:35 PM
you forgot the CRY BABIES that bought a spyder without doing any research or ever owning a bike before and have unreal expectations of what a motorcycle / spyder should be.

You mean the ones that think that the :spyder2: is just a 3 wheel car that you need to wear a helmet yet run around in shorts and sandles?:thumbup:

Cruzr Joe
11-25-2013, 02:37 PM
You mean the ones that think that the :spyder2: is just a 3 wheel car that you need to wear a helmet yet run around in shorts and sandles?:thumbup:

YEP, and the ones that thought Spyders had air conditioning.

Cruzr Joe

11-25-2013, 02:37 PM
You forgot the ones who constantly belittle those that have issues calling them names because it did not happen to their bike. They are the most annoying. When someone post about issues they are looking for answers not derogatory comments from people with "perfect Spyders" saying they are cry babies. JMHO

Cruzr Joe
11-25-2013, 02:39 PM
don't forget the insinuaters.

Cruzr Joe

Dan McNally
11-25-2013, 02:40 PM
Everyone is different :yikes: . . . what a concept! :cheers:

Cruzr Joe
11-25-2013, 02:42 PM
Everyone is different :yikes: . . . what a concept! :cheers:

Who da thunk it :roflblack::roflblack:

11-25-2013, 04:34 PM
Wow!!! What have I been missin?


11-25-2013, 04:40 PM
Wow!!! What have I been missin?

Chrisbusiness as usual:roflblack:.

Bob Denman
11-25-2013, 06:00 PM
Why; you mizzerabul :cus:!! Who the :cus: do you think you are; tying to :cus: tell me what or who the :cus: I am! I'm gonna ride out to wherever the :cus: you keep your :cus:hole, and I'm gonna tear your :cus: head off, and :cus: down your throat. :cus: you,:cus: non-spyderowning :cus:!!

Ahem :shocked:; exactly where do you think this troubled individual might just fit into the grand scheme of things? :D

Seriously... A real good list if you add Joe's crybabies to it! :thumbup:

And I hope that the personal issues find a way to work themselves out!! :2thumbs:

11-25-2013, 06:14 PM
you forgot the CRY BABIES that bought a spyder without doing any research or ever owning a bike before and have unreal expectations of what a motorcycle / spyder should be.

Cruzr Joe

Hmmm, you should share that insight with BRP's marketing director. Their commercials specifically target such folks. Tho, I wouldn't call them "cry babies" nojoke

Bob Denman
11-25-2013, 06:19 PM
:D There certainly more descriptive words that'd fit the bill... :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

granpa in Cincy
11-25-2013, 06:27 PM
:D There certainly more descriptive words that'd fit the bill... :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

Miserable mealy mouthed mutha f******q :shocked:

Bob Denman
11-25-2013, 06:31 PM
:yikes::shocked::D :2thumbs: :roflblack:

11-25-2013, 07:25 PM
While we're all in the wait and see mode, I thought I'd reprise some observations I made awhile back regarding Spycerlovers posters.

It takes all kinds

Please read this with an open mind and hopefully a sense of humor. :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

It appears that Spyderlovers is a pretty civil group based on the observations made of other forums. I would like to break down Spyderlovers posters into categories, if I may.
There are those whose Spyder experience has been trouble free and enjoyable based upon a couple of critical factors: a great dealer with competent technicians and open communication with BRP.

There are those some have called the apologists that blithely go on defending BRP despite glaring deficiencies in customer service, product engineering, and manufacturing practices, “Yeah that’s just the nature of the beast”.

There are the frustrated realists who post to vent their buyers remorse. “ I just bought this thing and it’s in the shop already for “fill in the blank.”

There are the annoying wannabes who reek enthusiasm and highjack every thread with “Ignorant wisdom” (hmm reminds me of someone) although they don’t own a Spyder.

There are the techies who are forever tweeking an RS into an RT, or an ST into an air conditioner. Man can’t leave things alone, hence the after market vendors. Their tweeking has resulted in a lot of improvement in the Spyder.

There are the hair triggers, who are ready to unload on anyone who voices an honest observation that is unflattering to BRP.

There are the trolls. “ If you don’t ride a Harley, Honda, BMW , you ain’t…”

Then there are those that just “ryde” … with a smile on their face.

I would like to predict that the Spyder will become a world class platform, hopefully sooner rather than later. Venues like Spyderfest and the Owner’s Event demonstrate the loyalty and following it has. The quest to be the best has only begun.
Last edited by OldDog; 07-09-2013 at 10:58 PM.

I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the 2014 lineup. Most of you know I don't presently own a Spyder although I am an enthusiastic member. It appears the pendulum is swinging the other way again on my quest for ownership. There are some personal life issues involved that don't need to be discussed.

My point in bringing up my observations again is this. I find that there are a number of people who come on here voicing their honest frustration with BRP after making an expensive purchase of a boomer toy that is failing to live up to expectations. I feel that many times they are treated rudely by the Hair triggers ( see above). We all want to see 2014 be the banner year for BRP. We thought that going into 2013... I hope that BRP gets the quality issues totally resolved with the 2014 models. Although BRP appears to be profitable they must get it right this time to remain a credible player. nojoke :chat:

Sounds like your on a SpyderQuest............ It's September 11-13 2014 in Lake George, NY. :thumbup:HE HE HE HE !!!!!!

11-25-2013, 07:30 PM
YEP !the ones that thought Spyders had air conditioning.

Cruzr Joethey don't? I thought air conditioning kicked in around 80 mph.:yikes:

11-26-2013, 02:00 AM
You STILL haven't bought one?????

11-26-2013, 07:42 AM
I don't have a Spyder yet and I guess that fits me into the "wannabe" classification. If my lack of ownership experience qualifies me for the "ignorance" category then I guess I might as well be "pidgeonholed" into that one as well. I did demo a couple of Spyders, one in September of 2008 and a 2013 RT-S SE5 back in early October of this year. I was positively impressed by this machine, so much so that I registered onto this forum to learn as much as possible about Spyders, particularly the RT models. I have chimed in on some posts, perhaps unwisely so, being as my experiences are all of the two wheeled variety. There are some things analogous to both type of motorcycles but not all. If I seem to be too incorrect or too out-of-place just tell me so. I certainly do not want to wear out my welcome here as I'm hanging in there to see what will happen when the 2014 RTs get to their new owners. I'd like to find out what the bad and the good will be with the new motor and transmission as well as cooling system etc. I'll try to keep a low profile in the meantime.

Bob Denman
11-26-2013, 07:46 AM
"den", the more; the merrier! :D :2thumbs:

11-26-2013, 08:08 AM
I don't have a Spyder yet and I guess that fits me into the "wannabe" classification. If my lack of ownership experience qualifies me for the "ignorance" category then I guess I might as well be "pidgeonholed" into that one as well. I did demo a couple of Spyders, one in September of 2008 and a 2013 RT-S SE5 back in early October of this year. I was positively impressed by this machine, so much so that I registered onto this forum to learn as much as possible about Spyders, particularly the RT models. I have chimed in on some posts, perhaps unwisely so, being as my experiences are all of the two wheeled variety. There are some things analogous to both type of motorcycles but not all. If I seem to be too incorrect or too out-of-place just tell me so. I certainly do not want to wear out my welcome here as I'm hanging in there to see what will happen when the 2014 RTs get to their new owners. I'd like to find out what the bad and the good will be with the new motor and transmission as well as cooling system etc. I'll try to keep a low profile in the meantime.

Don't let the sour attitudes of some members throw you off. The vast majority of the people here are kind and helpful. This forum is among the most civil forums that exist, IMO. Anyone who is interested in Spyders is welcome here. There really isn't any better place to learn about the Spyders and see what they do well and what they don't do well. Just remember that like all forums, problems (and personalities) tend to get blown out of proportion. The noise shows up while the quiet satisfaction fades into the background.


Bob Denman
11-26-2013, 08:19 AM
:shocked:...and then; there's me! :D :roflblack: