View Full Version : Winterizing

11-16-2013, 04:43 PM
For those of you that are faced with putting your ride away for the winter, don't forget to plug the air intake. Also, make sure you know what you plugged it with so that you can tell if the short furry folks have eaten their way into the air box.

11-16-2013, 05:27 PM
For those of you that are faced with putting your ride away for the winter, don't forget to plug the air intake. Also, make sure you know what you plugged it with so that you can tell if the short furry folks have eaten their way into the air box.

I keep my Spyder in an one of my out buildings and I use rat & mouse bate and pan of water with RV anti-freeze in it. When the short furry folks get into any of the buildings they die before they get into eating wires, getting in air intakes, or other things. They take the bate, they go to the water and die in the pan. It's makes for easy clean up. That's IMHO.


11-16-2013, 05:45 PM
I just put our spyder up for the winter today. Filled the tank, add fuel stabilizer, and connected the battery tender. I use some packets called "Fresh Cab or Cab Fresh". They smell like pine. I used them last year and they worked great. I put six packages, about the size of the palm of your hand, on the floor around and under the spyder. No rodents last year. I haven't got them yet but will very soon. Can't wait for next spring!!!!

11-16-2013, 07:30 PM
I keep my Spyder in an one of my out buildings and I use rat & mouse bate and pan of water with RV anti-freeze in it. When the short furry folks get into any of the buildings they die before they get into eating wires, getting in air intakes, or other things. They take the bate, they go to the water and die in the pan. It's makes for easy clean up. That's IMHO.

I'll have to remember the water idea. I hate waiting for the stink and chasing the odor. :thumbup:

11-16-2013, 09:27 PM
I the water idea, not heard that one before. I use bounce dryer sheets around the bike, the little buggers do not like the smell.

11-25-2013, 02:37 PM
Don't forget to change the oil. Not good to let used oil suit in spyder all winter

11-25-2013, 05:04 PM
Don't forget to change the oil. Not good to let used oil suit in spyder all winter
It is not the problem it used to be with pure dino oils. The buffer additives in the modern oils prevent acid etching, and the synthetics disperse the moisture instead of letting it pool. I no longer change the oil in my machines prior to storage unless they are due. BRP does recommend it in their long term storage procedure, however...as do most manufacturers.

11-25-2013, 05:27 PM
For those of you that are faced with putting your ride away for the winter, don't forget to plug the air intake. Also, make sure you know what you plugged it with so that you can tell if the short furry folks have eaten their way into the air box.

So my question is...iver heard from alot of people and i need to know the spyder worlds thoughts on this..is it ok to just go out and start it an let it run for a few minutes...i live in ke tucky and it gets cold ..im going to have a battery tender on it this year." First time doing this ".i have a 2012 rt ..i was told it very bad to do that and that it would tear it up something and then i was told u need to ..to keep the battery /motor well lubed....
Comments and suggestions please...

11-25-2013, 06:09 PM
I live on the coast of NC. I will keep a tender in it but I will be taking it out for a ride at least once per month.

11-25-2013, 10:20 PM
So my question is...iver heard from alot of people and i need to know the spyder worlds thoughts on this..is it ok to just go out and start it an let it run for a few minutes...i live in ke tucky and it gets cold ..im going to have a battery tender on it this year." First time doing this ".i have a 2012 rt ..i was told it very bad to do that and that it would tear it up something and then i was told u need to ..to keep the battery /motor well lubed....
Comments and suggestions please...
No matter how tempted you are, don't do it. The Spyder should be ridden if started...preferably for 15 minutes or more at a decent speed. You need to get the metal and oil to full operating temperature for about 10 minutes or more to drive any condensed water out of the oil. Juyst getting the water temperature gauge to rise won't do the trick. A long ride at over 4,000 rpm also charges the battery better, compensating for the drawdown from starting. Using the gears and clutch also distributes hot oil to all those parts, preventing sticking and corrosion. Quick starts do none of this, and can do more harm than good.