View Full Version : Can Am have defined leaning three wheeler components

11-10-2013, 08:59 PM
More and more of the Can Am leaning 3 wheeler is coming to light and it is going to be predominantly in the Spyder mold.

There was someone who posted a yellow Spyder with some of the front panels missing. That is the front of the Leaner, I cant find the picture to post it so I will have to post a mock up I just cut and stickied together last year. Their front wheel base will not be moving in like that as I currently understand it.


I dont know how the components are currently working out but that somebody managed a picture of the body work on what I assume was a planar Spyder is testament that their hardware is close to being finalised.

The sticking point is this that the bike is going to be software and hardware driven, algorithms will be part and parcel of your riding experience and I dont know if you will be able to shut that system off as its driveng the leaning system. Maybe if you do turn the system off it reverts to planar riding in an emergency?

I say the sticking point because last time they tried that out it wouldnt work. But now the case is ??? 1 + 1 = a leaning Spyder? with what motor?

First look is a very sporty model that kicks up quite high at the back.

I'm not claiming to have seen one but I'm saying ive seen all the bits and before anyone jumps up and down with the what would you know this that and the other, its publically available information.

So is it working? what will the drive train be? if its working have they got production running? It sems like not for 2014?? but since they seem to do mid year releases for the next year it may not be far away, if its working!!!! But so far everything says yes it is and yes its going to make production.

News Over. :chat: