View Full Version : last of the fall colors

11-10-2013, 07:07 PM
Arkansas Rt. 9, Rt 10 Rt 7. Mountain scenery was beautiful. 3 hours with a stop for a late morning breakfast at a state park. Temps starting 55 degs rising to mid 60's on the way home. Great ride, Spyderpops had my Spyder running just fine, thanks Harvey.

Cant wait for the next ride. In Arkansas we can ride all year long, lucky us.

11-10-2013, 07:47 PM
Arkansas Rt. 9, Rt 10 Rt 7. Mountain scenery was beautiful. 3 hours with a stop for a late morning breakfast at a state park. Temps starting 55 degs rising to mid 60's on the way home. Great ride, Spyderpops had my Spyder running just fine, thanks Harvey.

Cant wait for the next ride. In Arkansas we can ride all year long, lucky us.

Not so lucky for others.:( It's cruel.

Bob Ledford
11-10-2013, 07:53 PM
Arkansas Rt. 9, Rt 10 Rt 7. Mountain scenery was beautiful. 3 hours with a stop for a late morning breakfast at a state park. Temps starting 55 degs rising to mid 60's on the way home. Great ride, Spyderpops had my Spyder running just fine, thanks Harvey.

Cant wait for the next ride. In Arkansas we can ride all year long, lucky us.

Taint it great! But we lucky ones should not be digging our Yankee brothers about our great riding weather. We don't get snow and ice all we get is heat, humidity, hurricanes, forest fires and droughts, right? :clap::mad:

11-10-2013, 07:56 PM
Agree this might have been the last weekend for beautiful color in Arkansas. Glad y'all had a good ride. I did too!


11-10-2013, 08:08 PM
YUP, a day, n'da dollar short...

i rode the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina on Friday, and the previous Wednesday & Thursday, the wind and rain striped the trees of all the colors.... :gaah:
oh well, next year... :trike:

11-10-2013, 08:16 PM
the time is coming to the northern most and working it's way down. Though we are to far south we do miss the changing of the seasons. But then we ryde and it passes...have a short and mild one..!! :thumbup:

11-11-2013, 06:27 AM
Fall color in Michigan.78978 7897978980

11-11-2013, 07:31 AM
Our Northwest Ohio fall colors peaked a week ago and now the trees are either brown leaves or bare. It's Veteran's Day and a freezing rain & snow mix is coming later in the day. Knowing this weather was coming, I went ahead and winterized my bike yesterday. All I can say to our friends to the south is "enjoy what Fall weather you have or have left of it"

11-11-2013, 02:36 PM
Very nice to still see some fall colors. White is nice--but it seems to last too long for me. :roflblack: