View Full Version : NEWS FROM BRP ?

10-30-2013, 10:24 AM
Wondering, has anyone heard back from BRP following Steve's on line request, of issues with their Spyders.

10-30-2013, 11:04 AM
Wondering, has anyone heard back from BRP following Steve's on line request, of issues with their Spyders.


10-30-2013, 11:30 AM
your not holding your breath...watch for it...but it's not easy to reply to such things without getting a lot of folks envolved....:dontknow:

10-30-2013, 11:41 AM
Data, post, issues, bitches, moaning collection not complete yet?:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

10-30-2013, 11:45 AM

10-30-2013, 12:01 PM
Wondering, has anyone heard back from BRP following Steve's on line request, of issues with their Spyders.

Not sure how long I can do this.:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBhMSERUUEhQVFRUUGBcYFxcVFxQUHRUXFBUVFBQXGR QXHCYeGhkkGRQUHy8gIycpLCwsFR4xNTAqNSYrLCkBCQoKDgwO Fw8PGiwlHCQpKSksLCwsKSksKSwsKSwsLCwpLCksKSwsLCwpLC wpLCwsKSwsKSwpKSksLCwsKSksLP/AABEIALQA3gMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEBQMGAAECB//EAEAQAAEDAgQEAwUHAgUCBwAAAAEAAhEDIQQFEjEGQVFhInGBE zKRobEUI0JSwdHwYuEHM3KC8ZKyJUNTc4Oi0v/EABkBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFAP/EACgRAAMAAgICAQMDBQAAAAAAAAABAgMRITESQQQTIlEyM3EFF FJhkf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8Aky2hJkttvDbNEbW/VWTBtJIJEke6OQ6EqsfajTYS0noCBIkjYlNuG84c Q AIs4z8ABuujrRDybLBSoGdySd4RNPA p7mI8iusvy977gaekmZHUFNsNlThvCR5UvYqlsEoUCOSjx F1d/knjcPCAx7hef55JJvbGc8FNx2Fc2zJd1a6TbyVerBj3ao5iQeg uR3M/RXHEgcil9TLGOlxF cc hI6haP4JeaXZWnYSm/xXbyi7rA94 SBdgxTqN0Bzjcg2seQ0c3fJWTNcSGRT9mWuPuvsGuI3Edwqtis 4YyHCS ZAEjRHrv2UqWiktUR4zOsc4uY4NpEEHwgMIAEATuWldZdxDiMM 5wD3NqA6joIDC0jb2ZtCWtNbG1XBj3aj4i6peIt7428oT7B8Ls A 8e57zu7ftF SOHH22 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t3PUR0EKbLKVI1Ayo2zuoAMnnIXTywG8X6SUNiGODtTY7GdvLo U1zuXoSW0wzE4dlAlns9TDfc6mztB/dKq EZvTeQPyvFx6ixT1mHDmAlzjI3Pi1HmLnYJDjWM1eGW dwe6jgre0WzLXJC2r2WSIWsRUb EEDqeZUUiN/guojmNkrW9FPRbE2lCsRNOp1QYoXRcihiLQUE19lIHkqWg7CDV 6SVKwgboSkpmSSgw7OKtQzPQrKla9hfb0XThDp7XWqTNU8kTxx SOnUOZG5VY/xBNqIHPUT8grdQoncqo8dOa57QN2zMctoCndFsU7opbn2iyIGY l7dDxqHI8xtN/IQoalEiVDq9Ov7LNX jpImx2gOPsyXMsRIgi3unuoMPiHMcHMcWuGxC4eVtiR88MYKxm OdWcHVDJDWtECAGtENAHZBlbJXMpdIbZkrCVilo4ZzyGsBcTsA vJbA6SIwtiydU FcSBPs WxLfpKS1mwSCIIMR0KZw12gTkmuExxw1xC/DVdTSYMahMSAZ Mr0vEYmliG 3w5ub1KYB8JMeJo/LPoCvGJTrIOIamGqB7HFpHPt0I5jslluXwPUrJwy/NxIm6mbV6c9 hVZZxgx1Rwq0w0Ou007BpO8tO4VowuTF ksrUtJgzq5ddK0 c0jG4uXp8jzCAvw8C07WmPgq/nNE03DmDz7/srHTAoNDJsR75vLjteYEpBnvFFIHQQHlpvsLiywQ3NbRr8Va5F NSpay5aoX1JK253Jd1HB2E03XRjWJZSNwEwYIQoCCGtUtMqJpX QKmMEhykDbKBpUkmEjPGB62x91kkcl1VptDJJA68oQYdAWbZz7 BgJBl0hscj1VLxOL9o8kkSbnzWs4xj3vc6ZE EdB5JFUqGeYUqNmKdLkbPwnRDVsuPRDUcwcznPmmmH4gYRDmx3 UWbUJauGURZCd4rQ67Yv0S6u2EoQJyunAv 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I7z5RdW/wBogMFlTKV2yT1KMK34MbhaZyPk5lkvcnUrqmSpW0QpaeElM6Q vgyXCmyMaVFSoQpxTUXXI6R00qZpUIau2uQCTLrUYXGpQ4vEBj C4nYf8ACAUIeIM3DpYNmnfuFXKlZw3upa7pM9SoHKbZsxrSN06 wn90ywVOXA qBpUtZAhP8l4dqVHH2Z0tFi51x3U9GjyS7I6bruq/lsPND4epcvcf5zVwHDFNtMMcXddQi58uir d5G6myaZ1NG5FiPML3gxfrS3orWKrFzif5CEeURUMIZAfZjGAq 2cF4Ee0c4WtHoVWKDRF1c DacMe7yA qK7Eyv7WN8RQI2utNNo qMwzCTJ2CJNMHkCr RzvAXtrkLRrTvt07ouvlwjwlLK1Jzdx6qiaYr8kGEzt8lE8mI5 IHX0MLYxZ53TqWFZF7Mr4MO2EeSBq4Jw7jsmrKwK70puUBwqK8 9kKIlWGthWkHVEJZ9g1E6dupTp7JVhaNYWnsjQYQ9Hkii2yyUa F0FUgCiKlAATKDpmF1VqSFFp7FZ1K1Cga8qQVVVdAJAq/xRiz4WDncqwAqt8StHtG/6QvDx2IqYLrc0RSy2o42aT5BN G8BLy87C3xVjeY91As8niJ8l4XIOqrYflHPzVqw40iAIHQICli o3RQrA7FBieeyerVQ9amHSI3ELGVL3XLnLyFbPNc0wppvc38pI QLDforJxXR 9P9QBSP2cbpWjZjraNMF yv/DeGAw4/qk/oqJRoEm25XotA ypsZGwAn6r0zyLmv7dBtJkCxUgd80Oa1lo19lRoy QTUrQoRvJUGvmsbUlMlo9vZqtgmO7eSDrYBw924RxcsNSFaW0K 5TE1R8GDZdMxJCYVGg 9CCq4Ifht9FdNPsn4tdGHFB3vGB06qc4hsbgDzASvEU3N3HwVf 4pfNFv/ALg/7XJcupl0UxV5UpZaKDdvNFVW8lpYsVB9EdMIgsssWJQIjDVmlY sVCa7NgrjFYFtQDVyNitrF4eQvCYVrGtDbCP1KmYwFYsU32N7B XU7laYsWLxMma4qRbWLw3oS8T4dpY10X1QqlUbdaWIs04f0jTJ qI9o23MK8sbZYsQQuYBxAgmFlJ5hYsV0ZvZvUpKbVixEYk0qNz VixOgg7jdYBZYsVjy7NNpgyqtxrSHsWmP/MH/Y9YsS5/26KR 5J//9k=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-9ibVT1pzQfoaCESoH89ci-AFldWy21GTtZZmGvb49GjYFuSB

10-30-2013, 12:35 PM
yes , i had a long talk with a rep from BRP on monday of this week .no rush , i explained all of my problems and she is going to have a technical rep call me about my oil pump issue .it was nice of them to call , shows a committment to make things better .bringing up the problems here on this forum i think is getting action .as a spyder owner and a Canadian , i want very much for this machine to be a big success .improving the quality needs to be job one .

10-30-2013, 12:55 PM
Still waiting and watching for the information following BRP's request for customer feedback on the product. It appeared that a lot of people were participating--but it has been a while now for them to compile information and report. :bbq::bbq::bbq:

10-30-2013, 12:56 PM
New case worker...BRP is trying to find solutions to problems.....

10-30-2013, 01:03 PM
Do you still think we're going to hear something from BRP other than, "Thank You for your feedback"?

10-30-2013, 01:06 PM
Do you still think we're going to hear something from BRP other than, "Thank You for your feedback"?

We can hope. But you are right. I don't see them listing--"And these are the complaints we encountered".

10-30-2013, 02:29 PM
Do you still think we're going to hear something from BRP other than, "Thank You for your feedback"?

I completed the " Share your story", it was not good, and about two weeks ago I got a phone call from the BRP Yves Leduc, Vice President General Manager North America Division (http://www.insideview.com/Free-Edition?utm_source=IVdirectory&utm_medium=Contacts_Title_Details). nojoke

I explained my "HEAT ISSUES" and lack of help from BRP. He said they, BRP Techs, were working on the issues.

Last week I got a call from BRP President Remy. I also told him of my heat issues and he assured me that BRP was woking on it. I told him I was preparing to file a Lemon Law complaint in my state if a fix didn't happen soon.nojoke He assured me that they were working on the issues. He said he believed the issue was a "mapping" update to fix the heat. I told him my riding season was over until April and he said there would be a fix by then. As he then said that there were :spyder2: in the south that they still had deal with.

So Maybe there will be a fix coming soon to a dealer near you.....:pray:

10-30-2013, 02:45 PM
mdromaine ....my case worker told me that BRP was replacing the purge valve and do work on the mapping....probably next week

10-30-2013, 03:12 PM
I completed the " Share your story", it was not good, and about two weeks ago I got a phone call from the BRP Yves Leduc, Vice President General Manager North America Division (http://www.insideview.com/Free-Edition?utm_source=IVdirectory&utm_medium=Contacts_Title_Details). nojoke

I explained my "HEAT ISSUES" and lack of help from BRP. He said they, BRP Techs, were working on the issues.

Last week I got a call from BRP President Remy. I also told him of my heat issues and he assured me that BRP was woking on it. I told him I was preparing to file a Lemon Law complaint in my state if a fix didn't happen soon.nojoke He assured me that they were working on the issues. He said he believed the issue was a "mapping" update to fix the heat. I told him my riding season was over until April and he said there would be a fix by then. As he then said that there were :spyder2: in the south that they still had deal with.

So Maybe there will be a fix coming soon to a dealer near you.....:pray:

Great. I wasn't even hoping to hear anything of this kind. Good for BRP!:thumbup:

10-30-2013, 03:59 PM
[QUOTE=mdromaine;714204]I completed the " Share your story", it was not good, and about two weeks ago I got a phone call from the BRP Yves Leduc, Vice President General Manager North America Division (http://www.insideview.com/Free-Edition?utm_source=IVdirectory&utm_medium=Contacts_Title_Details). nojoke

I explained my "HEAT ISSUES" and lack of help from BRP. He said they, BRP Techs, were working on the issues.

Last week I got a call from BRP President Remy. I also told him of my heat issues and he assured me that BRP was woking on it. I told him I was preparing to file a Lemon Law complaint in my state if a fix didn't happen soon.nojoke He assured me that they were working on the issues. He said he believed the issue was a "mapping" update to fix the heat. I told him my riding season was over until April and he said there would be a fix by then. As he then said that there were :spyder2: in the south that they still had deal with.

So Maybe there will be a fix coming soon to a dealer near you.....:pray:[/QUOTE

What is a mapping update?

10-30-2013, 04:09 PM
[QUOTE=mdromaine;714204]I completed the " Share your story", it was not good, and about two weeks ago I got a phone call from the BRP Yves Leduc, Vice President General Manager North America Division (http://www.insideview.com/Free-Edition?utm_source=IVdirectory&utm_medium=Contacts_Title_Details). nojoke

I explained my "HEAT ISSUES" and lack of help from BRP. He said they, BRP Techs, were working on the issues.

Last week I got a call from BRP President Remy. I also told him of my heat issues and he assured me that BRP was woking on it. I told him I was preparing to file a Lemon Law complaint in my state if a fix didn't happen soon.nojoke He assured me that they were working on the issues. He said he believed the issue was a "mapping" update to fix the heat. I told him my riding season was over until April and he said there would be a fix by then. As he then said that there were :spyder2: in the south that they still had deal with.

So Maybe there will be a fix coming soon to a dealer near you.....:pray:[/QUOTE

What is a mapping update?

you know what their fix is, they flooded the dealers with 2013's for a price the dealers could not pass up and stuck us with bikes that we can't get rid of them, i went today for a price on a trade in for my 13 rt and they offered me 15k and said that they had 4 rt ltd's in the back that brp sold them and they are selling them for 22.9 k so that's their fix for us

10-30-2013, 05:38 PM
RBS66.....I am no expert...but read this link and you'll understand some....maybe some smart guy will tune in.... http://auto.howstuffworks.com/fuel-efficiency/fuel-consumption/fuel-mapping-computer2.htm the 2013's run to the lean side....Power Commander will not help because BRP would have to change the fuel mapping...hope this helps

Bob Denman
10-30-2013, 05:46 PM
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you... :2thumbs:

3 Wheel Addict
10-30-2013, 08:15 PM
A "map" is a predetermined program that the computer follows to adjust the timing and fuel injection for the engine to run properly. They have the ability to create a new map at will BUT... they are stuck to meet EPA standards for pollution so just mapping it richer seems to be the answer but there is far more to it than that. Not every engine is exactly the same and I think that's why some of us are having heat issues and others are not, could be any number of variables causing the issue or it could be more than one. I really really hope there is some truth in this thread! This is the best news I have heard since I bought it!! Now if they would only call ME back and tell me SOMETHING, ANYTHING!!

10-31-2013, 09:38 AM
I completed the " Share your story", it was not good, and about two weeks ago I got a phone call from the BRP Yves Leduc, Vice President General Manager North America Division (http://www.insideview.com/Free-Edition?utm_source=IVdirectory&utm_medium=Contacts_Title_Details). nojoke

I explained my "HEAT ISSUES" and lack of help from BRP. He said they, BRP Techs, were working on the issues.

Last week I got a call from BRP President Remy. I also told him of my heat issues and he assured me that BRP was woking on it. I told him I was preparing to file a Lemon Law complaint in my state if a fix didn't happen soon.nojoke He assured me that they were working on the issues. He said he believed the issue was a "mapping" update to fix the heat. I told him my riding season was over until April and he said there would be a fix by then. As he then said that there were :spyder2: in the south that they still had deal with.

So Maybe there will be a fix coming soon to a dealer near you.....:pray:

Well you had more success than I did with my brake failure problem, curious how a heat issue gets that kind of response but having the brakes fail on 3 different occasions doesn't. Despite my attempts to get some explanation, to date, no explanation, no calls, no e-mails. Very dissapointing.

Ken Thomas
10-31-2013, 09:40 AM

:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popc orn:

10-31-2013, 09:49 AM
:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popc orn:


10-31-2013, 09:57 AM

Did you file a Safety Complaint with NTHSA ??

10-31-2013, 10:29 AM
Did you file a Safety Complaint with NTHSA ??

Ya know, I didn't really want to start playing hard ball with anyone, I just wanted a clear rational explanation for why it was happening, so that I knew whatever repair was being made would in fact fix the problem.