View Full Version : First long ride with laser aligned ST

10-06-2013, 05:34 AM
I'm in Springfield MO right now and put on just over 700 on my ST with the corrected alinement and I got to say I love it. As soon as I got on the highway I could tell it was a different ride, it drove like it was on rails and I did a lot of testing with the cruise on and letting go of the bars a half mile or so at a time and if the road was flat it held its line at 70 mph.

I've always had issues with tanker trucks and car haulers and for the first time I had no problem with their turbulence like I use to. My trailer was loaded pretty heavy and I could feel that in the wind but that was about it.

So now the real test. Just as I was ready to cross the Mississippi into MO I saw I was heading into a big bad storm, I mean ugly. I had been riding with a cutoff shirt as it was 89 degrees and I didn't want to put on my big jacket so I just put on my good Frogtogs pants jacket. In the past these have kept be dry and I even considered not putting them on at all because it was so hot anyway. I knew I would get soaked but figured I would dry off before I got to PitBull but I checked the radar and it looked like I was going to hit it another storm right after I passed through this one so I wouldn't dry out in time.

So I cross the bridge into MO and the wind picked up pretty good. It would have been blowing me all over the road if it drove like it did before and I still got pushed around a bit because of the trailer catching wind but still I knew it was much better. So now I'm about ready to head into what I called "The wrath of God". I'm in the middle of no where and there was no where to seek shelter and I knew I could punch through it if I didn't get killed in the process. This was at 3 pm and the sky was so dark that my gps and dash went to night mode. The lightning had big horizontal bolts that had four or five bolts coming down from that. They were hitting in front of me and I had to go right through them. I got to tell you I was a little freaked out and I don't freak out on lighting very often. At one point I just said " Lord if you're going to take me out now just make sure I don't survive it". It was raining so hard that even my good Frogtogs couldn't handle it and I was soaked.

It was a nice straight road but I couldn't get out of third gear because I was needing the power to correct for the driving wind. I wanted so bad to pull off under shelter but there was none. Then the big scare happened. I guess I was doing about 45 mph in a driving rain and you couldn't really tell what the road was doing and I guess I hit a flooded part of the road and it just about through me over the bars and then headed me into oncoming traffic and I corrected in time to miss a big truck but I over corrected and went into the shoulder of the road. Good thing I was already soaked because I may have pissed my pants a little bit. I then slowed down to about 30 mph till I got to a little town where I could pull under the only canopy in the town. I changed my dark glasses to clear and continued to ride. Not more than a mile down the road I saw flashing lights and sure enough there was a car in a big ditch, I was thinking that could have been me.

I got though that storm and stopped in a little town for fuel and to chill out a little. I kept my gear on because I was heading into the next storm. What I didn't know was the temps were going to drop from 89 degrees to 49 degrees. If I had known that I would have put on dry clothes and my Thermal suit and gloves. I didn't know this so I spent the next 160 miles getting colder and colder till I needed fuel about 14 miles from PitBull and that's when I decided to put on a warm jacket and gloves even though I was soaked. My hands were so cold that I couldn't open them up and I had to slide them off the end of the bars and then move my fingers with my other hand. They were so soaked and sticky that I could barley get my fingers in the glove because they just stopped as they started in.

As I was finishing up the last 14 miles I was trying to think happy thoughts as my teeth were chattering and was thinking how glad I was that I did my alinement before this trip. I was also thinking how I wish I had put heated grips on this ST and how I wish I was on my 2014 RT and that a hot shower was really going to feel good when I get to the hotel. The other thing I was thinking was thank the Lord I was on a Spyder and not on one of my bikes, this would have been twice as bad on two wheels. I've been real cold before and real wet and have driven through some pretty bad weather but I got to say this made it to my top five bad weather trips on my list. It's a good day to be alive. :doorag:

10-06-2013, 05:42 AM
Well I'm happy to say good morning to you Lamont and I hope you got things dried out! Thanks for sharing, I've always been afraid of severe storms like that...

10-06-2013, 05:53 AM
:gaah:Great to hear that you made it without any "major" problems (thank you Lord) :pray: :2thumbs: See you Friday morning.....lookin' forward to getting the laser alignment!:yes:

10-06-2013, 06:01 AM
Glad you arrived alive .The Spyder has to be the best wet weather bike ever built !:thumbup:

10-06-2013, 06:11 AM
Glad to see you made it ok. Safe travels and hopefully I'll see you this week.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

10-06-2013, 06:12 AM
Thanks for the great write up! I sure am glad that you made it through the rain without incident. I went to college in Springfield and I have experienced those huge storms that even have turned into sleet when I thought it was way too warm for that. It was a good thing that you didn't run into hail ...

Ride safe and enjoy your trip! Maybe you could put all of these riding stories in a book ...:doorag:

10-06-2013, 06:38 AM
Thanks for the story.

Glad you made it safe! :thumbup:

10-06-2013, 06:41 AM
Wow! :shocked: I would have been scared to death.

10-06-2013, 07:02 AM
I road that road on the way to Spyderfest, Your right, absoultly nothing to hide under!! I feel for you Bro, I've been in some torrential rains and thankful to be on A Spyder! Luckly not in anything like you discribed . Glad you made it safe!

10-06-2013, 07:31 AM
Glad you are safe....saw the video of you arriving at PitBull....bundled up....hope you and your gear is dried out...that's what the heater in the room is for.....now to the Secret Mission....woohoo

Bob Denman
10-06-2013, 07:37 AM
:shocked: Wow! :shocked:
Glad to hear that you meat it through that meat-grinder unscathed! :thumbup:
Hiding up here in the Northeast and protected by the mountains, I've really never had the feeling of being completely unprotected out in the weather...
How often do you find yourself looking up at the sky and thinking, " :shocked: Uh-oh!"?

10-06-2013, 07:41 AM
The saying is "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger" but hopefully it also makes us wiser. Glad you're OK.

10-06-2013, 07:51 AM
:shocked: Wow! :shocked:
Glad to hear that you meat it through that meat-grinder unscathed! :thumbup:
Hiding up here in the Northeast and protected by the mountains, I've really never had the feeling of being completely unprotected out in the weather...
How often do you find yourself looking up at the sky and thinking, " :shocked: Uh-oh!"?

Not that often but when the sky is black you can better it's going to be a wild ride. I think the ride we did heading to the owners event in Colorado had to be the worst. That was in Tucumcari New Mexico and the ski was brown from the dust in the clouds. Couldn't go more than 20 mph and thought it was going to blow me and the trailer over. One side of me was soaked and the other side was dry. Crazy wind and rain. :shocked:

Bob Denman
10-06-2013, 07:55 AM
I truly do live a sheltered life up here... :opps:
I suppose one good thing about being out in the open; no tree is going to get tipped over on you! :yikes:
(That's about our largest concern...)

Dan McNally
10-06-2013, 08:05 AM
Great post, thanks for sharing . . . ride safe, for the rest of the trip . . . and get those heated grips installed!

10-06-2013, 08:09 AM
Yikes! Glad you made it safe. :pray: We got some of that same storm here in Arkansas but the cold front hadn't moved in yet so it wasn't nearly as "wrathful" as what you went through.

10-06-2013, 08:15 AM
Yikes! Glad you made it safe. :pray: We got some of that same storm here in Arkansas but the cold front hadn't moved in yet so it wasn't nearly as "wrathful" as what you went through.

I think because it was so warm and then so cold is why it was so wicked. I know some of the worst storms I've been in is when the temps are up. Being cold that long just suxed but I always think of my boys in Boot Camp and what they went through and it helps me push on to the next stop. It really is a mind thing.

10-06-2013, 09:26 AM
Glad you made it OK and a great read......I had these at Spyderfest 2013 and you know how the weather was there .........on-line @ Walmart " Celsius " ice fishing gloves in outdoors & sports part # DNG-M......for you I would get the X-L..........they are like a Divers Wet suit Your hands will get wet However they will warm up ( immediately) and stay warm because the water doesn't transfer (just like a wet suit for Divers).......I told others here about them and so far those that bought them have reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally liked them........Right "Murphy B.", and they are only $12......A lot less hassel than putting on heated grips......Mike....PS, the gloves can be sent to any Walmart you want for free.....

10-06-2013, 01:16 PM
I don't know that I can add anymore than the other posts. Although it may have been prudent to just turn around and head back to a safe spot (which none of us would have done), you were blessed again by The Lord to make it through. I liked the way that you wrote the account, Lamont. I felt as though I was there with you.

Looking forward to seeing you in Daytona.


10-06-2013, 02:09 PM
I think because it was so warm and then so cold is why it was so wicked. I know some of the worst storms I've been in is when the temps are up. Being cold that long just suxed but I always think of my boys in Boot Camp and what they went through and it helps me push on to the next stop. It really is a mind thing.

Hope we had a part of letting you live to tell this tale..I have a little metal angel in my Spyder that says never drive faster than your angel can fly...but that wasn't this situation.. your problem was the weather " which shows no mercy to anyone" . Sounds like you might have had a little meet and greet with the lord...but it was not your time...you will live to tell more tales...Your a tough road warrior that's what pulled you threw..be careful on the road and see you in Daytona. Kristal

10-06-2013, 02:29 PM
For sure that storm that blew through yesterday was a real frog-strangler. And, it's not common to see that large a temp drop although it does happen occasionally. Glad you made it through OK.

10-06-2013, 02:36 PM
I sort of figured you would be out on the road this weekend for your trip and was praying for you for safe travels. Glad all is well and that the Lord watched over you.


10-06-2013, 02:55 PM
I have been caught in the rain a number of times as we all have, but most of the time can find a bridge or some other shelter. However, once while on a trip I got caught in one of those butt tightening storms with no shelter to be found. After that I brought one of those tents that can be erected in 1 minute (you can truly do it in less than a minute) and keep it and a couple of chairs in the trailer all of the time. Thankfully we haven't had to use it yet, but it makes us feel better by having it in there. Rudy

10-06-2013, 03:20 PM
Glad you made it OK and a great read......I had these at Spyderfest 2013 and you know how the weather was there .........on-line @ Walmart " Celsius " ice fishing gloves in outdoors & sports part # DNG-M......for you I would get the X-L..........they are like a Divers Wet suit Your hands will get wet However they will warm up ( immediately) and stay warm because the water doesn't transfer (just like a wet suit for Divers).......I told others here about them and so far those that bought them have reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally liked them........Right "Murphy B.", and they are only $12......A lot less hassel than putting on heated grips......Mike....PS, the gloves can be sent to any Walmart you want for free.....

Thanks for for the post, never heard of these.

I wonder if they have them for paws?

10-06-2013, 03:38 PM
Hope we had a part of letting you live to tell this tale..I have a little metal angel in my Spyder that says never drive faster than your angel can fly...but that wasn't this situation.. your problem was the weather " which shows no mercy to anyone" . Sounds like you might have had a little meet and greet with the lord...but it was not your time...you will live to tell more tales...Your a tough road warrior that's what pulled you threw..be careful on the road and see you in Daytona. Kristal

I also have this in my glove box of the :spyder2:

10-06-2013, 05:17 PM
Praise God for watching over you.

10-14-2013, 09:49 AM
I rode down to Spyderpops before our meeting in Springfield. I had a close look of the procedure and I must say it is a very precise measurement tool. After Harvey and I aligned my :spyder2:, we went out for a run and the difference was there. Turns were even easier to negotiate with, and on straight roads it felt smoother. However, the first sign was rolling the :spyder2: out of the shop: it felt smooth! The best proof was on my wife's RS: we always had a hard time moving it around the garage, and once it got aligned, it wanted to roll away on a flat surface!:D

Worth the price! I love it that after each time Lamont and Harvey did an alignment at the Branson hotel, the customer would ride off to test it, and ride back with a smile on their face like if they have just bought the :spyder2:! :firstplace: