View Full Version : Reverse Psychology ....

09-29-2013, 08:14 PM
so we decided to jump into the RT market and we are waiting till the 14's are released and wanting one in white. of course they will be one of the last ones they produce ... but we are willing to wait.

in the meantime we need get our license and take the basic motorcycle rider course. so we signed up and will be in class in two weeks. no time like the present and might as well take advantage of this nice fall weather right?

this weekend we began our quest for some gear we will need. jackets, helmets, gloves ...ect. the wife stops me this afternoon after placing a nice order for our gear and said... "So This is How it Works Huh???

i asked what they heck she is talking about? her reply was ... well we just bought all this gear so I guess now we HAVE to buy this motorcycle?????

i looked her in the eye and said Honey .... I never thought of that! ;)


09-29-2013, 08:35 PM
I kind of did the same thing back in 2010. I ordered all of my riding gear before I knew for sure if I was going to be a rider or not. I'd be willing to bet that you and your wife will love your new Spyder.

I have been told that white RTs will not be built until February.

09-29-2013, 09:15 PM
Wife and I are also playing the waiting game. We are pre ordering a Yellow RTS SE6 for April. The wait is going to be tough. :banghead: Smart move to take the beginners course. :thumbup: Tom :trike:

09-29-2013, 09:24 PM
thats one way of looking at it...:roflblack: Good luck..!!

Bob Denman
09-30-2013, 06:39 AM
I've been known to use this tactic on several occasions... ;)
""Honey :shocked:... It's a beautiful riflescope; but it really needs a good rifle to complete it!" :D

09-30-2013, 06:52 AM
Experience tells me Get the trike first then the gear, That way you'll know what gear will work best for you.
But I'll have to say it is fun shopping while your waiting for your ride...:thumbup:

Bob Denman
09-30-2013, 07:19 AM
The shopping, is what keeps you from going CRAZEEE during the wait! :shocked:

09-30-2013, 07:45 AM
so we decided to jump into the RT market and we are waiting till the 14's are released and wanting one in white. of course they will be one of the last ones they produce ... but we are willing to wait.

in the meantime we need get our license and take the basic motorcycle rider course. so we signed up and will be in class in two weeks. no time like the present and might as well take advantage of this nice fall weather right?

this weekend we began our quest for some gear we will need. jackets, helmets, gloves ...ect. the wife stops me this afternoon after placing a nice order for our gear and said... "So This is How it Works Huh???

i asked what they heck she is talking about? her reply was ... well we just bought all this gear so I guess now we HAVE to buy this motorcycle?????

i looked her in the eye and said Honey .... I never thought of that! ;)


Reverse psychology... or just women's thoughts on buying almost anything?:roflblack:

When we bought the Gray RT in 2010... from not interested, she went "is this the one we are buying (grinning ear to ear)?"
When we made our first big trip: "Well, I should learn how to ride it in case something happens to you" (yeah, right... when I go on business travel she would ride the :spyder2:)
When we were in our first BRP Owner's Event in Maggie Valley (2011), "I just got promoted, so I want my own :spyder2:RS"

Again, reverse psychology or how women convince you to up the ante?:shocked:

09-30-2013, 08:04 AM
I have been told that white RTs will not be built until February.

This is a real head scratcher for me. I just don't see how they could make colors in shifts, unless buying paint in 50 gallon drums on sale and only have one paint gun, painter and booth? I get efficiency, but it's not like they build Spyders, push them into a booth, mask them off and paint them one at a time! At least, not in any plant I've ever toured.:chat:

09-30-2013, 08:33 AM
This is a real head scratcher for me. I just don't see how they could make colors in shifts, unless buying paint in 50 gallon drums on sale and only have one paint gun, painter and booth? I get efficiency, but it's not like they build Spyders, push them into a booth, mask them off and paint them one at a time! At least, not in any plant I've ever toured.:chat:

I think the panels are painted straight from the manufacturer, not on BRP's assembly factory.