View Full Version : Sad day for my bike riding friends , Better day for spyder friends..

09-15-2013, 10:59 AM
Well, I have put many miles on 2 wheels and after alot of thought I have decided to part ways with my last bike. The Ducati Diavel is a great bike and has never let me down. I guess literally I let it down a couple of weeks ago. This hasn't changed my love for bikes nor has it scared me into not riding it. I know the bike didn't fail, It was the rider that failed.

What has changed is my ability to maintain a high level of commitment to my family, employers, and friends. I need to be able to respond and carry out my employers request immediately. As far as family is concerned I have been a huge burden. It sucks to be at home all the time doctoring wounds and complaining to everyone about how much I hurt. It also carries over into my friendships. I have told BajaRon that I would ship parts bak to him after I evaluated them and I haven't been able to even unbolt them because of hurting. What seems to happen is that every hour that i am not hurting so bad I try to get my work done. This hasn't left many hours for anything else. I know this causes inconveniences for Ron and everyone else that depend on me.

I guess what I am saying is that Im going to reduce my exposure to injury by switching to my Spyders. I know that Spyders have danger associated with them when you place them on a highway but with the Ducati I have to constantly tell myself to "hold it down" and you have to watch road conditions so much closer. It just makes sense to get rid of what is causing you a problem and also I can make the wife happier. She has never said a word about me riding. And she is so nice that she probably never will.

Ron if your reading this I want to apologize for letting you down. I will get the prototype links and the ST bar back to you hopefully this week. I should be able to get out to garage today and will try to remove them. And to anyone that needs a swaybar installed just PM me here. I know there was a gentleman that I believe called me. I had just had my accident and I didn't get the number written down. If you will please message me here or email me at rhbrinson@gmail.com I will get back to you.

Maybe if I only have Spyders to put my time into I can contribute some useful info back to the forum.

I have the Ducati back in better than new condition. I actually added almost 2000.00 in additional carbon fiber parts to it. The parts that were scratched up in the wreck were aluminum. They are all now real carbon fiber. I also put some mean looking mirrors back on. Ill have a eBay listing next week sometime and ill post the link to it so y'all can take a look at all the new carbon....

P.S. I have almost got all the skin back that I lost at Deals Gap. Still have an Elbow that has a small hole in it but it getting better..

Don in E Texas
09-15-2013, 11:24 AM
We're all wishing you a fast physical as well as mental recovery.

09-15-2013, 11:30 AM
I can feel your pain but can also understand your situation. When I sold my last two wheeler it was a realization that time is catching up to me and I knew it was time. I have since fully embraced our spyders and never looked back.


09-15-2013, 11:32 AM
Hang in there; follow Docs orders, don't whine or bitch too much (if you are), and be sure to let all your friends and family now how much you appreciate their help and support (if you're not already). You'll power through it and be back on the road and at work soon! Best wishes!

09-15-2013, 01:13 PM
Glad to see you are getting better. Most of us older guys realize when it I is time to step away from the higher risk activities and look to make decisions based on the wisdom that comes from learning things the hard way. May you be so blessed.

Bob Denman
09-15-2013, 01:26 PM
Hang in there; follow Docs orders, don't whine or bitch too much (if you are), and be sure to let all your friends and family now how much you appreciate their help and support (if you're not already). You'll power through it and be back on the road and at work soon! Best wishes!

09-15-2013, 01:47 PM
i changed from 2 wheels to 3 wheels just this year. after 35+ years in construction that has killed my body and now diabetes and foot pain and to add insult to injury finding out a few weeks ago that i also have asbestos in both lungs from years of working around it and not wanting to quit riding i went to the spyder. days like today, being nice and cool i really enjoyed riding. as a matter of fact the heat on my right foot felt good today. so hang in there and you know your own body and how far you can push it, so do what is best for you. when my doctor tells me YOUR A MESS i tell him i am dead but just too stupid to lay down

09-15-2013, 02:05 PM
Don't feel like it's a step back or your letting anyone down by going only to 3 wheels. I did the same. Grew up on 2 wheels, got out of it all while the kids were young and really only got into the spyder to keep the wife happy. Since having it for about two years now I can honestly say I don't miss 2 wheels much....:dontknow:

09-15-2013, 04:51 PM
Got rid of my last set of 2 wheels this past March. Was sorry to see them go but was very happy that in the 55 years of riding 2 wheels nothing bad happened to me. I do miss them but at 74 don't need to fall off.

09-15-2013, 05:17 PM
I just went to garage and was picking up and putting some tools back in their respective places. I looked at the spyders and now I think I am happier with my decision. I love the spyders and I sure do like talking to people here on this board. I don't think ill miss the bike to much. I just need to get a list of events and start meeting people in person.

Sent from my Galaxy S3. I may have made a spelling error or may have some grammer issues. My fingers are way to big to type on this tiny screen!

09-15-2013, 09:16 PM
It takes a big man to realise when the time has come to stop doing something he clearly loves.
I watched the video and 'Yep!' it was a rider error....we've all done it and its never a good experience.
Unlike you I have no family and I shall continue to ride two wheels until I can't get my leg over but each year
it gets more difficult and year on year I feel my reactions getting a little slower......
So I take my hat off to you for being so unselfish that you know it's time to stop with the big bikes.
Take it real easy and get well.
Well done, sir!

09-15-2013, 09:22 PM
Speedy recovery to ya :)

09-15-2013, 09:28 PM
Don't worry about me. You've been a great test pilot and I figured your spill slowed you down a bit. I'm having some custom Billet Aluminum links made up right now and I will need some Beta Testers for them.

You need to heal up and take care of business. That is what we all want you to do now.

09-15-2013, 09:32 PM
Best wishes to you on your decision. It is a difficult one. I had a life changing accident on a two wheeler in 1979. I am still in immense pain even now. Probably will be as long as I live. So I commend you on making this tough choice. It is obvious that you have given a lot thought to all of the responsibilities in your life.

We haven't met, but I have followed your posts since you joined the board. You seem to be a rock solid dude and I look forward to meeting you at an event some day soon.

Best of luck to you and feel better soon


09-15-2013, 09:42 PM
I know what you're saying and feeling Bro. After my deer hit I was shook up a bit and was thinking the same thing. For sure I would have done much better if I hit the deer on a Spyder. Not ready to throw in the towel on two wheels yet but it has crossed my mind. We love you and I'm glad to have you here a little more Bro. :doorag:

09-15-2013, 11:32 PM
that you are healing and starting to get back in the swing of things. Hard decision but you must feel it is the right one to make or you wouldn't. All the best and hope you are completely healed soon...:thumbup: