View Full Version : Helmets and all that gear work

09-14-2013, 11:23 PM
Five of us started out for a leisurely ride through the local countryside and lunch at a favorite biker spot down along the Little Miami River. About 20 minutes in things went to hell in a hand cart or maybe it was a sidecar.

Sitting here right now I know for certain that the day has ended better if not great because Linda had her modular full face style helmet, long heavy jeans gloves and long sleeves and a vest.

Long story short her sidecar wheel dropped off the edge of the pavement in a 90 right, she over corrected and went off the left side about six feet down an embankment covered with rocks and brush. She and the rig parted company as it left the road and she landed on her back about 6 feet away from it. Shes got a broken left arm, radius and ulna and 5 broken ribs 3 thru 7 on the left and a whole lot of road rash.

Two of our riding friends stayed with the rig until the wrecker got there, according to Tom dents & scratches but aside from a couple of turn signals nothing appeared outwardly broken or seriously bent. Don't know what the cold light of the secured storage area will show when I meet the adjuster. We'll see what we see.

Right now aside from the pains she tells me she mostly embarrassed because she's not sure what happened and she feels like she ruined the rest of our day. I was behind her and saw it happen and when she's better I'll take her out to the spot and walk her her through it. She will mend and by the time the rig is back in operating condition she says she'll be ready to ride.

Unless there something serious but not obvious I suspect the rig will be ready before she is. I think the arm may take some time to heal and rehab.

Thanks for listening,
Curt and Linda

09-14-2013, 11:28 PM
That had to have been pretty scary for you to watch that happen. I'm glad she is pretty much okay and was wearing good gear. She needs a Spyder instead of a side car rig.

09-14-2013, 11:37 PM
:agree: wish her all the best and a speedy and painless recovery..!! :pray:

Bob Denman
09-15-2013, 07:05 AM
:yikes: It's horrifying to see it happen; and be powerless to proetect your loved ones...
You guys are in our thoughts and prayers for a complete recovery! :pray::pray:

09-15-2013, 07:28 AM
Glad shes OK, but i wonder if her broken arm would have been prevented had she been wearing proper gear and not just "Long sleeves and a vest" A jacket with Approved armor in it may have prevented that.

Bob Denman
09-15-2013, 07:33 AM
It MIGHT have helped with some of the road rash... but the important thing is that she's well-enough to heal! :thumbup:
Seond-guessing their choices doesn't really help... :shocked:

09-15-2013, 08:17 AM
I'm glad it wasn't any worse. I hope she heals quickly and gets back on her bike when she's ready.

09-15-2013, 08:21 AM
Sorry to hear about the accident but extremely glad that her injuries were less severe than could have been thanks to the use of safety equipment. Wishing her a quick and full recovery.

09-15-2013, 11:38 AM
Sincere wishes for a full and speedy recovery! :thumbup:

09-15-2013, 01:56 PM
Best wishes for a quick and good recovery.

09-15-2013, 01:58 PM
Glad shes OK, but i wonder if her broken arm would have been prevented had she been wearing proper gear and not just "Long sleeves and a vest" A jacket with Approved armor in it may have prevented that.

Believe me we both wonder about that and neither has any experience with the jackets with the armor in them other than to try a couple on. Question I have is will they prevent broken bones? They seem to be armored at the elbows, shoulders and some of them have armor in the back. I can see them preventing road rash and puncture wounds. So someone who knows let me know or point me to some studies or something.

Thanks, ride and ride safe,
Curt and Linda

Bob Denman
09-15-2013, 02:03 PM
There's probably no way to know for sure what the armor in a jacket would have done to help. The important thing, is that she's here for you guys to discuss these things while she is healing...:thumbup:
I wear a kevlar mesh jacket during the summer; armored elbow and shoulders... I figure that it can't hurt to have it if things get ugly! ;)

09-15-2013, 02:36 PM
:pray: For a speedy recovery

Bob Ledford
09-15-2013, 02:40 PM
Five of us started out for a leisurely ride through the local countryside and lunch at a favorite biker spot down along the Little Miami River. About 20 minutes in things went to hell in a hand cart or maybe it was a sidecar.

Sitting here right now I know for certain that the day has ended better if not great because Linda had her modular full face style helmet, long heavy jeans gloves and long sleeves and a vest.

Long story short her sidecar wheel dropped off the edge of the pavement in a 90 right, she over corrected and went off the left side about six feet down an embankment covered with rocks and brush. She and the rig parted company as it left the road and she landed on her back about 6 feet away from it. Shes got a broken left arm, radius and ulna and 5 broken ribs 3 thru 7 on the left and a whole lot of road rash.

Two of our riding friends stayed with the rig until the wrecker got there, according to Tom dents & scratches but aside from a couple of turn signals nothing appeared outwardly broken or seriously bent. Don't know what the cold light of the secured storage area will show when I meet the adjuster. We'll see what we see.

Right now aside from the pains she tells me she mostly embarrassed because she's not sure what happened and she feels like she ruined the rest of our day. I was behind her and saw it happen and when she's better I'll take her out to the spot and walk her her through it. She will mend and by the time the rig is back in operating condition she says she'll be ready to ride.

Unless there something serious but not obvious I suspect the rig will be ready before she is. I think the arm may take some time to heal and rehab.

Thanks for listening,
Curt and Linda
Our prayers should cut some healing up days off. Hope your XYL gets better sooner then later

09-15-2013, 03:03 PM
Maybe this is not the right title...but the wife and I just got back from a ride in the Pungo are near Sandbridge/Virginia Beach a few moments ago. During our ride, a cager decided he had had enough of being second in life. He decided to cut us off while exiting a local gas station. I applied the brakes, and allowed him the opportunity to show off his fancy truck with a burn out. The only trouble he had was the car that was coming from the opposite direction...and he, also, was tired of being second in life. SLAM!!! Minor fender-bender between two cagers. That very well could have been me and the wife. Guardian Angels exist! And one was watching over the two of you as well. :pray: for a speedy recovery!
John and Velma

Dan McNally
09-15-2013, 03:23 PM
There was definitely a guardian angel watching over her . . . her injuries are a lot less than they could have been. Prayers for her speedy recovery.

09-16-2013, 02:12 PM
Glad shes OK, but i wonder if her broken arm would have been prevented had she been wearing proper gear and not just "Long sleeves and a vest" A jacket with Approved armor in it may have prevented that.
I would be interested in this answer as well. I wear ATTGATT, although, just pants instead of armor pants on the Spyder.
I was told one time, that tentsile (sp) strength of the mesh, depending on the jacket can help spread the impact over a greater area. The same with leathers, plus a small cushioning effect. ?????????

chuck gross
09-16-2013, 11:52 PM
the armor in my tour master coat at the elbows comes down over the forearms about 8 inches i don't know if that would prevent broken bones completely but it certainly lessens the chance of injury the only drawback of the armor is the weight of the jacket is quite heavy it doesn't bother me too much but was to heavy for my wife so she sent her tour master back and got one with much smaller armor