View Full Version : Well that sucked

06-29-2008, 07:20 AM
As you can see we have some major issues here. I got back from a great day of riding the Spyder to find my boardd had been hacked bigtime. I've never been hacked like that before in all the years I've been running boards.

My friend Darrel and I worked on the site till very late last night and still are not able to bring it back where is was before so we called it a night and will be working on it again today.

I think we are going to use vbulletin for this site. The bad news is I have to purchase the software and install it and import the info to it. You will have to request a new password to login and post again. I don't know this software that well so the learning curve is going to be pretty steap.

I'm sorry that this happened but we will survive it. Please hang in there. Thanks.

06-29-2008, 07:48 AM
It really does suck. Thanks Lamonster for putting in the time and effort on this board. It is a great site for everyone.

06-29-2008, 08:07 AM
I really get torqued over :edit: like this and society lets most of these people get away with destroying someone's personal property; Note, I'm an engineer with Sun Microsystems. This ranks right up there with someone sitting on your ride and defacing the paint. Difference is, these cowards don't have to be physically close to your stuff to do damage, then claim if you knew how to protect the site, then it wouldn't have happened. Again, that's like saying if I left my :spyder: in the open, then I deserve any damage you do. Bull!

If you've searched the web for Neuromancer you'll see that we're not alone, they've hacked a lot of sites through known exploits. In most cases, they only change your index.html file so replacing it to the original (in many cases) fixes the site - However, if the flaw that they exploited the first time wasn't fixed, then they we inevitably do it again.

Here's a tip you might find useful. If you search in Google for "spyderlovers", the find the hit for http://www.spyderlovers.com, then click on "Cached" you will see the last known state of the web page which has ben cached on the internet. So, you can (a) see what the last posted message was, and (b) click on "View Source" to grab the HTML content, if needed.

Please take no offense if you're skill, knowledge, etc. is beyond what I mentioned above. I just wanted to offer some assistance. I'm headed on a ride at 11:00 a.m. EST w/Garganos in East Haven, be back by this afternoon. I'd be happy to discuss further, if it would help. Just let me know.


06-29-2008, 08:25 AM
Definitely sucks the big one! I'm glad you got it back up and running. I know what it's like - my bank account was violated last week - boy was I :edit: off. Got the money back and all but still, now I'm just gonna have to look over my shoulder all the time - not a nice feeling.

Thank you for working hard late at night in getting it up and running. I came home from a Spyder ride and always like to log in here and then hubby logged in on his puter and told me. Night was sort of weird - Spyderlovers is part of my "routine" when I've got downtime and when I couldn't log on I got antsy.

06-29-2008, 08:39 AM

As you know, I have a couple forum sites unrelated to Spyder, and I have been using vbulletin. This software is incredible, and I think you will like it very, very much. If you need any help at all with the software, please let me know. I've already installed this thing on 2 seperate sites. You can take a look at one of them here:


Again, if you need any help with your software, please let me know. Thanks.


06-29-2008, 08:52 AM
Sent you a pm, if i can help in any way please let me know

06-29-2008, 08:54 AM
Thanks for all the offers of help, that's really cool of you all. I may be calling on you if I run into a wall here. I'm not really a webmaster, I just play one on the internet. ::)

06-29-2008, 09:09 AM
Lamont ........ I don't think you've ever asked for it but I know a lot of personal Forums do take donations to help defray cost of software, upgrades, maintenance, etc., etc., etc. Why not make a way for those who want to to make contributions from time-to-time. I'm sure you will have a lot of takers - me included. Perhaps they can be recognized on the Avatar side by the statement: Site Contributor.

Contributions could be set up to be made by PayPal, credit card, or check.

What say you all???????

06-29-2008, 09:24 AM
That sucked big time!! I came home from a great day with my grandkids, and really got :edit: off when I saw this site was hacked. I enjoy it a lot, and it made me mad that some jerk thinks he has the right to do this. Thanks for all your hard work all along, and last night especially. I was so glad to see it back up and running this morning!

06-29-2008, 09:36 AM
I hesitated to reply in this thread, since I don't want to give the culprit any more attention.

I do, however want to thank Lamont and anyone who aided him for getting things up and running so quickly!

(I did the same thing as many other folks: worked on the Spyder a bit, came online to check in on everybody, and found the rudeness.)

We just had a virus at work last week which created havoc for days. Not at all fun, I know.

Oh, and again, I absolutely agree with Hevnbound in his post ("take donations to help defray cost") above.

06-29-2008, 10:06 AM
I absolutely agree with Hevnbound in his post ("take donations to help defray cost") above.


06-29-2008, 10:38 AM
Thanks for getting the site up and running again. the shakes have stopped now. lol

06-29-2008, 10:38 AM
Thanks for the forum, Lamont. And yes, I agree on the $$ suggestion.

06-29-2008, 11:11 AM
Any way we can help, including helping defray the costs of new software, just say the word.

06-29-2008, 12:22 PM
can count on me for some $$. to help you out. I learn a lot on this forum and would like to see it going strong.

06-29-2008, 12:25 PM
Lamont ........ I don't think you've ever asked for it but I know a lot of personal Forums do take donations to help defray cost of software, upgrades, maintenance, etc., etc., etc. Why not make a way for those who want to to make contributions from time-to-time. I'm sure you will have a lot of takers - me included. Perhaps they can be recognized on the Avatar side by the statement: Site Contributor.

Contributions could be set up to be made by PayPal, credit card, or check.

What say you all???????

I think that is a very good idea!

06-29-2008, 12:30 PM
switch to mac .... worked for me been a geek for years no issues no problems .....

06-29-2008, 01:36 PM
count me in on the $$.

06-29-2008, 01:45 PM
switch to mac .... worked for me been a geek for years no issues no problems .....

What happened was NOT a mac or pc issue. It was a hacking issue which can happen on macs as well as pc's.

06-29-2008, 02:12 PM
What happened was NOT a mac or pc issue. It was a hacking issue which can happen on macs as well as pc's.
I do believe he was talking about the picking up a virus part of the warning. Considering that, as of yet, there is still no virus that can impact a mac.

06-29-2008, 02:23 PM
I do believe he was talking about the picking up a virus part of the warning. Considering that, as of yet, there is still no virus that can impact a mac.

I own both a pc and I just got a new imac back in December. Where did you hear that there is no virus that can impact a mac? Just curious. Sorry if I misunderstood the previous post!


06-29-2008, 02:32 PM
I wish I was techy enough to explain it, but I'm sure I would come off sounding like a moron. But for one thing, Mac's don't run macros like PC's. As for the newer macs with the intel processors and windows installed, it may actually be possible, but I know my Power PC mac and my MacBook Pro are not vulnerable to a virus the same as a PC.

06-29-2008, 02:45 PM
I'd also be happy to contribute.

06-29-2008, 02:56 PM
There are virus's out there that can affect any OS including Linux/Unix however the majority of the worlds users currently run a form of Windows so your hackers and all create virus's mostly for the windows based Systems. This is also partly due to the fact that Windows is the most unsecure system you can run. I have used Macs in the past (Not fond of them personally) as well as I currently run Linux for day to day stuff and internet usage. I have a windows based system strickly for computer gaming. Mac and Linux don't give users direct access to the Kernel were windows does. This is why Mac's and Linux rarely get virus's and windows gets infected every couple hours :-)

Growing up I used to do some hacking and was able to access a windows based system in a matter of minutes now since they have increased the number of characters that can be used in passwords its takes a bit longer but can still be done fairly easy.

Not sure what OS this site is running off of but since it uses PHP i'm hoping that its a linux based OS. I know Linux/Unix Apache Web Server with PhP is more secure than IIS Web with PHP and most IIS hosts do not keep there PHP up to date.

Just a few pointers to those of you who use Windows and not to familiar with easy ways to plant virus's on the computer. 1 of the main ways hackers get there applications on your computer is through Java or Flash based websites. They can be embeded into the site and once you visit it the application gets automatically downloaded onto the computer. 2 most common is the same formula but through E-mail so for those of you who use Outlook or Outlook express turn off the preview pane and if you don't know the sender just delete the email.

This is just a few of the things i have learned over the years. The internet can be your friend or it can be your worst nightmare.

Lamonster I would also be willing to contribute if you need some help with some funds or with the site in anyway i can possibly help. I have found so much usefull knowledge here and found everyone here very helpfull and extremely friendly.

06-29-2008, 03:18 PM
Thank you for clarifying for me ;D

06-29-2008, 03:20 PM
Well the offer for support has been overwhelming, both monetarily and software and hardware. I would like to thank all of you for that. Right now we have a new board installed and will do a redirect when we're done with all the tweaks. For now we can use this one with the :congrats: icons. I'll send a email to all the members when we are ready to cut over. Thanks again for your support.

By the way I had a great day yesterday riding the Spyder and had some great stories to tell but I kinda lost my fire after all this. Maybe I'll post something later. I feel like the board is in "Limp Home Mode"

06-29-2008, 03:38 PM
I'll help with $$$. This place is great! I don't have my Spyder yet, but I am learning so much and everyone seems really nice.!!!

Marcel July
06-29-2008, 03:44 PM
Hi and Hello to all and of course Hello Lamonster.
What a pain.
I can not believe that "just" someone out of nowhere comes to your website and
places a virus on it. It is just to easy to think. I believe that someone with a lot of computer skills and internet "know how" did this to your site, just to get some attention. Maybe someone from this forum who did get mad of someone here or something, did this. But anyway, it is just not right.....
Of course I do believe, if all of us help you, you can "fix' this.
We from F1 will be more than happy to contribute as well.
You did such a great job that there is no question for us,
that many others like to follow. Just give some noise.....

06-29-2008, 03:50 PM
Hey, Lamonster!

Great job getting back up so fast. That <censored> really clobbered us!

Thanks again for your dedication to our favorite vehicle! Any new stuff we have to learn will work just fine.


06-29-2008, 03:59 PM
There are virus's out there that can affect any OS including Linux/Unix however the majority of the worlds users currently run a form of Windows so your hackers and all create virus's mostly for the windows based Systems.

Yep. This is exactly what I have learned. It's not that a Mac "cannot" get a virus.......It's just that there are so FEW Macs on the market, compared to pc's, that it's not worth the effort of morons to create virus's for them. I bought a mac back in December, but I really don't like it too much. I just "know" the pc so well, that it's hard to make the switch completely to mac.

As far as this being an "inside" hack/job, I don't think so.....but.........has anyone seen danimal poking around lately?? Hmmm...maybe I shouldn't have said that.

Anyway.....Lamont, if you need help installing your new vbulletin software, just let me know. I'm sure you (and all the members) will really like it. Make sure you get the latest version!


By the way....no images are showing up for me. They are all empty blocks with little red squares in them.

06-29-2008, 04:31 PM
Oh my gosh, I thought the same thing, where's Danimal?

06-29-2008, 05:12 PM
Oh my gosh, I thought the same thing, where's Danimal?

Now, now...be nice! Remember the rock throwing that started that mess in the first place. ;D

06-29-2008, 05:49 PM
Now, now...be nice! Remember the rock throwing that started that mess in the first place. ;D

I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have said it. But it WAS the very first thing that came to my mind.


06-29-2008, 07:07 PM
I too would donate $$$$...this board has been a great entertanment and a useful tool...thanks for all your hardwork

06-29-2008, 07:59 PM
Both bjt and I have told Lamonster we would be willing to donate, just say the word. This is a great site and we want to keep it this way.

06-29-2008, 08:05 PM
Thanks Lamont;

As a relative newbie to the SpyderLover Forum, I just want to say how much you and all fellow SpyderLovers have helped me to chose the best roadster to be my choice of transporation. Your hard work is much appreciated and you can count on me for $$$ if ever asked. Think the donations are agreat idea.

Again thanks to all especially you Lamontster.

Bill :bigthumbsup: :congrats:

06-29-2008, 09:32 PM
You know Lamont, back when I had my scooter and I frequented a scooter forum they had a paypal button at the bottom of the site. The reason they had this account was for members to donate to defray the cost, if they wanted. Donations were never solicited or expected but for people that just wanted to help, the ability to do so was available. Just food for thought.

06-29-2008, 09:41 PM
I am also in the IT business and I can offer to host the site at my NOC. We have many layers of Security for intrusion prevention and Virus Protection. We have multiple ISP connections that are constantly load balanced so I can pretty much gurantee that the site will never be done... Of course, this will be free of charge...Again, you will just have to import all of the data which will be the headache.... Just let me know... You can reach out to me directly if you want:



06-30-2008, 07:54 AM
Lamont, maybe you should be flattered this happened. I looked up Neuromancer and this is what I found.

Neuromancer is a 1984 novel by William Gibson, notable for being the most famous early cyberpunk novel and winner of the science-fiction "triple crown"—the Nebula Award, the Philip K. Dick Award, and the Hugo Award.[1] It was Gibson's first novel and the beginning of the Sprawl trilogy. The novel tells the story of a washed-up computer hacker hired by a mysterious employer to work on the ultimate hack.

Does this mean your site was the "ultimate hack"? Just a little trivia for ya

06-30-2008, 08:42 AM
I'm good for $$. Count me in. :spyder: When and where?

06-30-2008, 10:27 AM
You know Lamont, back when I had my scooter and I frequented a scooter forum they had a paypal button at the bottom of the site. The reason they had this account was for members to donate to defray the cost, if they wanted. Donations were never solicited or expected but for people that just wanted to help, the ability to do so was available. Just food for thought.

I agree. Lamont.....Just add a little paypal button at the bottom of your home page. This way, all people will have to do is click on it, and they can make a donation of their choice without you even asking for it. I think it's a great idea if you really need help paying for things.


06-30-2008, 11:49 AM
Thanks again guys but we're good for now :thumbup: :biker:

Magic Man
06-30-2008, 02:10 PM
Contributions could be set up to be made by PayPal, credit card, or check.

What say you all???????[/quote]

Count me in!


07-01-2008, 11:00 AM
Thanks for all your hard work on our behalf. Sorry for your huge hassle.

07-01-2008, 02:41 PM

07-01-2008, 03:17 PM
Lamont....I should mention that I own a sublimation business. I would be more than happy to make some coffee mugs with your club logo on them, and send them to you FREE of charge. Just pay shipping! You can send them to other members as a gift for helping you out. Just a thought.


07-01-2008, 06:39 PM
Thanks for all your hard work here. Elegant end to an ugly beginning. Already tossed in a more tangible show of my appreciation. The Paypal button worked great. Glad we can now show we care.