View Full Version : BMW i3 - Spyder hybrid - any news ??

08-16-2013, 02:09 AM
BMW starts now with the "i3" which is the most revolutonary car ever built (for me) - but the range extender is NOT from ROTAX its their chinese scooter engine - but if you look at the Facts: the weight of the batteries is 507 lbs (230kg) :yikes: - so I think the only chance for BRP is to offer the Spyder-Hybrid with a trailer where the batteries are built in - easy to change if you buy two of them .. (just an idea from me ) - has someone more Infos ??? http://www.bmwusa.com/standard/content/vehicles/2014/bmwi/bmwi.aspx#i3overview

Bob Denman
08-16-2013, 07:18 AM
You'd want to tow a trailer all the time? :shocked:
This technology is gaining legitimacy; and it's only going to get better. :thumbup:
...But not just yet... (IMHO)