View Full Version : Motorcyclist killed by Deer . . . That Was Hit By a Car and Flew Into Him . . .

Dan McNally
08-11-2013, 12:45 PM
This was a tragic event. I try not to ride when the deer are moving . . . soooo many out there! http://www.cnycentral.com/news/story.aspx?id=932524#.UgfM_r7D91t

08-11-2013, 02:17 PM
So sorry to see something like this. Our prayers to the family.

The problem we have in GA is that the deer are everywhere in pretty big numbers. If we tried to wait until they are not roaming, the bikes would be in the garage 365 days a year. Just yesterday I was lucky. Twice there were deer in the bushes near our house. Three literally pounced out in front of me on one of our private roads. I had just come through the gate and a little fawn came first and I was only at 25, speed limit where we live. The driver behind me almost hit me, but did stop. She was racing her engine, impatient to go, when another fawn and the mom dashed out right in front of me. As we know, lots of times there are several deer instead of one. I got off the Spyder and told the snotty girl to get a life. If she's in that big a hurry, to leave home sooner.

Prior to that on the way to a great cave tour, arranged by "Cavman," two little fawns jumped out on Pocket Road, in north GA. Not more than 50 or 75 feet, plenty of notice coming out of a U turn at reasonable speed, what ever that was.

All we can do is be vigilant and keep the speed consistent with the conditions. Three bikers killed around here last weekend. One passing another bike on the Dragon and two killed on dreaded I285, the speedway around ATL, at 2:00 AM. We can probably guess about that one.

Stay awake, stay sober and stay safe.


08-11-2013, 03:33 PM
When your time is up...

Prayers for the families including the lady that hit the deer. It's getting close to the rut season so they'll be getting more active.

Bob Denman
08-11-2013, 05:53 PM
:cus: can happen at anytime to anybody... nojoke
Vigilence is our only defense...
Prayers going out to everybody involved in this one! :pray:

08-11-2013, 06:19 PM
So sorry to see something like this. Our prayers to the family.

The problem we have in GA is that the deer are everywhere in pretty big numbers. If we tried to wait until they are not roaming, the bikes would be in the garage 365 days a year. Just yesterday I was lucky. Twice there were deer in the bushes near our house. Three literally pounced out in front of me on one of our private roads. I had just come through the gate and a little fawn came first and I was only at 25, speed limit where we live. The driver behind me almost hit me, but did stop. She was racing her engine, impatient to go, when another fawn and the mom dashed out right in front of me. As we know, lots of times there are several deer instead of one. I got off the Spyder and told the snotty girl to get a life. If she's in that big a hurry, to leave home sooner.


You are right Tuck, we have a whole mess of deer this year in Georgia. Maybe due to the wet weather and lots of tasty vegetation. I have had to slow down and/or stop at least four times in the past month or so to let deer cross. One needs to have good peripheral vision in our neck of the woods. Slowed down for one on Georgia highway 20 back in July and the guy behind me honked and then passed me when I slowed down (it was a no passing zone), he hit the first deer with the bumper of his truck but kept on going.

The deer was struggling at the roadside with broken legs and I was thinking of dispatching it with my 9mm when the local cops arrived and put it out of it's misery with a shotgun.

Caution is the key word especially in heavily wooded areas.

08-11-2013, 06:58 PM
I hopped on the Spyder a couple hours ago to come down to one of our daughters and within 1/4 mile, six deer came tearing out of the woods about 75 feet or so in front of me.
Again, our speed limit on private roads is 25, but no one except my wife and I stick pretty close to it. I always stop and since it was downhill, had anyone been behind me, he or she probably would have pulled around me and creamed some of them. They don't allow hunting where we are, 3800 fenced in acres and only The Lord knows how many deer.
"Be careful out there," just like the shift Sgt use to tell the squads on TV. Boy, that was years ago, wonder if they have re-runs?

Bob Denman
08-12-2013, 07:00 AM

Dan McNally
08-12-2013, 07:58 AM
Rant Alert! :banghead: I never understand the ban on hunting whitetails. They are the polar opposite of an endangered species, in fact, there are more in North America now, than when Columbus showed up . . . and in most areas, have few natural predators, anymore. Deer are a "fringe of the forest" animal, and since a good part of the northeast was basically all forest 500 years ago, there is more habitat for them, now than there was then. With the severely diminished numbers of wolves and cougars, their primary predators, their numbers are skyrocketing, leading to many of the diseases, like Chronic Wasting Disease, being spread, rapidly. Apparently, many people would rather have deers dying of disease or plastered to their front bumpers than let a hunter shoot one. Rant ended, please move along!

08-12-2013, 05:58 PM
Good one, Bob. I knew you'd come through. I knew it was in Chicago, but couldn't remember the name of the show- old age, I guess

08-12-2013, 07:57 PM

Bob, you never cease to amaze me how you find this stuff!:bowdown::bowdown:

Bob Denman
08-12-2013, 08:11 PM
The Missus would tell you that I need to work harder... ;)
Hill Street Blues was actually a favorite of mine... :thumbup:

08-12-2013, 08:35 PM
Rant Alert! :banghead: I never understand the ban on hunting whitetails. They are the polar opposite of an endangered species, in fact, there are more in North America now, than when Columbus showed up . . . and in most areas, have few natural predators, anymore. Deer are a "fringe of the forest" animal, and since a good part of the northeast was basically all forest 500 years ago, there is more habitat for them, now than there was then. With the severely diminished numbers of wolves and cougars, their primary predators, their numbers are skyrocketing, leading to many of the diseases, like Chronic Wasting Disease, being spread, rapidly. Apparently, many people would rather have deers dying of disease or plastered to their front bumpers than let a hunter shoot one. Rant ended, please move along!

I agree with Hayfield...More deer here in Western Kentucky than when Daniel Boone was here!

I don't deer hunt, at least with a bow or gun....But I have killed a few with different vehicles over the past few decades....May not be the "politically correct" thing to say, but...Raise the limits on how many deer hunters can "harvest" each season and hopefully it will save a persons life by thinning out the deer population!

Bob Denman
08-13-2013, 07:29 AM
The deer populations are explosing for sure...
But what's also happening; is that their habitat is disappearing. :shocked:
The deep woods are all maturing, so there's nothing in there for them to eat.
So they move to the fringes, and rub up againt all of us! :shocked:

Deer are creatures of the fringe; but there used to be a lot more of it. Forest fires would regualarly toast a section of trees so that new growth could pop up and offer a source of food for all of the inhabitants...
Then we decided that it was better to put out the fires...
Their habitat is shrinking, and their numbers are growing... Can you spell "disaster"?? :gaah:

08-13-2013, 12:49 PM