View Full Version : BRP website issues

06-26-2008, 06:38 AM
Anybody else having this issue? I emailed BRP 3 times and never received an answer...I emailed again just now (don't know why I bothered).

I setup a club (Spyder Bikers) on their website and I can't administer it. I can't add photos, change the email address, setup events or nothing...nada....zip. Anyone know how to do this?

It surprises me to no end that they don't respond...I click the Contact Us link at the bottom left cornewr of their website page.

06-26-2008, 06:55 AM
Anybody else having this issue? I emailed BRP 3 times and never received an answer...I emailed again just now (don't know why I bothered).

I setup a club (Spyder Bikers) on their website and I can't administer it. I can't add photos, change the email address, setup events or nothing...nada....zip. Anyone know how to do this?

It surprises me to no end that they don't respond...I click the Contact Us link at the bottom left cornewr of their website page.

You're doing better than I am. I can't even sign on to their site. They say I am registered, but not authenticated. Never sent an authentication email, though. As a result, I couldn't join the SpyderLovers club or any others. My emails have also gone unanswered. "Contact the Spyder Team" seems to have the same kind of wait that the Spyders and parts do. We had better not hold our breath. BRP unfortunately seems to big for their britches. They have created this great toy, lots of neat associated things like SpyderRyders, then haven't the resources to produce or administer them at the probably unforeseen levels they have achieved.

06-26-2008, 07:11 AM
The word I heard at the factory is that they will be making some big changes to the site soon that will allow us to do those things and then some, like emailing the members in our club when we have a group ride or event.

06-26-2008, 09:35 AM
Anybody else having this issue? I emailed BRP 3 times and never received an answer...I emailed again just now (don't know why I bothered).

I setup a club (Spyder Bikers) on their website and I can't administer it. I can't add photos, change the email address, setup events or nothing...nada....zip. Anyone know how to do this?

It surprises me to no end that they don't respond...I click the Contact Us link at the bottom left cornewr of their website page.

I have a club set up too. I brought it to their attention that we have no way to contact our members or even get their email addresses. I was informed that they are working on ways to help us administrate the club site but I do not have a time frame. As for events, if you start a new event, you can link it to your club when you make the event. I even had them link an even to my club for me that was planned before the clubs came out and they did take care of that. If there is some information you want to have changed or a photo change all you can do for now is send the info to the spyderteam and ask them to change it for you. It may take a while but they will do it, at least they did for me. Good Luck.

06-26-2008, 03:42 PM
I can't even get in it to change my status to "owner" but somehow it did and I have no clue how. Can't do anything much though in there. Sort of boring - all you can do is look at the pics posted which I love but there's no forums but who needs those when we have Spyderlovers.com :doorag:

06-26-2008, 03:46 PM
Last time I went there, I couldn't post pictures. Really, I think I've only been there maybe 10 times ever. Not much to do.