View Full Version : Does the President of BRP know about your "serious" Spyder problem(s)

08-01-2013, 06:12 PM
I don't own a Spyder -- almost bought one & then chickened out because of on-going engineering issues. However, I think they are a neat machine.

After reading your forum's about folks who just love their Spyder but are faced with chronic problems, I feel compelled to suggest that you circle the wagons & fight for resolution.

There are three common sayings when evaluating issues (problems) with anything made by a human being:

Safety is not an option
Quality has no substitutes
You eat an elephant one bite at a time

So, if you're having an ongoing SAFETY problem with your Spyder, safety is NOT an option. It must be fixed from the top down!

If QUALITY (from the factory) is missing, don't expect your dealer to re-engineer your machine. It must also be fixed from the top down!

Now, here comes the elephant that you're about to eat. That is, you are going to take the first bite by notifying someone who can help you with your problem. i.e. You must write (no emails) to top management in BRP via registered mail with return receipt & explain your issue(s).

Hopefully a future Spyder owner!


Bob Denman
08-01-2013, 06:20 PM
They are aware, and they do watch these forums...:thumbup:
The tech support lines are well-documented in here; I've used them myself...
I don't think that there's a real need to be "Storming the Bastille" just yet; they find and fix them just like everybody else with a fancy widget that goes wonkers once in a while...
Can't wait to see your pictures when you get your :spyder: :2thumbs:

08-01-2013, 06:31 PM
Hi UncleDave,

Am curious which model you're considering and what the key issue were that influenced your decision?

I do agree in principle with what you're saying. Our collective voice as a Spyder community is incredibly strong and influential... May not seem like it but I'm sure BRP really does pay attention to what's said here.

The more we demand quality and utmost safety, the more they'll listen. Any competitive position held by any company (in any industry) is a fragile thing, and understanding what the customer wants, and then delivering it faithfully is the only way to protect the bottom line and sustain the company's existence.



08-01-2013, 06:40 PM

Bob Ledford
08-01-2013, 06:43 PM
Uncle Dave has a valid point. However with a global company the size of BRP to assume a the President or CEO gets his mail directly from the mail room is ludicrous It is a good starting point and he might accidentally get to read it but I would be willing to bet his Executive Assistant will sçreen it and reroute it first..

Then again he could be a real hands on type of guy too!

08-01-2013, 06:51 PM
I have no serious problems. I had one of the first GS and RT. Minor stuff, yes, but most of the people do not have serious problems.


08-01-2013, 06:54 PM
Hi UncleDave,

Am curious which model you're considering and what the key issue were that influenced your decision?

I do agree in principle with what you're saying. Our collective voice as a Spyder community is incredibly strong and influential... May not seem like it but I'm sure BRP really does pay attention to what's said here.

The more we demand quality and utmost safety, the more they'll listen. Any competitive position held by any company (in any industry) is a fragile thing, and understanding what the customer wants, and then delivering it faithfully is the only way to protect the bottom line and sustain the company's existence.


I almost bought a 2013, RTS SE5.

Issues that concerned me: Faulty ball joints (& possibly shocks) that got into the field (customers hands), front alignment & related tire wear, overheating & potential long term clutch wear.

08-01-2013, 07:18 PM

08-01-2013, 07:24 PM
We do speak up..problem is when folks use this site to evaluate the roadster they feel it has to many problems. But then do you go to the doctors office looking for a healthy date..?? Most of the people there are sick and looking for help. Those looking for enhancements are like those looking for farkels here. This site deals with a small portion of the roadsters out there and mostly to help them with problems that like most mechanical objects arise. As you can see this site has well over 10,0000 members but only a small portion of constant posters. Most are reading and their spyders are fine so have nothing to say some don't have one. Jmo....!!

08-01-2013, 07:25 PM
UncleDave you certainly have a right to voice your opinion in this forum.

Come back when you own one and tell us all how we are supposed to deal with BRP.

I went back and read all his posts. He was going to buy but had "trepiditions". Thirty-seven nice people from SL gave him encouraging information.

Today's post said he chickened out on making the purchase.

Now the letter about how to get BRP's attention for all the "problems" that are happening?

Do we cue the music for Rawhide? (trollin, trollin, trollin,)--or do we wait a little? :roflblack:

08-01-2013, 07:26 PM
I almost bought a 2013, RTS SE5.

Issues that concerned me: Faulty ball joints (& possibly shocks) that got into the field (customers hands), front alignment & related tire wear, overheating & potential long term clutch wear.

The ball joints and shocks have both been addressed. If they haven't been replaced on someone's 2013 already, they simply need to make an appointment and get them replaced. When I bought mine, the ball joint was already fixed. During my next service, they will replace the shocks.

That being said, even with the MINOR sway of the front tires, it's still a great ride. Basically, it just feels like its out of alignment a little.

Point is, BRP was made aware of those issues and resolves them.

08-01-2013, 07:32 PM
Maybe UncleDave should write to the Biggies at BRP on why he didn't purchase?

J. D.

08-01-2013, 07:43 PM
Yeah I think so too.
Wasn't there another Dave who went on to GoldWing Heaven?

Naw ..... couldn't be the same after all you can have only one email address.

Could be. Stranger things have happened. :roflblack:

08-01-2013, 08:13 PM

I can appreciate your concerns but the amount of these bikes that are produce v/s the amount of serious problems that are so very minimal. Everything that I saw never influenced me to change my mind and would be better to ask people that have them and their experiences with there bikes, instead of the couple reported incidents.

08-01-2013, 08:19 PM
Are we still feeding him?

08-01-2013, 08:22 PM
I personally haven't had any major issues with my 09 RS, but with any new vehicle on the market, there will be bugs in the system. And it's that reason I NEVER buy a first year addition of anything.

On this basis, there is a reason Spyder have seemed to have so many issues per capita, and that's because of the first year additions.
07/08 - RS
10 - RT
13 - ST

so yes, there are going to be those who have problems every couple years...for this basic reason. Other times, it's just unlucky, and they pick a lemon.

Bob Denman
08-01-2013, 08:28 PM

08-01-2013, 08:29 PM
:bdh:x 1000

08-01-2013, 08:45 PM

08-01-2013, 09:31 PM
Need some of that !

Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2


08-01-2013, 09:44 PM
Uncledave what do you ride now?, just curious, and your post are just your concern and not affecting most of us.

08-01-2013, 09:47 PM
Naw ..... couldn't be the same after all you can have only one email address.

I have three e-mail addresses. Though only one on this site.

08-01-2013, 10:19 PM
UncleDave you certainly have a right to voice your opinion in this forum.

Come back when you own one and tell us all how we are supposed to deal with BRP.

Dan McNally
08-01-2013, 10:30 PM
Uncle Dave has a valid point. However with a global company the size of BRP to assume a the President or CEO gets his mail directly from the mail room is ludicrous It is a good starting point and he might accidentally get to read it but I would be willing to bet his Executive Assistant will sçreen it and reroute it first..

Then again he could be a real hands on type of guy too!

Is BRP bigger than Ford Motor Company was in 1969? I bought a 1969 Mercury Montego in Little Rock, AR, when I was an E-4 in the Air Force. On my way home from the dealership, my brakes failed . . . on a new car with 4 miles on the odometer when I left the dealers. I had it towed to the dealer and they fixed the brakes (a wheel cylinder had failed.) I drove back home, and the next day, took the car to get inspected on base (in those days you had to pass a base inspection to drive a car on base) . . . and when the guy reached for the windshield wiper, the switch came apart in his hand! They failed the inspection and I had to remove the car from the base, immediately. I went back to the dealer and they told me they had to order a part . . . would be a few weeks, and I lost it. I pointed to a dozen new cars in the lot, the same model as mine, and said I wasn't leaving until they pulled the part off one of those cars . . . they did. A month later, while traveling home from leave, on a Sunday morning, miles from nowhere, an inner wheel bearing burned out! When I arrived at the dealership, the following week with the bad bearing and a bill from a gas station in Tennessee, they refused to reimburse me. I went home and wrote a letter to "The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Ford Motor Company", and mailed it, registered mail. Three days later, I received a telegram from Henry Ford II, followed a couple days later with a letter that said exactly what the telegram said. I also had a knock on the door the same day the telegram arrived. It was the salesman who sold me the car, the guy who owned the franchise, and the head of the service department. They were driving a new Lincoln, and asked if they could trade cars with me, until they had the time to thoroughly inspect my car and repair it. They also paid me cash for the wheel bearing. For the rest of the time I was stationed at Little Rock, the dealership would send someone to my home to pick up my car when it needed servicing, and they would have a loaner for me to use. The service manager told me that the franchise owner got an irate call from Henry Ford II the day Mr. Ford got my letter, telling him to make my problems good, and that if I ever complained again, he would lose his franchise! This shocked the heck out of me when it happened . . . but it shows that going to the top sometimes works!

08-02-2013, 12:36 AM
Some situations are just plain difficult....

This guy better hope that his shirt sleeves are right because his front fender sure isn't! :yikes:

The moral here is... Don't buy a Kawasaki!


Bob Denman
08-02-2013, 06:34 AM
I'm thinking that he's got a "Daveling" in the family by last last name of "Nur"... :gaah:
Let him go get his HondaZukakidsonsonory and play in somebody else's back yard!