View Full Version : How the Owners event influenced my Goldwing friend

06-20-2013, 02:09 AM
I have a friend Herb from Tennessee.For the past 4 years each Summer for 3 weeks at a time we have made long trips on our Goldwings and have ridden all around the US and Canada.
After our ride last Summer I decided to trade my Wing for a 2012 Spyder RT Limited.Herb thought I had totally lost my mind.
We have not seen each other since our Goldwing trip last year nor had Herb seen my RT although he has seen them on the road.This year we arranged to meet at the Owners Event and then do a weeks ride after.Me on The Spyder and him on the Wing.Last Friday lunchtime Herb arrives in Maggie Valley with 800 Spyders running around.At dinner Friday with other Spyder owners the conversation gets round to Herb trading his Wing for a Spyder.Seeing Spyders all over the place and chatting with owners has mellowed him.Saturday morning we ryde together him behind to Lamont's BBQ.He cannot believe how I am taking the bends on the RT.At Lamont's he tells me he has decided to go ahead and get one and can we do it whilst on the trip.We call a couple of dealers in the Knoxville area and get quotes.OK but nothing special so we continue on our trip.
Sunday we had a great ryde to Roanoke VA but the dealer in the area did not want to take the Goldwing in trade.The trip continues Monday Roanoke to Williamsburg VA.That night on my IPad we find 2 dealers in the area so Tuesday morning we wind up at a dealer in Chesapeake VA exactly on the route we had pre planned.A great smaller dealer specializing in Spyders.We discuss all the merits of a good dealer putting the Spyder together which eliminates problems down the line.We talk about the recall on the ball joints etc on the 2013.David the owner of All Out Cycles cuts Herb a great deal on a brand new 2013 black RT.He lets me take it for a run on the interstate.The bike runs great.I can compare it to mine with Elka's and sway bar.
By 1 PM we are on our way continuing our trip to The Outer Banks.Now we are 2Rt's.We spend Tuesday night at Kitty Hawke. The evening is spent discussing and going over the RT.Yesterday we ryde to Morehead city.Again discussing every aspect of the bike.
Herb absolutely loves his RT.We have done 300 miles of riding.In the morning we head to Savannah 300 miles plus and on Friday split up Herb ryding his new RT 2013 black home to Tennessee and me to Florida.
What a great trip this turned out to be.

8 legs nz
06-20-2013, 02:19 AM
Grate read man well done :clap:

06-20-2013, 02:22 AM

06-20-2013, 03:26 AM
:2thumbs:Herb is very lucky to have a friend like you to spend the time to show him all the great aspects of owning a spyder & guiding him to a respectable dealership. If every new owner had an experience like this, we'd see a spyder explosion like we've never seen before!:firstplace:

06-20-2013, 04:06 AM
All Out Cycles is my dealer as well. I agree David and Mike (brothers) are super. Glad you had such a great experience on your ryde and with All Out Cycles!

06-20-2013, 05:02 AM
WOW another great story and super ending

This is what its all about!!

Friends helping Friends

06-20-2013, 05:32 AM
I didn't know that was you on the phone, but when you started making the calls to dealerships, you were right by Lamonts wifes sewing cabin, where Len & helpers were doing various installs, and Teddy & I had escaped inside our lil camper to get out of the sun and to eat our bar-b-q & we couldn't help but over hear your conversations with various dealers:rolleyes:

All the while, I'm thinking, is this guy for real? Out of the blue, on a Long road-trip and he's going to jump ship from his beloved Wing and go over to the Dark-Side of the Spyder just like that:shocked: Of course, we didn't know any of the backstory, but I was thinking WOW!!! Spyders musta made some kind of an influence in that guys life that he'd want to trade off so sporadically :doorag: Good for you and better for your friend ;)

Just curious, as much now as I was then, and I know he was crazy busy, but did you by chance talk with Len about any such dealings? :dontknow: I mean, he was right there in front of you and reputation and personal experience says he's one of the :firstplace:BEST SPYDER DEALERS:firstplace: in the NATION :bowdown:

Doesn't really matter much now anyways:dontknow: just curious.

:congrats: and :welcome: to your friend :clap: You did tell him to join SpyderLovers, right :2thumbs:

Ga Blue Knight
06-20-2013, 05:40 AM
That was a great write up, Ivor! I am happy for your friend and now you have anew "Spyder" riding buddy instead of that old "Goldwing" riding buddy! Enjoyed hanging out with you at the Comfort Inn, ride safe.

06-20-2013, 06:35 AM
:yikes: I enjoyed meeting Herb when we were at the motel, but never in the world did I suspect he'd jump ship. Glad he is taking to the Spyder like a duck to water. Enjoy your journey!

Bob Denman
06-20-2013, 06:49 AM
This is further proof that WE are the Ambassadors for this pasttime! :thumbup:
Tell Herb that he's going to have to stop by here next! ;)

06-20-2013, 11:39 AM
Great story. I too heard you on the phone trying to work a deal. Glad you got him onto a Spyder and hope he's happy with his choice!
Good job!

Cruzr Joe
06-20-2013, 11:46 AM

great news, tell Herb we are happy for him and to enjoy his new ride.

Cruzr Joe

06-20-2013, 12:11 PM
Another case of 'Spyder Bite'! Fortunately, the cure is a great deal of fun! :thumbup:

Some Guy
06-20-2013, 12:27 PM
Awesome!!! :yes:

06-20-2013, 12:35 PM
We're not becoming a cult or something are we?:shocked:


06-20-2013, 02:57 PM
Great to read your story and the very happy beginning of a new adventure. :congrats: on your new ryde. :2thumbs:

06-20-2013, 03:06 PM
:D Another one bytes the dust!!!! YAY!!!

06-20-2013, 04:08 PM
Ivor, that was very well written. I thought you were kidding me at Lamont's when you told me that he was coming over to the "good side" and getting a spyder. I really meant what I said to him when I thanked him for his service to our country. Herb has a very good friend in you. You are one class act, and I know the two of you had to have had a great time. I hope you make it back safely.


JJW SpyderRider
06-20-2013, 04:45 PM
We're not becoming a cult or something are we?:shocked:



06-20-2013, 04:58 PM
Really good write up. In the picture he looks already at home with it. Had we known you were this close we would have come to Morehead for a coffee or dinner. We're 2 hours west of Morehead.

06-20-2013, 07:55 PM
I didn't know that was you on the phone, but when you started making the calls to dealerships, you were right by Lamonts wifes sewing cabin, where Len & helpers were doing various installs, and Teddy & I had escaped inside our lil camper to get out of the sun and to eat our bar-b-q & we couldn't help but over hear your conversations with various dealers:rolleyes:

All the while, I'm thinking, is this guy for real? Out of the blue, on a Long road-trip and he's going to jump ship from his beloved Wing and go over to the Dark-Side of the Spyder just like that:shocked: Of course, we didn't know any of the backstory, but I was thinking WOW!!! Spyders musta made some kind of an influence in that guys life that he'd want to trade off so sporadically :doorag: Good for you and better for your friend ;)

Just curious, as much now as I was then, and I know he was crazy busy, but did you by chance talk with Len about any such dealings? :dontknow: I mean, he was right there in front of you and reputation and personal experience says he's one of the :firstplace:BEST SPYDER DEALERS:firstplace: in the NATION :bowdown:

Doesn't really matter much now anyways:dontknow: just curious.

:congrats: and :welcome: to your friend :clap: You did tell him to join SpyderLovers, right :2thumbs:In answer to your question why I did not talk with Len the simple reason was I had absolutely no idea he was there.
In any event Herb liked the idea of continuing our trip with him on a new Spyder and having most of the week to go over things on it.We simply lucked out.Tonight we are in Beaufort,South Carolina.He has done 600 miles on it,fast,slow in traffic,twistees ryding it like he has it for years.Contrary to some posts I have read here his 2013 has been running great.No problems.In the morning he heads home to Franklin TN and me to Florida.

optimus prime
06-20-2013, 09:00 PM
Friends are hard to come by. You have shown what a great friendship you have with Herb. May God bless you both. Hope to see you both next year at Lamont's BBQ.

D Sanno
06-20-2013, 09:06 PM
Great story. I wish my husband would seriously think about trading or selling his Honda 1300 VTX. He would absolutely love riding more than he does now. Great story.

06-20-2013, 09:39 PM
Ivor, it was great talking with you both at the OE, glad to have met your dad too:roflblack:
good to know you got your quota for the month on spyder conversions. Safe travels to you both.

06-20-2013, 09:47 PM
Good story with a happy ending. Have a safe trip home.

Ga Blue Knight
06-21-2013, 05:44 AM
Just think if every Spyderlover would set a goal of converting one two wheel biker or new rider to the Spyder. BRP would be out of stock for at least a year! Dealers would be overloaded with routine service and would have to hire more techs, we would have 22,000 members on Spyderlovers and local motorcycle shops would be demanding BUDS softwear from BRP!
Let's start a grassroots revolution!

06-21-2013, 02:11 PM
It was great seeing you again at the OE and meeting Herb. I talked with Herb at the OE and he mentioned how much he loved is Goldwing. I thought you were kidding when I saw you at Lamont's about Herb trading in his Goldwing for a Spyder. When we got to the hotel in Greeneville I realized you wasn't kidding when I saw you on the internet searching for a local dealer to get Herb a Spyder.

I'm glad that you were able to find Herb a Spyder and you guys had a great trip. I bet he was smiling all the way back home.:):):)