View Full Version : Proverbial obgiltory introduction.......

06-01-2013, 11:21 PM
Greetings one and all! I am Professir, and I have a keen desire for a sypder!

History- I have been on 2 wheels since 1967, and on HD Sportsters since 1980's. In 2007, I had open heart surgery, (3 "corrective" surgeries after, including neck fusion)....SO....my right arm, shoulder and neck are compromised. While I am still competent to pilot my Sporty currently, I foresee a day when I will require an additional wheel. Yes, I did ride (wrangle) a HD trike, and have had a eye on the Can Am Sypders for several years. SO, this past week I took a test ride on an RT, and I am gob-stopped! I believe over the next couple years, I will pay off my medical bills, trade in the sporty and get MyLady and I a proper touring Can Am!

Fast, smooth, handles very well, and something we could spend a LOT of time on! I enjoy long distance riding, (putting 800-1000 mile days on the Sporty on a regular basis) and MyLady and I have taken trips in the past, but between our age (58) and a bad car wreck for her several years ago, we are limited to about 30 miles together on the Sporty. HER reaction to the RT was...."NOW we can travel cross country on THAT!"

I believe my blessings in life continue! :)

So with a lengthy dissertation and a tip of the hat, greetings, and please set a plate for me.

Tx web rider
06-01-2013, 11:24 PM
sounds like you were bitten deeply and the venom has attacked your fun spot

my suggestion is get on the RT fast and ride and ride

welcome and enjoy you found a great forum here

06-01-2013, 11:28 PM
Sounds like you both have had your share of issues in life. Sorry for that though your attitudes seem healthy. Roadster would work nicely for you both and do hope you can be on one soon...good luck and stay well..!! :ohyea:

06-01-2013, 11:34 PM
Good luck with your finances, and getting the Spyder of your eye on the road!

06-01-2013, 11:58 PM

06-02-2013, 12:02 AM

06-02-2013, 04:02 AM
But I see a :spyder2: or :spyder2::spyder2: in your not to distant future...so says my crystal ball!!! You've been bitten and smitten and there is no turnin' back. :welcome:

06-02-2013, 05:34 AM
:welcome: to our "web"!

Ga Blue Knight
06-02-2013, 05:37 AM
Welcome to the forum. I am also a past Sporty rider (35 years) who made the switch first to an RS than later to the RT platform loved both but the RT better for the wife. How did you like the ride on the HD TriGlide compared to the Spyder?

06-02-2013, 07:33 AM
:welcome:...no more kickstands up ain't a bad deal at all :doorag:

Bob Denman
06-02-2013, 08:10 AM
Welcome to the Family! :thumbup: :yes::ohyea::yes:

06-02-2013, 09:12 AM
Greetings one and all! I am Professir, and I have a keen desire for a sypder!

History- I have been on 2 wheels since 1967, and on HD Sportsters since 1980's. In 2007, I had open heart surgery, (3 "corrective" surgeries after, including neck fusion)....SO....my right arm, shoulder and neck are compromised.[ While I am still competent to pilot my Sporty currently, I foresee a day when I will require an additional wheel. ]Yes, I did ride (wrangle) a HD trike, and have had a eye on the Can Am Sypders for several years. SO, this past week I took a test ride on an RT, and I am gob-stopped! I believe over the next couple years, I will pay off my medical bills, trade in the sporty and get MyLady and I a proper touring Can Am!

Fast, smooth, handles very well, and something we could spend a LOT of time on! I enjoy long distance riding, (putting 800-1000 mile days on the Sporty on a regular basis) and MyLady and I have taken trips in the past, but between our age (58) and a bad car wreck for her several years ago, we are limited to about 30 miles together on the Sporty. HER reaction to the RT was...."NOW we can travel cross country on THAT!"

I believe my blessings in life continue! :)

So with a lengthy dissertation and a tip of the hat, greetings, and please set a plate for me.

First, welcome to spyderdom and spyderlovers. I think you'll find that there are many of us who are still competent to ride 18 wheelers, two wheels, tanks, airplanes and such. However, for these many of us, we opted for a spyder not only for the uniqueness and fun, but for plain ole common sense.

I say this because I certainly can't run as fast as days earlier. I can't play golf as well. My eyesight certainly isn't as good (except in cases of admiring a nice looking woman). Hence, I made a decision that riding on three wheels was a logical choice. With that said it became a matter of deciding between conventional and something that looked fashionable, futuristic and logical when it came to balance and providing a secure ride. So here I am riding my second spyder and loving every second of it.

Jump on the train and enjoy yours too.


06-02-2013, 09:52 AM
Thank you for the warm welcome, and Chris, that train is LOUD and proud! :)

Blue- There really is tri-gilde was a SHOCK for me to ride. Having been on HD and ridden almost every model in the past 30 years, the trike was almost nothing of what I expected. As I mentioned, my right arm is compromised, so the muscle it took to wrestle that BIG bike around corners almost put me in the ditch the first round about. Of course with the Sporty, its a matter of laying on the throttle, a slight counter steer and the round about is in the mirror. With the trike, it demanded about car speed, and some serious leverage on the handle bars. The ride was typicial Ultra, as were the goodies on the bike, and the view from the pilot seat. My friend purchased the bike with Screaming Eagle (illegal) mufflers before even starting the bike up the first time, so it sounded like the usual HD with loud pipes. (THAT would get real old on a 1000 mile day!) I run bone stock on my sporty. I think the most shock was once things got up to highway speed. Here the difference between the RT and the Tri glide really shows. The RT layed into the grove, so to speak, and slipped down the road with minimal fuss and fan fair. The RT has substantially better wind control, thanks to the adjustable shield, and around the legs and feet the RT shined with excellent protection, and NO heat. Where as the Tri-glide, failed at all of these. The Tri had substantial wind noise and buffeting, large areas of my legs and feet that were exposed to the elements, the radio was almost usless and the bike required constant correction one way or another to keep up in the grove. Further, the handle bar lay out was confusing, not very intuitive, and while the tri controls felt more substantial, (I am not a large fan of the plastic paddle shifter on the SE5 RT YET) the fussing around dampened my enthusiasm to explore farther then the necessary controls. Storage goes to the RT as does the nature of the motors. (Yes, I have HD tattooed on my arm, and I am suggesting I enjoyed the rotary motor! :p) The typical big twin "fat pig" feel of the motor and its response were just not in the same league as the RT sporty sort of response. Which is why I pilot a Sportster. :)

SO, in conclusing, (by now many of you must have figured out, I am a retired preacher of 20 years lol) I found the RT experience luring, where as I could NOT get the tri-glide back to the owner fast enough. Even though I have waited many years for the opportunity to ride it, and had the owners blessing to drain the gas tank.

Hope this helps. :)


06-02-2013, 11:39 AM
Hi again Prof:

I knew you were a preacher when you said the following:

"I believe my blessings in life continue! :)

So with a lengthy dissertation and a tip of the hat, greetings, and please set a plate for me."

I feel the same as you. We are truly blessed.


06-02-2013, 01:47 PM
:welcome: Let this be the start of many miles of smiles...

Ga Blue Knight
06-02-2013, 03:14 PM
Thanks Prof for the very detailed first person account in the Triglide. It's pretty much what I though. Oh by the the way thenSpyder RT does not have a Rotary Engine! Which it did! It is a Rotax (I know you knew that) just could not help myself. You will find that out of the 10,000 wonderful members here 9,999 are a unique form of wise a$$!

06-02-2013, 04:10 PM
:welcome: from one Prof to another. :thumbup: