View Full Version : I love cats

Captain Fin
05-29-2013, 07:25 AM
I have a cat that loves to cuddle up and sleep on my Spyder at night while the Spyder is covered. I noticed three scratches in the paint from the cat climbing up the side under the cover to the seat. I have been unable to polish out the scratches as they are deep.
Does anyone know how to keep a cat off a Spyder?
I don't own a cat. The property at the resort has several feral cats that roam the property at night.

05-29-2013, 07:49 AM
get a watch dog to guard your spyder.

05-29-2013, 07:54 AM
I assume you are looking for a humane way and the only one I can think of is a live trap on the ground next to the Spyder with some cat food in it for bait.

There are also other ways to deal with the issue, but some people might not really like those options. :dontknow:

05-29-2013, 08:31 AM
I have a cat that loves to cuddle up and sleep on my Spyder at night while the Spyder is covered. I noticed three scratches in the paint from the cat climbing up the side under the cover to the seat. I have been unable to polish out the scratches as they are deep.
Does anyone know how to keep a cat off a Spyder?
I don't own a cat. The property at the resort has several feral cats that roam the property at night.

We own an outdoor cat and the spyder sits outside covered when not in use. I use a small amount of mothballs in a two margarine containers tucked into each A-arm opening. Seems to keep the cats off the spyder and also the mice from inside the spyder. When the spyder is in use I put the plastic lids back on the margarine containers to contain the smell. I do not put the covered containers in the frunk or storage compartments as they still smell when covered. Hope this helps

05-29-2013, 08:34 AM
A cover is a simple solution. I would never leave my spyder outside without one.

Some Guy
05-29-2013, 08:54 AM
Put some aluminum foil on the seat before you cover it. Cats hate that.

It's also good for keeping them off of counter tops.

Captain Fin
05-29-2013, 09:01 AM
We own an outdoor cat and the spyder sits outside covered when not in use. I use a small amount of mothballs in a two margarine containers tucked into each A-arm opening. Seems to keep the cats off the spyder and also the mice from inside the spyder. When the spyder is in use I put the plastic lids back on the margarine containers to contain the smell. I do not put the covered containers in the frunk or storage compartments as they still smell when covered. Hope this helps
I will give the moth balls a try. We also have a lot of coons and possum here, so a trap would also get those critters. We have a big population of enviro wackos here that also would go nuts over the traps as some of the rats here on on the endangered species list as they have ears like Mickey Mouse.
What would really be nice is a trap and permit to catch enviro wackos.;)

05-29-2013, 09:08 AM
I will give the moth balls a try. We also have a lot of coons and possum here, so a trap would also get those critters. We have a big population of enviro wackos here that also would go nuts over the traps as some of the rats here on on the endangered species list as they have ears like Mickey Mouse.
What would really be nice is a trap and permit to catch enviro wackos.;)


05-29-2013, 09:13 AM
I will give the moth balls a try. We also have a lot of coons and possum here, so a trap would also get those critters. We have a big population of enviro wackos here that also would go nuts over the traps as some of the rats here on on the endangered species list as they have ears like Mickey Mouse.
What would really be nice is a trap and permit to catch enviro wackos.;)

We have lots of enviro wakos here too. Right now its the whole provincial government and their wind turbines but that's whole other topic. I also use an electronic sonic mouse deterrent for indoor use and plug it in and tuck it up under the spyder where it will not get wet. I am not sure how it works for cats but it does help with the mothballs to keep the mice away.
I just bought an electronic device called mouse blocker to keep mice away but just have not installed it in the spyder. Here is a link to it http://www.mouseblocker.com/products-page/products/mouse-blocker

05-29-2013, 09:37 AM
A cover is a simple solution. I would never leave my spyder outside without one.
...scratches in the paint from the cat climbing up the side under the cover to the seat... :dontknow:

05-29-2013, 10:44 AM

Oops, read too fast didn't catch that. Sorry. I guess then I would suggest additional straps to make it harder for a cat or any other animal to fit under. A pain I know, but critters are always an issue outside. I have trouble with mice who love to eat my boat seats.

05-29-2013, 10:57 AM
Teddy had a couple of suggestions about your cat problem, but seeing as this IS a family forum, I told him to put his gun away, and go for a more humane solution :lecturef_smilie:

Seeing as your already using a cover, why not just place a couple simple little 'Mouse Traps' no bait even needed, on the seat under the cover. No one will be able to see them, along with the cat :shocked: til he sets one off :yikes: & it scares the :cus: out of him :mad: It won't be strong enough to really do any harm to a cat, and you may have to reset them a time or two, but I betcha, once bitten, kitty will be twice shy :2thumbs:

05-29-2013, 11:22 AM
Try to mark your territory, my dog used this technique and I did it too.

05-29-2013, 11:35 AM
As a cat lover (I have three) Cinnamon says hello as I type this :roflblack: I recommend the moth balls or, as in another post, some cayenne pepper as a humane way to solve the problem. Feral cats are a bit different and are hard to tame or correct to other ways.

Use whatever methods you want on the enviro wackos. I worked for an organization with them, and glad that I retired. :roflblack::roflblack:

Bob Denman
05-29-2013, 11:47 AM
This was mentioned in an earlier post about this problem...
keep some cardboard in your frunk that you can fold into a "Vee", and leave on your seat when the bike isn't in use...
(You might want to add some weight to the bottom so that they stay put...)
If there's no room to land; they won't jump! :thumbup:

05-29-2013, 11:57 AM
Try to mark your territory, my dog used this technique and I did it too.

This is actually a very good suggestion and one of the few things you can do that an animal would respond to. I don't think human pee would work but if you can find a dog that would be willing to contribute to the cause...

Animals are very territorial and know enough not to tread on a superior animal's territory. This is why they mark.

Bob Denman
05-29-2013, 11:58 AM
And if you do that around your grille; the neighbors will leave it alone as well! :shocked:

05-29-2013, 12:16 PM
Put a real sheep skin rug over it. Mine have avoided the sheep skin rug for over 3 years and they freak out if you try to put them on it.

05-29-2013, 12:28 PM
with the pepper. Have had problems with cats and this has worked well. I used black but cayanne should work as well.. Good luck and let us know what you try and how it works...:thumbup:

05-29-2013, 02:03 PM
There was a similar thread a little while back that I effectively killed with this suggestion. I've used this tip with great success:

This is cheap and simple: Get some of the plastic carpet protector. It comes on a big roll at Lowes or other home place. It has little points that keep it from sliding on the carpet. Put it pointy side up to keep kitty off. I used this for large potted plants and other places I don't want them. Works well.

You can get a long piece or two if needed and drape it across so it hangs down to the foot pegs.

05-29-2013, 02:09 PM
Put some aluminum foil on the seat before you cover it. Cats hate that.

It's also good for keeping them off of counter tops.

yepper foil!

05-29-2013, 02:16 PM
I concur with the foil....it's very effective...I love my cats...but they crossed when they sprayed my robe... the foil spread is what I used to set them up...Works perfectly and really confusues them...Don't know what to do but run...Kinda like back in the 60's where there's a video showing a guy running around with a folded piece of foil over his head to reflect the aliens weapons to bounce back, zero in on him...That's what Lamont needs to do in the other thread....Take a big piece of foil and hold it folded over your head....reflect those negative vides back to them....I'm starting to think that you're being singled out :)...They're noticing that the BBQ is getting bigger and bigger....Looking forward to seeing everybody.

05-29-2013, 02:16 PM
We use SSSCAT from Pet Safe. It is a motion sensor activated can of compressed air. We place it near our closed bedroom door at night to keep our cats from scratching at the door. Works great. Harmless and safe. Scares the bejeebers out of the cat. Check out www.petsafe.net (http://www.petsafe.net). Sold in Pet Smart stores. You could probably put it near the Spyder or on the seat.


05-29-2013, 02:24 PM
We use SSSCAT from Pet Safe. It is a motion sensor activated can of compressed air. We place it near our closed bedroom door at night to keep our cats from scratching at the door. Works great. Harmless and safe. Scares the bejeebers out of the cat. Check out www.petsafe.net (http://www.petsafe.net). Sold in Pet Smart stores. You could probably put it near the Spyder or on the seat.Thanks for the tip.....Sounds sensible to me....

05-29-2013, 02:25 PM
I've got a cat bypass on my Spyder...Does that mean that cats will just go to the next one they see??:joke:

05-29-2013, 03:25 PM
We use SSSCAT from Pet Safe. It is a motion sensor activated can of compressed air. We place it near our closed bedroom door at night to keep our cats from scratching at the door. Works great. Harmless and safe. Scares the bejeebers out of the cat. Check out www.petsafe.net (http://www.petsafe.net). Sold in Pet Smart stores. You could probably put it near the Spyder or on the seat.


Same thing I use. Works great!

05-29-2013, 03:34 PM
Try to mark your territory, my dog used this technique and I did it too.

A local guy has an 850 Norton (he bought it new) that marks it's territory everywhere it goes...:roflblack:


05-29-2013, 03:47 PM
Nortons have been known to do that. So do Harleys.

05-29-2013, 03:52 PM
Cats will not climb anything that is not secure. So try a sheet or towel that you connect around the seat with a bungee cord. If they start to climb and it begins to slip they will instinctually let go.

Captain Fin
05-31-2013, 05:38 AM
Thanks to everyone for all the great ideas. I like the moth balls, pepper and tin foil suggestions the best and will get those things in the works today. I will be unable to use a trap, as I may catch Mickey Mouse. I don't want to break one of those Federal Laws and be stuck here on the island wearing an ankle bracelet. I had the ankle bracelet salesman here in the breakfast room last week and he was telling me that bracelet business is going gang busters.:roflblack: