View Full Version : If you're going to Americade read this

05-30-2008, 07:26 PM

05-30-2008, 10:09 PM
:spyder:Got it thanks Lamont :cop:Will be on my best Behavior up there :bigthumbsup:Ride Safe

05-31-2008, 09:21 AM
I read this as nothing more then them going for the all mighty $$$$ and i think its a little pathetic that there going after just bikers.

05-31-2008, 09:31 AM
:agree: ::)

05-31-2008, 09:41 AM
What in the world does exhaust have to do with safety?! :dontknow:

I know they have a sound ordinance in Lake George so I assume they will be monitoring the decibel levels at the stop! I hope the Micron, Remus, etc. will pass?!

If I was going, I would most certainly try to route myself around that unconstitutional, illegal, unfair and just plain stupid stop!!

Good luck everyone.

05-31-2008, 09:56 AM
What in the world does exhaust have to do with safety?! :dontknow:

I know they have a sound ordinance in Lake George so I assume they will be monitoring the decibel levels at the stop! I hope the Micron, Remus, etc. will pass?!

If I was going, I would most certainly try to route myself around that unconstitutional, illegal, unfair and just plain stupid stop!!

Good luck everyone.

The way I see it I'm driving a Roadster so I see no reason to stop at a motorcycle check point. ;D :spyder:

05-31-2008, 10:04 AM

Group: Members
Posts: 5
Joined: 18-May 08
From: Saratoga Springs, NY
Member No.: 4,787
Your Ride: Spyder PE#3069

Hello everyone. I operate a golf driving range and miniature golf facility only 1/2 hour from Lake George.
I want to invite you all to stop in at my place on your way to Lake George for some free miniature golf and a get to know you (& me) session. Just show up on your Spyder and we will extend our hospitality to all those with you.

I am located on Route 9, 2 miles north of Northway (I-87) exit 13, in Saratoga Springs, next to the Weathervane restaurant.

Here is a mapquest link http://www.mapquest.com/maps/3376+Route+9+12866/

The phone # is 518-584-1912

05-31-2008, 10:14 AM
The way I see it I'm driving a Roadster so I see no reason to stop at a motorcycle check point. ;D :spyder:

That would be my thoughts. Let us know how it works out! It will be a good test for future activities like this - and the way things are going in our country (Deals Gap and Shady Valley in NC and challenges to motorcycles using HOV lanes in other states, etc., etc.) I'm sure there will be additional restrictions aimed specificlaly at motorcycles and motorcyclists!!

05-31-2008, 11:49 AM
"If I was going, I would most certainly try to route myself around that unconstitutional, illegal, unfair and just plain stupid stop!!"

:agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree:

We are supposed to have a constitutional right to travel unfettered.

The government needs to stop protecting us from ourselves!

05-31-2008, 12:00 PM
That would be my thoughts. Let us know how it works out!

Are you going to bail him out when he gets arrested? :joke:


05-31-2008, 05:43 PM
If they do their check by the books, they are supposed to allow a way out for those wishing to exit the highway and opt out of the check.

05-31-2008, 05:52 PM
If they do their check by the books, they are supposed to allow a way out for those wishing to exit the highway and opt out of the check.

What's the point of a check if they let people get off before checking them. I have been stopped many times by police when they were holding seat belt checks for cars. They never gave me a chance to opt out of those checks. Actually, I got several tickets from those checks. But I really don't know anything about motorcycle checks, since I never owned one before!


05-31-2008, 07:26 PM
Another nanny state hard at work

05-31-2008, 07:45 PM
Yep. It's really pathetic. Actually, it's like legalized theft in my opinion. Pulling people over that are driving perfectly fine, and giving them a ticket because they don't have a belt wrapped around them. :edit: I have paid more money out because of this, that it really get's under my skin. Now, whenever I see a cop, I quickly slap part of the starp over my left shoulder so it LOOKS like I have it on!


05-31-2008, 08:26 PM
Before I get in my car, I buckle the seatbelt to turn the chime thing off and then just sit on top of it. ;D

Star Cruiser
05-31-2008, 11:13 PM
Thanks for the Heads up Lamonster!
I'll be there AND on my best behaviour. I guess it is better to be safe and come back to tell y'all about the adventures in the Adirondacks. It is amazing how many motorcyclists do not have a motorcycle licence. IMO you should have to be tested to have the priviledge of riding.

06-01-2008, 01:33 AM
While I always wear my seatbelt in the car.... and helmet when on the bike(well.. I did do some backroads the other day without the helmet just to feel what it was like)..... I don't believe it should be the law for ADULTS.

I do it because it is safer and makes sense. I don't need the government being my safety net all the time!

Kids are a different story... because they are..well...... not adults.... and might have morons for parents.

Once you are 18 you should be able to make these choices.

Your insurance company can and should also charge you up the nose if you are one that doesn't wear a helmet or a seatbelt.

You always hear that motorcycle accidents cost so much money... and this would be much worse if they stop wearing helmets... because people will get injured worse, etc...

I disagree with this. If someone gets into an accident WITH a helmet on they have a better chance of living... but they could still end up on life support or paralized the rest of their life.

If they are not wearing a helmet.... chances are they won't have big medical bills..... just big funeral bills.

06-01-2008, 07:11 AM
While I always wear my seatbelt in the car.... and helmet when on the bike(well.. I did do some backroads the other day without the helmet just to feel what it was like)..... I don't believe it should be the law for ADULTS.

I do it because it is safer and makes sense. I don't need the government being my safety net all the time!

Kids are a different story... because they are..well...... not adults.... and might have morons for parents.

:agree: I wear a helmet also when I ride but I am glad that in my state (which is going the Nanny state way) - we should have the choice, not be mandated. I'm not a fan of seatbelts - I am very short and they choke me.

Magic Man
06-01-2008, 08:28 AM
I think personal safety should be a personal choice! However I ALWAYS wear a helmet on anything with a motor outside of a car or lawn mower.

I just think if we allow the Gov. to tell us what is good for us and what is not about this, I fear someday they'll be telling us what to eat because it could hurt us too. Or how about lock people up who don't use condoms, or no more motor sports because we could get hurt doing them as well. Where will it stop? Where will that line of involvement in our personal lives by the Gov stop? In 1960 people would have thought you nuts if you said someday the Gov will make you wear a seat belt in your car, or wear a helmet on a bike. Yet here these, and a long list of other "save us from ourselves" laws are today.

I fully agree that kids need to be protected from stupid parents and their own youth 100%! I also understand that when it comes to adults there will always be some morons out there who might get hurt as well. But, for those adults that is just natures way of thinning the herd. Stupid animals, being them sheep, deer or even humans don't usually make it very long in nature, and for many good reasons. You can't regulate stupid! It just won't work without it slowly becoming a police state for the rest of us "normal" folks too.

So, wear your helmet because it will save you, and you're not stupid about the chance of your head not splitting open if it hits the curb at 30 mph. Wear it because you have things to live for and want to increase your chance of being here to do them. But, not because "Big Brother" knows what is good for you. Do it because [i]you know what is good for you!. But, if you're one of those "Supermen" out there who don't need a helmet because you can live through a 30 mph head impact, good luck with that too! It is your personal choice, choose wisely.

06-01-2008, 10:08 AM
What's the point of a check if they let people get off before checking them. I have been stopped many times by police when they were holding seat belt checks for cars. They never gave me a chance to opt out of those checks. Actually, I got several tickets from those checks. But I really don't know anything about motorcycle checks, since I never owned one before!


Well that's a good question. In Colorado, when DUI checks are done, you have to do put up a notice allowing drivers to leave the highway before they get to the checkpoint. It was a Supreme Court ruling that said all drivers have to be allowed a way out, just like we have to post that photo radar is being run and we have to give drivers a way out before they speed right past the cameras. This was a federal ruling and I see no reason why it would not apply to any checkpoint, but I am not an attorney...

06-01-2008, 11:08 AM
Right on MagicMan !

I know is sounds selfish... but you're right.... mankind no longer has a natural preditor... and the herd is not being thinned. Sometimes some bleach in the shallow end of the gene pool is just what is needed.... ;D

Idocracy in action.

The dumbing down of America....

Average # of kids being born to college graduates or professionals..... 1.8 children.

Average # of kids being born to non-professionals with lower education... 3.2 children.

Do the math... we are becoming dumber as a society in general.

We are dealing with the smoking bans in Michigan now. I don't smoke. I don't like to be near smoke.. and if a place is smoke-filled I just won't go there.

The choice to be smoking or non-smoking should be up to the individual BUSINESS OWNER.

I have no problem with government requiring non-smoking areas.... but an outright BAN is just wrong.

End of rant....

Ryde on!

06-01-2008, 11:23 AM
Well that's a good question. In Colorado, when DUI checks are done, you have to do put up a notice allowing drivers to leave the highway before they get to the checkpoint. It was a Supreme Court ruling that said all drivers have to be allowed a way out, just like we have to post that photo radar is being run and we have to give drivers a way out before they speed right past the cameras. This was a federal ruling and I see no reason why it would not apply to any checkpoint, but I am not an attorney...

Wow. That's news to me. I can just go by my personal experience. I was never given a "heads-up" on a checkpoint being ahead. I would always just be driving my car, and then suddenly see a cop pointing at me to pull over because he seen I was not wearing a seat belt. Actually, I have seen these same seat belt check points all over the place, and there was absolutely no indication that they were ahead, and there was sure no way to avoid them. But maybe seat belt check points are totally different than cycle points. I have no idea.


Star Cruiser
06-01-2008, 12:44 PM
I just think if we allow the Gov. to tell us what is good for us and what is not about this, I fear someday they'll be telling us what to eat because it could hurt us too. Or how about lock people up who don't use condoms, or no more motor sports because we could get hurt doing them as well. Where will it stop? Where will that line of involvement in our personal lives by the Gov stop? In 1960 people would have thought you nuts if you said someday the Gov will make you wear a seat belt in your car, or wear a helmet on a bike. Yet here these, and a long list of other "save us from ourselves" laws are today.

Sounds like we have strayed a little fromt he topic, but I think you have hit the nail on the head. I know people from the late 60's early 70's that had to move to Canada (I went to College with them) because they chose not to fight in Viet Nam. They thought it ironic that they were forced to fight, for freedom to choose. It was a great topic in Philosophy class :)

Sometimes we have to be "saved from ourselves". In Canada our PUBLIC HEALTHCARE pays a lot (from MY taxes) to keep those without seatbelts and helmets in the hospital. I would probably agree that they have the freedom to choose, if they didn't use MY money to get "fixed"
Just my 2¢ worth

06-01-2008, 12:47 PM
Last night the news in Albany, NY stated that 123 motorcycles were stopped and 48 tickets were issued.

06-01-2008, 03:42 PM
"In Canada our PUBLIC HEALTHCARE pays a lot (from MY taxes) to keep those without seatbelts and helmets in the hospital. I would probably agree that they have the freedom to choose, if they didn't use MY money to get "fixed"

We pay for them in America too.... with high insurance costs and medical bills.

In Michigan, not wearing a seatbelt is now a primary offense - which means they can pull you over if they visually see that you are not wearing one.

Checkpoints where they make you actually STOP are illegal in Michigan. When they do seatbelt checks in MI what they do is pick a 4-way stop and then have a cop sit in his car and watch the cars as they stop. They put up signs saying they are doing all this.

That is the loophole they have.

Won't work for checking BAC levels... because they would actually have to stop your car and run the tests on you.

We are losing our freedoms bit by bit.

06-01-2008, 08:27 PM
Well that's a good question. In Colorado, when DUI checks are done, you have to do put up a notice allowing drivers to leave the highway before they get to the checkpoint. It was a Supreme Court ruling that said all drivers have to be allowed a way out, just like we have to post that photo radar is being run and we have to give drivers a way out before they speed right past the cameras. This was a federal ruling and I see no reason why it would not apply to any checkpoint, but I am not an attorney...

Wow - Colorado is a kewl state to live in! I gotta move there.

06-01-2008, 08:32 PM
Sounds like we have strayed a little fromt he topic, but I think you have hit the nail on the head. I know people from the late 60's early 70's that had to move to Canada (I went to College with them) because they chose not to fight in Viet Nam. They thought it ironic that they were forced to fight, for freedom to choose. It was a great topic in Philosophy class :)

Sometimes we have to be "saved from ourselves". In Canada our PUBLIC HEALTHCARE pays a lot (from MY taxes) to keep those without seatbelts and helmets in the hospital. I would probably agree that they have the freedom to choose, if they didn't use MY money to get "fixed"
Just my 2¢ worth

Yeah, we pay high insurance because of that. Don't get me wrong - I'm not wreckless but seatbelts literally CHOKE me. I always wear a helmet when I ride. but the thing is - I want CHOICE. I don't want to be told what to do and unfortunately, Connecticut is becoming more of a nanny state then I would like. I gotta stay here though because I work for a decent company that affords me to pay my bills.... for now.

I just think that Government is becoming too much Big Brother - and I'm so sicked and tired of the Big Brother and everyone trying to one up the other on political correctness. We're turning into Sheeple folks.

Star Cruiser
06-02-2008, 03:12 PM
OK Back on Topic.....
I AM going to Americade and I will be doing a DEMO on the SE5.....

Kind of sucks that I can't ride the M5 to compare (the left leg is the prosthetic side) but WWhhoooooo WWhhoooo! I am going to be riding AGAIN in a couple of days!