View Full Version : Start of day three.. See what adventures are waiting!!!

04-17-2013, 07:29 AM
When I arrived at Kingman Arizona last night I discovered that my Verizon buddy who keeps saying can you hear me now doesn't work in Kingsmen Arizona!
So instead of writing my diary I went to bed got up walked the couple blocks to McDonald's having a great cup of coffee as I transmit this to you.
Yesterday was a whole bunch of little that's a little of everything I had a little blue sky little rain little wind little snow little sleet a little fog and A whole bunch of empty ground as I traveled 93 and 318 was able to get off the freeway's. Even though ma nature through everything at me she could think of the roads were bare wet once in a while but basically bare. Although Ms. Spyder is beyond needing to have a bath. When the sun finally comes up I will load up got my oil and everything checked last night when I got in.. gave her a drink she does like a little oil every thousand miles Such a great machine to ryde. I will head east on 40 running until I get tired.
Hope you all have a wonderful day.
God's blessings

04-17-2013, 09:33 AM
...and God's richest blessings on you as you travel!

04-17-2013, 10:04 AM
enjoy! sounds fun!

04-17-2013, 10:31 AM
Have fun on the southern ride, will miss you this year at SpyderFest. Ride safe, our group are a day back from you to day, see ya soon ride safe today and every day...

04-17-2013, 10:33 AM
a morning after..maybe this will be the bright sunny day..good luck be safe..!!:ohyea:

04-17-2013, 10:54 AM
I'm enjoying your posts and staying up with your trip. Ride safe and have fun. :2thumbs: Cotton

04-17-2013, 01:19 PM
Okay Murph, you've got me hooked on reading you posts. It's the first thing I look for in the mornings. I can hear it now while on the road to Spyderfest. "Oh, no. We can't leave yet! I've got to read Murph's post!" So if I'm late getting there, it's your fault. LOL. :yes:

04-17-2013, 01:21 PM
Okay Murph, you've got me hooked on reading you posts. It's the first thing I look for in the mornings. I can hear it now while on the road to Spyderfest. "Oh, no. We can't leave yet! I've got to read Murph's post!" So if I'm late getting there, it's your fault. LOL. :yes:

Me Too! Keep the posts coming and enjoy the ryde. :2thumbs: