View Full Version : regarding Spyderfest local rides

04-07-2013, 12:31 PM
Is it possible to have the planned local ride routes posted ahead of time so I could have time here at home, before the event, to plan them in the GPS? I am no fan of trying to read directions while riding (not very safe) and designing/loading routes at the event would be problematic at best!

Just asking!

04-07-2013, 12:36 PM
Depending on the day you arrive, you could register, get your packet, and plan the routes that night.

04-07-2013, 01:37 PM
That is a great idea. Especially for us that won't be there early to get our package.

04-07-2013, 03:48 PM
I will be getting there on Monday but I have things I would rather be doing other than sitting at a computer with a nav in hand! I do think that if the rides are already planned, there probably wouldnt be any reason not to release them ahead of time. Nobody is going to "steal" the ride!

04-09-2013, 04:15 PM

Desert Spyder
04-09-2013, 04:35 PM
I will be getting there on Monday but I have things I would rather be doing other than sitting at a computer with a nav in hand! I do think that if the rides are already planned, there probably wouldnt be any reason not to release them ahead of time. Nobody is going to "steal" the ride!

Which rydes? The group or the passport runs?

04-09-2013, 04:57 PM
The group rides are below (hope I didn't miss one), the passport run is on your own.

As said before, the routes will be in your packet.
At Spyderfest, you never know what's going to happen. :yes:

http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/images/icons/icon1.png Eureka Springs and Christ of the Ozarks ride @ SpyderFest!!
The Eureka Springs and Christ of the Ozarks ride is for Friday, April 26! :clap:
This is going to be a popular ride with a beautiful route starting at Duck stadium, at 10AM Friday morning.
Bring a camera for the spring wildflowers that should be poking their heads out, and for the town of Eureka Springs itself.
Eureka Springs is a unique town on the National Register of Historic Places, with lots of local attractions. While in Eureka Springs we’ll be visiting the Christ of the Ozarks statue, and somewhere along the line we’ll be making a fuel stop and a lunch stop, :bbq: since the round-trip length of the ride is 155 miles, give or take.
There will be more info and details coming, so keep your eye out for updates! If you’re interested in this ryde, please give us a heads-up by replying to this post! If you post that you’re interested, but change your mind, we won’t hold it against you – really! nojoke Just trying to get an idea of Spyder/Ryder counts for planning!


Can hardly wait for SpyderFest to get here!!

(tick, tick, tick....Is it SpyderFest yet??...tick, tick, tick.....):2excited:

http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/images/icons/icon1.png Vet and Venture Ryde @ Spyderfest
The "Vet and Venture Ryde" is scheduled for Thursday April 25. It will leave from Duck Park in Ozark, MO at 10:00am. The ryde is about 110 miles weaving through small Ozark towns and the Ozark countryside. More information will follow (keep watching this thread), but here ar a few photos of sites along the route.http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=66018&d=1365424033&thumb=1 (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=66018&d=1365424634)http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=66019&d=1365423993&thumb=1 (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=66019&d=1365424634)http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=66020&d=1365423957&thumb=1 (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=66020&d=1365424634)http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=66021&d=1365423921&thumb=1 (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=66021&d=1365424634)
The Smallin Civil War Cave and the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame.
If you are interested in this ryde, be sure to show up with a full tank of fuel.

http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/images/icons/icon1.png EXCITED Spyderfest Ride Route Peel Ferry
OK Spyderlovers here is a 4 minute clip of some of the roads that we will be on during the Peel Ferry ride in Arkansas. I happen to find it on YouTube but what I am trying to show you is the roads, yes we will be taking a Ferry across the River and that will be exciting however, the roads are going to be a blast to ride. Actually the whole route is going to be pretty darn good.. I don't think theres a BAD ride that we are going to put on this year at all, they are well planned out and are going to be fun to ride. Just getting this information out there.. If you google Peel Ferry there is some more info out there.. Should be a lot of fun... Just a heads up though, there is no facility in and around the area to get lunch,, Hang on now, there will be lunch but it will be close to 2:00 - 2:30 before that happens, having said that there will be a gas stop so if you need a snack that will be the time to get it or just pack something light. I am putting this out for any of you that are in the same circumstance I am in, and thats diabetes and we know sometimes this can flare up.. Just saying... Ok folks hang on for the ride..

X Man

http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/images/icons/icon1.png Final Instructions for Spyderfest Twysted Systers Ladies Ryde
Ladies, below are instructions for our Ryde. Any updates will be included in this original first part of the thread. I can't tell you how excited Joanie and I are to have you join us for this ride. The ladies ryde is special to all of us. We will be safe, but have a great time.

Please be at Vendor Village by 8:30 a.m. We will have a ride briefing at 8:45 a.m. and pull out at 9:00 a.m. sharp!!

Have Gas Tanks full and topped of.
If needed we can stop for re-fueling after lunch
Normally I provide a copy of the ryde route to all, this year I am asking you to bring your copy from the Participant Packet if you want to have your own copy. (Not to worry.... no one will get lost or left behind)

Bring Rain gear. This includes ryders and passengers (last year we had rain on the return portion of our ride, and it was pretty cold)

Lunch stop: They will have a preplanned lunch for $7.00 each (If someone just cannot or does not want to do the below they can order from the menu). We just do not have the time for 55 or more ladies to order from the menu as we are on somewhat of a schedule.
Chicken Salad Sandwich